Let Go

That's My Family.

Brooke sat patiently on a stool as Cole curled her hair. "You're gonna look so fucking cute." Cole said, grinning like a fool.

"Yeah, 'cause she's not cute all the time." Zack commented, leaning against the doorway, Nick in his arms. Cole rolled her eyes.

"You should of had a girl." Brooke commented, pulling at a ringlet.

"I don't know," Zack said, as Cole unraveled Brooke's hair from the curling iron.

"Me either." Cole muttered, concentrating on Brooke's hair. Five minutes later, she was done. "Flip your head over." Brooke did as instructed. "Now shake your head slightly." She did and Cole ran her fingers through her hair. "Flip up." Brooke flipped her head back up and looked at Cole. "You look precious." She grinned, pleased with her handiwork. Brooke stood up and hugged Cole.


"Of course." Brooke took Nicholas from Zack and walked downstairs. Zack waited until she was out of earshot.

"Why did you insist on curling her hair?" Cole unplugged the curling iron and looked innocently at Zack.


"Are you trying to make Matt pay more attention to Brooke?" Cole sighed and rolled her eyes.

"I'm not making anybody do anything, but you know as well as I do, they deserve a chance."

"What? There's nothing between them."

"Not now, but there was." Zack rolled his eyes.

"That was four years ago. Shit Cole. Matt's moved on."

"And that's okay, because Lilith is just perfect for him?" Cole asked, with an eyebrow raised. Zack sighed and leaned against the doorway again, as Cole finished fixing her hair into a ponytail. "Nobody in the group likes her, Zack. I guess I'm just so vocal about it, because I'm his sister." She said, turning and looking at Zack.

"You need to leave it alone Cole." The door downstairs opened and there was a greeting.

"Cole! I'm taking City!" Jimmy yelled. Brooke walked upstairs, with Jimmy following her, with Nicholas in his arms. "He only cussed once." Jimmy said with a smile, handing him to Zack.

"With all these people holding you, you're never going to be able to walk, little man." Zack said, smiling and kissing the top of his son's head. Brooke laughed and hugged Zack, halfway for a good-bye for now and halfway for the hell of it.

"Hey, Brooke, go kick Johnny out of the passenger's seat, so you can sit there, kay?" Jimmy asked. Brooke laughed walked downstairs, knowing Jimmy would get his way no matter what. "What's with the...?" Jimmy asked, making motions around his head.

"Brooke's hair?" Zack asked, Jimmy nodded. "Matt, Lilith, Brooke, Cole." Jimmy nodded, fully understanding.

"Well, Cole, all I'm going to say is that Matt's gonna love it."

"Precisely my point." She said, stepping out. "Is the diaper bag ready?" She asked, Zack nodded and started downstairs. "Jim, do me a favor?" Jimmy looked at Cole. "Play her up? Get Matt's nose out of Lilith's ass?" Jimmy smiled, only too happy to get two of his best friends back together.

"You got it, sister. I'll see you there." Cole hugged Jimmy. Jimmy walked downstairs, waved bye to Nicholas, and got into his car, where Johnny was pouting in the backseat. "You're such a crybaby." He remarked, reversing out of the driveway. "Anyway City, are you excited?"

"I am. I've missed you guys." Jimmy smiled brightly.

"All of us?"

"Yes, even Matt. No matter what happened between us, we could never stay mad at each other. You know that."

"Yeah, you guys were kinda perfect for each other." Brooke's muscles automatically tensed and she swallowed.

"No we weren't." Johnny chuckled.

"Yeah, whatever. Even though you guys weren't officially a couple, Matt couldn't shut up about you." Johnny said, with a sigh. Jimmy chuckled.

"Why are you laughing?" Brooke asked.

"Because, that is so true. 'Brookie this, Brookie that. Do you know what me and Brookie did today? Me and Brookie, blah, blah, blah.' "Jimmy said in a deep voice, mocking Matt.


"City, you know that I love you more than absolutely anything else on this planet, right?" Jimmy asked, shooting a serious look at her.

"Yes, Jimmy."

"Well, good, because I absolutely hate the fact, that when there's something that's perfect for you right in your face, you never see it. Except for going to New York. Otherwise, it's like you're blind."


"Nope, that was my last bit, but you needed to know that." Brooke glared at Jimmy. Johnny, sensing the tension, immediatley jumped into action.

"So, I met this girl the other day, right?"


