Sequel: Beautiful Hearts
Status: Anyone who wants to help me write this can, just tell me. Via: Comments, inbox, and/or profile. Comments are loved! =D Please?

Beautiful World

The Welcoming.

When I woke up the next morning, it was to a bright, sunny morning. I heard a knock on my door. Thinking back to the previous day, I carefully hopped to the door. I was careful not to put any pressure on my injured leg. I leaned against the wall as I opened the door. Outside, a young woman with pink hair and a pretty dress stood. She smiled brightly, "Hi! I'm Popuri!" she waved her arm, even though I was almost in front of her.

"I'm Jess," I blushed, this girl kind of reminded me of Jamie.

"I heard you were moving in, so me and my husband, Kai, decided to see how you were fitting in," I looked behind Popuri and saw Kai, a young man who wore a purple bandanna. He was cute, but not my style. What was my style? I didn't know. I thought that I was possibly not straight. Hopefully that was just a, a phase I was going through.

"I'm doing fine, thank you. How are you guys?" I replied politely.

"I'm good," Kai and Popuri replied at the same time.

"Oh, mostly everyone here is married. There are a couple single men here, like Tim. He's kind of, different. There's also Kaiya, although he's a HUGE attention seeker. Oh, and William, he is SO strong! Lastly, there is Darren, he's kind of, umm, emo," I disapproved of Darren being called emo. I didn't believe in stereotypes.

A very young-looking man walked up to the house. He had black hair, although a large, red stripe of hair made a fringe that covered one of his green eyes. He smiled somewhat hyperly, "Hello there! I'm Darren!" he spoke a little louder than quite a few people.

"I'm Jess!" I giggled, Darren was almost bouncing up and down with excitement.