Sequel: Beautiful Hearts
Status: Anyone who wants to help me write this can, just tell me. Via: Comments, inbox, and/or profile. Comments are loved! =D Please?

Beautiful World

The Neighbor.

As soon as I arrived at the house, I knew I was going to have fun. The sprawling fields, filled to the brim with millions of vegetables calmed me for some reason. The house was a quaint white rectangular farmhouse. It gave of an air of home. On the door was a note. "Look down! Thought you would appreciate these!" It read. I looked down only to find A plate of cookies. Silently thanking whoever made them, I grabbed the plate, and went in.
The inside was beautiful, with Bamboo flooring, and Grey-Blue walls. I ran down the hall, and opened the door to tahe bedroom. It had white carpeting, with beige walls, and A beautiful Blue bed. Just then, I heard a knock on the door. Running to get it, I tripped over my bags. I heard a snap as I fell, and I felt an intense pain shoot through my leg. "Help!" I cried out. I heard the door open, and footsteps come down he hall. I looked in the doorway and there stood Tim from the subway!

"So your my new neighbor, huh?" He said.

"Yeah, can you help me up?"

"Uh, yeah sorry." He said, blushing. I looked at him. I guess I didn't absorb his appearance before. He had A yellow V-neck, along with white jeans. His firetruck red hair brushed my face as he picked me up.
"Thank You!" I said. As soon as I let go of him I fell, luckily he caught me.

"I think you broke your leg there."

"Damn it! Is there a doctor around here?"

"Not unless you want to go to Oldale. We just rely on home remedies."

"But I can't live like this!"

"Chill out. I'm next door remember? I'm sure everyone will be eager to help you anyway."

"Alright. " I said. Tim helped me to my bed. I gave him a hug before He put me on.

"Thanks for saving me! Who knows how long I would have been here if you didn't come?"

"Ugh. . .I dunno." He said blushing again. I sat up.

"Don't worry I'm not stalking you! In the city, everyone hugged each other!"

"Oh. Only couples hug each other in public. But it wouldn't matter if you were stalking me. Don't tell anybody this. I'm gay."

"That's cool! Your secret is safe with me!"

"Well, I better be going."

"Yeah, I should get to sleep."

"Well, see you later!"

"GOODBYE!" I called as he walked out the door. I sighed, then pulled up the covers, and went to sleep.
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Yay! Happy face-ness =)