Jimmy held the door open for Johnny, Brooke, Cole, and Zack as the walked into Rafter's. "Hello, do you have reservations?" The hostess asked, eyes widening at the three men standing front of her. Brooke leaned over to Cole. "Wow." Cole looked over at her, eyebrow raised. "She knows who they are." Cole laughed and nodded.

"We should be under Sevenfold." Zack said politely. "Unless Matt made the reservation." He muttered under his breath. Cole shook her head with a smile.

"No one likes her, do they?" Brooke asked, as the hostess walked them to a large table, in the back of the restaurant. Cole shook her head. "Do the guys get recognized a lot?"

"Around here, it's like everyone knows them, but yeah. After Waking the Fallen, it's kind of like an explosion. You know, if something explodes, everyone hear's about it? Well, it was like A 'Sevenfoldsplosion', as Brian's puts it.

"Brooke!" Brian stood up and walked around, grabbing Brooke into a huge hug. "Look at the smarty-pants." He smirked, holding her at arm's length.

"Shut up." Brooke laughed, pushing his arm's away. Brian laughed, wrapped an arm around her shoulder's, and turned her around to face a beautiful brunette girl. The girl smiled brightly.

"Brooke, I'd like you to meet Melanie, my fiancee'" The girl stood up and went to shake Brooke's hand.

"I've actually heard a lot about you." She said.

"Really? I hope Brian wasn't a jerk and lied." Melanie laughed as Brooke sat next to Zack and Melanie across from her.

"No, he's gotten better about the doucheyness." Brooke chuckled. "I almost didn't even accept the first date he asked me on. He begged."

"I did not beg." Brian said, sitting next to Melanie, across form the empty seat next to Brooke which Jimmy soon claimed.

"That's right." Jimmy said, nodding. "You almost cried."

"Awww, Brian!" Brroke exclaimed, laughing.

"Oh, laugh all you want Brooke. Who's the douche now?"

"You desrve it after the way you used to treat her." Zack said, with a smile. Brian glared and held his hand out to Brooke.

"I'm a changed man. Truce?" Brooke smile and shook his hand.

"I cannot believe Brian put the table name under 'Sevenfold', that's just stupid." Brooke heard someone mutter, not so quietly. She turned around to see Matt walking towards the table with a blonde.

"Lil, just let it go. Let's just enjoy this dinner, okay?"

"Matt!" Johnny yelled, on Melanie's other side, waving. Matt smiled.

"Hey guys," He said, walking right to Johnny and sitting next to him, Lilith at the end of the table, across from Cole.

"I bet she's loving that." Brooke muttered and Zack chuckled from beside her.

"You have no idea." He replied.

"Why didn't Matt hug Cole?" She asked, realizing what she thought was weird. Matt always hugged Cole and Brooke whenever he was leaving or arriving somewhere and they were around.

"Lilith." Zack answered. "She'd throw a fit."

"Seriously, over his little sister?"

"Yep. She's jealous as fuck. Rude, too. Won't say hi to a damn person. Except for Cole, because she knows Cole can't stand her." As if to prove his point Lilith smiled fakely at Cole.

"Hey Cole. How are you?" Cole sighed, Nicholas still in her lap, as she waited for the hostess to bring her a high chair.

"Hello Lilith. I'm fine. How are you?"

"Just perfect. Afraid to let him go?" Lilith asked, looking from Nicholas to Cole. Cole's muscles tensed and Zack placed a hand on her arm, as Matt did the same to Lilith. The men exchanged glances and everyone's conversations got just a little bit quiteter.

"No. I'm waiting for a high chair."

"Does this always happen?" Brooke asked Jimmy, who was leaning closer to her to hear Liltih and Cole.

"Yep. Lilith's a frigid bitch and loves to gnaw on Cole's nerves, simply because she knows Cole doesn't have the patience for it. Not only that, but she's also Matt's little sister, who he enjoys spending time with. Our theory is that she's trying to make Cole go off and act crazy towards her to make Matt think she's insane and not talk to her anymore."


"Yep." Brian said quietly, from across the table. "She used to try her shit with Melanie, but then she realized Melanie wasn't a threat. I'd watch what you say though, not that I expect you too, but, I'd hate to have to see you kick her ass." Brooke chuckled as Melanie shook her head. Liltih looked away from Cole and her eyes found Brooke's.

"Jimmy, are you going to introduce us to your," She cleared her throat. "girlfriend?" Jimmy laughed.

"This isn't my girlfriend. This is Zack's sister." Zack beamed.

"She sure enough is."

