Sequel: Beautiful Hearts
Status: Anyone who wants to help me write this can, just tell me. Via: Comments, inbox, and/or profile. Comments are loved! =D Please?

Beautiful World


I lay there, half asleep, half waiting for news. On my brother. Anything. Jess has been worried too, pacing up and down and up and down. It was tiresome to watch. But she wouldn't understand anyway, she never had a sibling who's shot her, never felt as much pain as I had. She's young at heart, much younger then me. Our birthdays are six days apart, and she might as well be three years younger with all of the experience she has. Kaiya had jumped when no one was there, that crafty bastard. Ember found him, practically dead. Jess loved him more then she let on.

"You know you can be with him if you want to."

"You've said that multiple times. We're engaged Darren, what more proof do you need?" Jess snapped. I decided to resume my half asleep mode.

"I'm sorry. I'm just worried. You now I love you more then him!" She said, after a few minutes.

"I just.."

"Get the vibes the I love him more then you?"

I hesitated for a moment. "Yes."

"I couldn't. He's used me and he always sleeps after having orgasm."

I snorted. "Jeez, well okay then."

She slipped into bed next to me. "You don't do that. It's a welcome change."

"It's built into our genetics to do that."

"Well, at least you try."

"Do we need to have this conversation?"

"Yes, it's comforting."

I wrapped my arm around her. "You're right."

I felt her muscles tense up when I put my other hand around her. "Darren..."

"Jess, you need to relax."

"Don't use me."

"I'm not! I'm not even trying to do...that."


'I rubbed her back a bit. "Jess, please relax. It will help a million."

"She smiled and inched closer to me. "I hope so."



Darren wrapped his arms around me. It was tempting to do shit with him. Damn tempting.

"Jess you're tensing up again."

"Then cut it out!"

"You're fault."

"I think it's both of ours."

I leaned into his face. Now he was tensing up. I stroked his side.

"Now you calm down." I said, pulling of his A7X shirt, before pulling off my own tank top.

"Jess...stop! I can't do this while my brother is in the hospital!"

"You can and will."

“No! All I wanted was to make you happy!”

“That’s what you’re going to do.”

“What if news about my brother comes?”

“Then we take a break.”

“Well, it could cause premature birth!”

“Good, then I won’t be pregnant any longer!”

“What if it hurts the baby?”

“It doesn’t. There’s no way you’re going to lose this argument.”


Silently screaming, I unbuttoned his pants. He was getting into it, wanting to fuck more then he let on. He pulled off my clothes, his touch causing me to twitch. Darren kicked away the blankets, and lay on his back, only to see something. I whirled around to find WillWill standing in the doorway.


“William!” I snarled. “When you knock and someone doesn’t answer, you shouldn’t wander around they’re house. And if you hear noise coming from they’re room, you shouldn’t go in there!”

“I’m so sorry!” WillWill said before running away. After I heard the door close, I wrapped a blanket around me then ran downstairs and locked the door, then ran back and lay next to Darren.

“I got you riled up didn’t I?” I asked as he twitched around a bit.

“Fuck yes.”

“Do it.”


Several hours later, I lay with Darren’s arms around me, and my face in his chest. I was being rather cliche, ranting about how I wanted to name the child Amber. Darren would just agree with me, he seemed to be lost in his own little world.

“It’s your brother isn’t it?”


I hugged him tight. “Don’t be said, he’ll be alright.”

“I can only hope so. It’s getting late, I’m going to sleep.” He said before nodding off.

I smiled and put my head on his shoulder. Pshyea.
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~It's sorta pervy. Deal.~