Sequel: Beautiful Hearts
Status: Anyone who wants to help me write this can, just tell me. Via: Comments, inbox, and/or profile. Comments are loved! =D Please?

Beautiful World

I Have A Bullet Proof Heart

"Hold your heart into this darkness, will it ever be the light to shine you out?" I sang along, while listening to my iPod. It was quite a nice day. I was in that swing I insisted on having in front of my house. I loved that thing.

"You should be a singer!" William said, plainly. I shrieked.

"Make more noise when you walk!"

"That's not the point. Did you just give up on Jess?"

"Yup. I was going to dump her anyway!"


"I thought about it. I'm better off without."

"What the fuck....Why?"

"Like I said."

"And you're not even sad?"

"Nope. I'm bulletproof."

"You're probably dying on the inside."

"Not as much as you would think!"

"You're weird."

"Whatever. Are you going to do anything about Jess?"

"Yes, I was thinking about talking some sense into her."

"Well good luck with that. And call me. We should chill sometime."

"Sure dude."


Jess' POV

It had been a while. We...fucked a lot. I love Kaiya so much. But something about Darren...Something in the back of my mind is telling me that I know him somewhere. It really irks me. But that's in the past. I'm gaining weight. I would lose it, if I didn't feel so god awful. And then today some chick named Popuri came and told me that We are best friends. What a lie. Halfway through our conversation, I through up. So Kaiya decided to take me to the doctor.
He said I was pregnant. What? Why? I just figured it was from the head trauma, but no. He thought that, until Kaiya said that we had unprotected sex. Fuckers. Kaiya says that and it seemingly rubbed on to me. I love him to the point of obsession. Too much.


Kaiya's POV

I've stolen her fair and square. My brother seems to have resigned to being on that stupid swing and listening to the used. Neither of us have to work, our inheritance was huge. Something compelled Darren to work though, he only recently quite his job as a carpenter. It's William that I worry about. Before Darren stopped pleating to Jess, she seemed to almost remember him. I just hope that William won't revive her mind. He visits to much. Take a couple days ago for instance:

He came knocking on the door. As usual, Jess opened it.
"Hello. Do I know you from somewhere?"

"Yeah, I built this house."

"Lies! Kaiya did."

"Are you pregnant?"


"Are you sure that's Kaiya's child?"

"He's the only person I've slept with."

"I doubt that."

"Do you think I'm a slut?" She said just before I arrived.

"Hey! Jess isn't a slut! Leave her alone!" I exclaimed before slamming the door in Williams face.
So much for that sucker.
♠ ♠ ♠
<3 Darren