Sequel: Beautiful Hearts
Status: Anyone who wants to help me write this can, just tell me. Via: Comments, inbox, and/or profile. Comments are loved! =D Please?

Beautiful World


It was a Friday afternoon, Me and Darren were working in the farm. Gah. I'm glad he helped sometimes, I hated the farm work. Anyways, we saw Kai running towards us.
"Hey Kai! we said at the same time.

"Big news! Popuri is pregnant! With twins!" Kai exclaimed.

"Now way!" I shouted out.

"What are there names?" Darren added.

"Alicia and Jared."

"Sweetness!" I exclaimed.

Darren smiled and shook his head a little. "You live in the 90's! It's Awesome sauce!"

We all just laughed.


The party was HUGE! And I mean everyone was there. Gah! Popuri is awesome. She probably felt disgusting, but she was still bouncing around, her usual hyper self. I grabbed Darren's hand and dragged him over to Popuri.
"Hey!" He grinned at Popuri.

"Let me guess, she won't let you leave her side!" Popuri laughed.

"Yes, I'll probably end up sleeping at her place if this keeps up!" Darren finished. I just smiled.

"Be less cute then! Anyway. . ." I turned to Popuri

"Congratulations!" Darren went first.

"I love you!" I added. Group hugs ensued. And I'm pretty sure Darren kissed me on the cheek.

"You should go talk to Tim, Jess. He hasn't seen you in forever! But don't tell him about Darren. He doesn't want Darren to be with anybody." Popuri said.

"What? Why not?" I asked. Popuri walked away.

"He asked me out, a week before you came. I said no. He still looks creepily at me sometimes, and wants us to be together." Darren said.

"But I thought you were straight. . . ."


"Oh... Well Tim's going to need to find out one day so you're coming with me." I said. Darren gulped. I dragged him over to Tim. Tim smiled at Darren. He better keep his hands off MY boy.

"Hello!" I said, not as cheerfully as it sounded.

"Jess, I need to talk to you. Go away Darren, Please?" Tim said. Darren didn't seem to said about that.

"Will you convince Darren to say yes when I ask him out tomorrow? You guys seem like good friends."

"I would. . .But I can't."


"No! Keep your hands off of Darren!"


"Because he's MY boyfriend!" things were escalating. Fast.

Tim was silent. "I guess our friendship ends here then."

"Good. Any friend would keep there hands off MY boyfriend!" I felt something around my stomach. And something smelled like monster. Tim just left. Almost everybody was gone now, it was getting dark.
"Come on, let's get going." Darren said.


Darren walked me back to my house. We held hands and talked the whole way. Well he did most of it. I wanted him to keep talking. His voice soothed my anger at Tim. He told me about the places he's going to take me, about what he's going to wear when we get married, and my favorite, how we are going to have three kids, two girls and a boy. He told me about how I smelled nice, or how he thought I was cute when I was happy. Eventually we reached my house. It was pitch black now, and seeing as no one had a car here, I offered to have him stay.

"It's dark you should stay here."

"No, I don't have a change of clothes."

"Just sleep in what you're wearing."

"No I mean for what to wear tomorrow!"

"Just wear what your wearing!"

"I guess I just can't win. Alright!"

And that's how I fell asleep in Darren's arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
Loved the huge glasses <3 HUGE GLASSES FTW!

Poor Tim. But I don't like him very much -_-

<3 Darren