"Lilith, that's Booke, the girl I was telling you about, Brooke, this is my girlfriend, Lilith." Lilith's eyes narrowed slightly, obviously not pleased with whatever Matt had told her about Brooke.

"Nice to meet you." She pleasantly lied.

"Same here." Brooke lied right back. "I heard some great things about you at breakfast this morning." Zack, Cole, and Jimmy all bit their lips.

"Oh, really?" Brooke nodded. A waitress came up tothe table, smiling excitedly.

"Hello, my name is Summer and I'll be your waitress this evening. What can I get you to drink?" She asked, looking straight at Zack.

"I'll have a Corona, my wife here, will have a Sprite, and if you could, please get my son a lidded cup of milk." Zack said, stressing the words 'wife' and 'son'. The waitress looked at Cole and Nicholas.

"Of course. For you ma'am?" She asked, looking at Brooke.

"Tea." Everyone else ordered some sort of alocoholic beverage, except for Melanie and Matt. Melanie got a tea, which made Brooke like her evern more, and Matt got a water. "Is there anything else you need?" She asked, looking at Zack again. Brooke had to chuckle.

"Yes, could you please bring us a high chair. We've already asked the hostess."

"Oh yes, I'll get that right away." The waitress hurried off. The table erupted into laughter.

"That girl could not stop staring at you, man." Brian said, cracking up.

"I don't know what it is, I just can't keep the ladies away." Zack said, with a smile and a shrug. Brooke pushed his arm slightly.

"C'mon, is it really that bad?" Zack chuckled.

"No, not really, Matt and Brian actually have the hardest time. I think people see the kid and they're like, 'Oh, JK, not messing with that family.' Cole's pretty good about it though. I mean, she's polite."

"Well, if it wasn't for your fans, I'd be a fat mechanics's wife with six kids, so I'm pretty much grateful." The table laughed again, excluding Zack this time. Summer returned with the drinks.

"You're not cute." Cole rolled her eyes. A waiter brought out a high chair, while Summer removed the chair, in between Zack and Cole, replacing it with the high chair. Cole smiled gratefully and placed Nicholas in it. Zack stood to make sure it fit safely on both sides. "Thank you."

"No problem. He's cute. What's his name?" Brian shook his head and Brooke looked at him.

"What?" She questioned.

"She's one of the ones that already know everything there is to know. She's trying to squeeze extra information out, checking her facts. I bet you she's joined every Zacky Vengeance fansite there is to join."

"You guys have fansites?!"

"You bet your ass." Summer continued to take everyone's food order.

"It's ridiculous." Melanie added. after Summer walked away. "Go search it when you get home, it'll make you cry."

"The fan fictions are ridiculous, too." Jimmy added. "Do you know how many people write about me and Johnny being gay, or Brian and Zack. What's it called, Brian? Synacky?" Jimmy asked, adding a grin to the last part.

"Shut up." Brian muttered. "That shit is disgusting."

"It's disrespectful." Brooke said, shaking her head.

"What is?" Zack asked, causing Cole to look down the table at them.

"You being gay." Jimmy said, smiling. Cole made a face.

"Do you always smile?" Lilith asked, causing a silence to break over the table and everyone looked at her. Matt smiled tightly and placed his hand on her back.

"Lilith, how many times have you met Jimmy? He always smiles." Matt muttered. Brooke could tell Lilith was stressing him out. She'd never seen him so rigid.

"It's just, it's creepy. I've never seen you without a smile on." Brooke looked at Jimmy who's smile had turned a bit down. In fact, he looked straight pissed.

"Well, Lilith, it's because I don't like tight ass, stuck up, bitches get me down. I'm spending time with my family and it makes me smile. I'd recommend it sometime." Brian and Brooke looked at Jimmy, who was mad.

"Are you saying I'm never happy?" Jimmy chuckled dryly and Brian sensed that this wasn't going to be good.

"Jimmy, can you come with me to my car, please? I have something I need to give you." Jimmy was holding Lilith's gaze. Brian looked at Brooke, who nodded.

"C'mon Jimmy. Let's go. Brian, really needs you to have this." Jimmy looked at Brooke and nodded. He stood up and followe her outside. Brian excused himself and followed them out. At Brian's car, Jimmy threw his hands up in the air.

"What the fuck? I smile too much? Is she stupid?" He raged, looking down at Brooke.

"Jimmy, I don't know her, but-"

"Jim, she's a bitch, let it go." Brian said, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder. Jimmy let out a breath. Brooke was a little freaked out, she'd never seen Jimmy like this. The three heard footsteps and they looked to see Matt storming their way.

