Sequel: Beautiful Hearts
Status: Anyone who wants to help me write this can, just tell me. Via: Comments, inbox, and/or profile. Comments are loved! =D Please?

Beautiful World

I Con't Be Comforted

Darren's house was kind of plain, white with black shudders. I think he once told me that it's old. Whatever. I heard some ruffling around, then he opened up. He had been crying too. Several seconds later, Jess appeared too. She practically lives here. Actually I think she's selling her house. That's just my guess.

"Um are you just going to stand here and think?" Darren said.

"You schlops need to get yourselves together." I stated. What a losers they could all be sometimes.

"I'm...I'm sorry." was Jess.

"Me too. Come in." Darren. (Obviously)

I stepped in, then followed Darren into the living room. Jess went to go get water.

"So what brings you here?" Darren said.

"You need to come with me! It's WillWill he's gone completely insane!"

"Why? What's he doing?"

"Well at least you just cry a lot. He's watching videos of Kaiya!"

"That's creepy as hell!" Darren said, jumping up. "I'm going over there right now. Come on!"

"Wait for me!" Came Jess.


When we arrived at WillWill's, Darren went right in without knocking. Right up to that TV. He shut it off, then grabbed all of the photos WillWill had left out. Will just sat there speechless.

"I'm his fucking twin and I'm not this depressed! When was the last time you were outside?" Came Darren, rather blunt. Me and Jess silently agreed to stay out of it.

"A week ago."

"Get the fuck over it. I have and you can too." Darren grabbed WillWill by the collar and pulled him up.

"What..What the..."

"Come on you're getting changed." Darren said, pulling Will across the house, then up he stairs. I heard drawers, then "Get changed. Anything else and I'll sic Ember on you."

A door shut, then Darren came downstairs.

"Help me with these!" he said, grabbing the stack of DVD's and VCR tapes. Me and Jess grabbed the pictures, and together we marched right over to my house and dumped them in the trash. When we got back, WillWill was sitting on the couch, staring into space.

"WILLIAM!" Came Darren. For the millionth time.

WillWill jumped about three million feet. "Okay okay!" He followed Darren outside.

"Fuckers you are coming with me. We are going to eat in a restaurant. I hope that you are not so introverted that you forgot how to do that."

"I..I'm not."


Darren kind of toured WillWill around and made him feel stupid at every building we got too. Eventually we got to the church. Darren frowned upon religion. We all knew that. But Jess seemed to get giggly at the sight. I raised my eyebrow, and she waved a silver band with embedded emeralds. Good for her. If only WillWill would give me a ring....what the hell am I thinking? I can't love him! But maybe he needed someone loving him to get over Kaiya. Everyone new I had a major crush on Kaiya.

"Ember are you going to come with us or keep staring at..never mind!" Darren and Jess both ran giggling. Playing the match maker I see.

"Um hello."

"You too."

"Do we have too keep it in two word sentences?"

"Of course not." I said. WillWill moved closer. He really knows how to play a girl.

"Oh stop making me wait." I said, grabbing his waist. He grabbed my shoulders and we...made out.

"That's disrespectful to this house of Jesus!" Came an older voice. I whipped around to see some older fucker.

"What the hell do you want bitch?" I said. I was pissed at this old fucker for interrupting my time.

"I want you to get off these sacred grounds! The lord will frown on this wretched place!"

Me and WillWill exchanged glances. He wrapped his arm around me and we marched back to WillWill's house. An envelope was taped to the door. In it a paper read:

"Me and Darren went home. Love - Jess." Followed by a giant heart, taking up the entire page.
Oh well. Looks like I'll have to deal with WillWill.

What a shame.
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Awww <3 WillWIll needed SOMEONE.