"What the fuck, Jimmy? Did you really just have to go off on my girlfriend?" He boomed, pissed off. Jimmy raised an eyebrow and took a step forward.

"She called me creepy, because I was happy. What the fuck is wrong with her? Where the fuck did you find her? She's nasty and stupid." Matt glowered.

"Don't. You. Ever. Say. That." Matt said, breaking his sentence into words. Brian stepped in between them.

"Guys, really? Over a girl? I know you really like Lilith, Matt, but it's not worth putting a friendship through anything. Jimmy, what she said to you wasn't nice, but you shouldn't let what Lilith said, damage your friendship with Matt."

"Move, Brian." Matt said, shoving him out of the way. Brian stumbled back and looked at Brooke, who was glaring. Jimmy and Matt were shouting at each other. She'd never seen the guys like this. Yeah, they wrestled, but they never fought. Brooke could see that Matt was getting ready to swing and she looked at Brian, who shrugged. As Matt pulled his fist back, Brooke desperatley did the only thing she could think of, she jumped between them and put a hand on his chest.

"Matt, no." She said, looking up at him. Matt looked down at the small girl and shook his head. He looked confused as to why she was there. He looked at his fist and then at Jimmy, who still looked mad. He dropped his fist and shook his head, like he didn't know what was going on. Brooke looked at Brian, who shrugged again.

"Damnit, Jimmy. Bro, I am so sorry!" Matt almost cried, grabbing Jimmy in a hug. Jimmy laughed.

"It's okay man, totally okay." Matt sighed.

"I don't know what- I just- I am so sorry." Jimmy shook his head.

"I don't wanna hear about it again." The four friends walked back into the restaurant and resumed their seats. Zack was feeding Nicholas macaroni and cheese and Cole and Melanie were talking. Lilith was nowhere to be found.

"Where's she at?" Brian asked, pointing to Lilith's empty chair.

"Bathroom." Zack said, looking at Brooke, who shook her head.

"Is she alright?" Matt asked. Cole shrugged.

"She looked fine." Matt stared at her. "Well, she did. She looked kinda pissed, after you followed them and then she got up and walked to bathroom." Matt sighed and sat back in his chair.

"Food just got here." Zack said, gesturing at them to eat. They did and soon, Lilith returned.

"Hey, are you okay?" Matt asked, pulling her chair out for her. She nodded.

"Yes. Jimmy, I'm sorry. It came out wrong. I didn't mean to offend you." Jimmy shook his head.

"Don't worry about it." He answered. Everyone ate their dinner, carrying on their own conversations. Basically, Brian, Jimmy, and Melanie kept Brooke entertained, especially Jimmy and Brian with their antics. Every once in a while, Brooke could feel someone staring at her, and she'd look down the table and catch Matt looking her way. He'd look away quickly and ask Lilith something, or tuck her hair behind her ear, like Brooke rememberd him doing to her. Seeing him with someone else, especially someone like Lilith, killed her, but what could she do? She left him. Brian stood up and motioned to Johnny, who stood up also. Melanie rolled her eyes. Brooke looked up questioningly.

"Smoke break." Brian muttered, motioning her up too. She shrugged and got up, following Brian outside. Looking back through the window at the table, she saw Lilith get up with Melanie and Jimmy parctically run to sit next to Matt, as Zack and Cole, focused on Nick. Brooke raised an eyebrow and turned back around, watching as Brian and Johnny blew their smoke towards the sky.

"I thought you guys were trying to quit."

"Cole's a liar." Brian stated with a shrug. Johnny shook his head with a chuckle.

"Zack's the only one who really tried quitting, 'cause Nick."

"So he's stopped?"

"As far as Cole'concerned. He'll bum one off of on of us though, if he knows Cole won't be able to bust him." Brooke shook her head.

"You guys need to stop." Brian shished her.

"You're ruining this smoke break."

"You wanted me out here."

"Just shut up." Brooke punched him in the arm, but kept quiet.

"You look really cute, Brooke." Johnny said, leaning over Brian.

"Aww, thanks Johnny."

" 'Course." The door opened and Matt walked outside.

"Hey guys."

"Hey Matt." Brian said. Matt smiled smally, and walked past the teo guys, muttering something. "Welp, we're done with out cigarettes, going inside, bye." He said, stubbing out his smoke, along with Johnny, as they both hurried inside. Matt rolled his eyes.



"You don't like Lilith, do you?" Brooke sighed.

"Well, she didn't make a very good first impression." Matt nodded, sucking on his lip ring. Oh God, that lip ring. Brooke had many memories with that lip ring pressed against her lips, her neck, her shoulders, almsot everywhere on her body. She shivered as a chill ran up her back at the thought.

"You okay?" Matt asked, reaching over to rub her arm. Brooke tensed slightly under this seemingly forbidden touch. Matt felt it and moved his arm back. he crossed them, hoping to prevent any other actions. "Your hair, looks great." Brooke smiled.

"Thanks, you look good too." Matt chuckled.

"I've always loved your hair curled."

"I know." There was a tense silence. Matt opened his mouth to say something, but Brooke cut him off. "I'm getting chilly." And with that, she turned. Matt opened the door to her and they were halfway to their table (everyone back in their respectable seats), when the heard a shreik and a "Nichols Logan, no!" Matt and Brooke rushed to the table, to find Nicholas giggling like mad and Lilith covered in macaroni and cheese. Brian, Melanie, Jimmy and Johnny, were all biting their lips, trying not to laugh. Cole and Zack were pretty much at a loss at what to do, though Brooke would bet a lot of money that Cole wanted to squeeze her son into a hug. Zack started handing Lilith a ton of napkins, as Summer rushed over, to check on her table. Lilith noticed Matt with Brooke and her eyes narrowed.

"Matt! We have to go! Now!" Matt looked from Lilith, to Cole, who was scolding Nicholas, to Brooke, and back to Lilith, finally nodding.

"Yeah, yeah. C'mon, let's go get you changed and then we'll meet you all by the ferris wheel?" Matt asked, as Lilith stormed away from the table. Cole started to nod, but Lilith stomped her foot.

"No! I'm not coming back out here, so the little brat can puke on me next!" Cole and Zack tensed, everyone else, glared daggers at Lilith, and anger flashed in Matt's eyes, like Brooke had never seen before. Lilith stormed away and Matt looked at everyone, his eyes stopping on Brooke. He nodded.

"I'll be back." He looked to Cole and Zack. "Without her." Zack shooed him and Matt hurried out after Lilith. Brooke walked back to the table and sat down, everyone sharing a look. Suddenly, Nick looked behind him out the door, where Lilith and Matt had disappered.

"Bye Wilif!" He called, making everyone crack up.

Matt changed into some plaid shirts and a band tee as Lilith was in the shower. As he was searching for his flip flops, Lilith walked out. "Where are you going?" She asked, sitting on the bed, towel wrapped tighly around her.

"To meet my family at the ferris wheel."

"I said I'm not going." He nodded, grabbing his flip flops.

"I know. I never said I wasn't going. In fact, I told them I'd be back."

"You did what?" Matt slipped on his flip flops and grabbed a Hurley ball cap, placing it on his head. He turned to face Lilith who's face was contoted with anger.

"I'm going to hang out with my family." He repeated himself, slower.

"That little, snotty, brat threw macaroni on me!" Matt's eyes flashed darker and he glared at Lilith.

"Don't ever talk that way about Nicholas, my nephew, like that again. He's two, Lilith. He doesn't know what the fuck he's doing." Matt said, trying not to clench his teeth or raise his voice.

"He's a brat. He's gonna grow up to be fat like his father and irresponsible like that slut mother of his." Matt let out an animalistic roar and advanced on Lilith.

"That is my family! My. Fucking. Family! You will never see me again, if you continue the way you're going!" Lilith shrank back a little, but then raised her eyebrow.

"What the hell were you doing with that other girl, anyway? Was the whore trying to lead you back to her car? Trying to give you a blow job back there? Every girl in the group is a slut. There's something wrong with everyone in that group. Jimmy's psycho, Brian's a recluse, with his recluse of a fiancee', Johnny's a druggie, Zack has an eating disorder, Colleen can't keep her legs closed, I bet she's pregnant again, but not by Zack, and that new girl? She looks nasty, I saw the way she was looking at you, undressing you with her eyes-" Matt clenched his fists and yelled, shoving Liltih down, onto the bed, out of his way. He stormed towards the door, stopping only to look around the room.

"I want all your fucking shit packed by the time I get home. We're moving you out bright and early tomorrow. I'm staying at my sister's." And with that, he practically ran downstairs, jumped into his car, and headed back to Rafter's to enjoy the rest of his evening.
♠ ♠ ♠
Rafter's a real place and there is a ferris wheel by it. (: Also a Build-A-Bear.