Status: Active!

Long Time No See

Chapter Fourteen

"Wow, Jon!" Leslie looked around at the snow-filled mountains and forest. Jon had brought her to the place they had had their campfire in those first few weeks when they had re-united, claiming that if she thought it was nice in summer, she had to see it in winter.

She walked over to a snow-covered pile, kicking the snow off it, and smiling in satisfaction once she found what she knew would be there. She turned and grinned at Jon, who looked slightly uneasy, and she tilted her head to the side as he walked over towards her. "It's our campsite," she explained, her smile fading slightly as he put his hands in his pockets and nodded. He looked around, not really looking her in the eye, and she gazed up at him questioningly.

"Hey," she said softly, grabbing both of his hands. "You okay?"

A slight smile lit up his face as he finally looked down at her. "Yeah."

Leslie looked at him, concerned. "Is everything okay?" She lifted up her gloved hand and lightly touched Jonathan's cheek. He looked at the ground, and after a minute, he looked at her again with a new look in his eyes. Was that... determination?

"Yeah, everything's great." he surprised her by kissing her and pulled her towards the trees. She was caught by surprise and stumbled, falling into Jon's strong arms. She burst into laughter and he grinned. "Come on, clumsy. I want to see if... um, if our names are still in the tree." Leslie raised an eyebrow, smiling.

"I'm sure they are... they're kind of carved in," she pointed out.

Jon sighed, exasperated. "Let's just go see."

Leslie shook her head, smiling as he led her, slower this time, over to 'their' tree. They turned around to the back of the tree and Jon let go of her hand. Leslie started to clear the snow off of the tree, and was satisfied when she saw their names appear in child-like writing. She was about to turn to Jon when she saw something else written underneath their names. That hadn't been there before... She cleared it away and felt her heart pound as she read out the question.

Will you marry me?

Her hands started to shake as she slowly turned towards Jonathan. He smiled at her nervously before kneeling down on one knee. Leslie's hands flew to her mouth.

"Leslie... I've known you my whole life, but it's only been in these past two years that I've realized how much I love you, and how much I need you in my life. I've never felt this way towards anyone... I know you were sent here just for me. I want the rest of my life," he paused as Leslie felt a tear roll down her cheek. "To be spent with you. I love you, Leslie. And I'd be honored to have you by my side forever. Will you marry me?"

Leslie felt the tears run down her face and she nodded enthusiastically. "Yes," she whispered. "Yes, yes, yes!" She giggled through her tears. She held out her left hand and Jon placed the beautiful, simple diamond ring on her finger. He grinned and stood up. He picked her up, and she couldn't wipe the smile off her face. Jon reached up and wiped away the remains of her last few tears.

"You don't need to cry," he whispered.

Leslie leaned down and kissed him. "Happy tears, Jonny," she place her hands on the back of his neck, leaning her forehead against his. "Happy tears." She kissed him with such force that he fell backwards into the snow and she landed on top of him. They both burst into laughter, and Leslie rolled off onto her back. She watched the snow fall around them before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. She felt the subconscious smile on her face and opened her eyes as she heard Jon sit up. She looked up at him. He had a smile on his face and was looking out into the woods. She sat up next to him and he turned to face her. He smiled before leaning in to kiss her.

"Leslie Toews," she said softly.

"Leslie Toews," he repeated. They both sat in silence for a moment, taking it in.

"What are you thinking, Mrs. Toews?" he asked, smiling.

"I'm thinking how much I love you," she replied. She kissed him happily and they fell back into the snow, Jon's arm around her shoulder.

Jon gripped Leslie's hand as they headed up the steps towards the front door of the Toews' house. Jonathan's mom and dad were throwing a Christmas party, and Leslie felt excitement fill her chest as she realized this was her first 'outing' as Jonathan's fiancee.

Jon squeezed her hand and opened the door. As soon as they took two steps into the house, all eyes turned to them and the room grew quiet. Andree, Bryan, and Leslie's parents stared at the couple, waiting to hear the news. Jonathan had told her that he had gone over the plan with all of them and of course, he had asked Leslie's parents for their daughter's hand in marriage.

Jon turned to look at Leslie and she grinned up at him before turning back to the crowd.

"Everyone say hello to future Mrs. Toews."

The entire room gawked at the two of them before cheers erupted, causing Leslie to blush and giggle as they crowded around, hugging and congratulating. Leslie's mom came up to her with tears in her eyes and gave her daughter a long hug.

"My baby girl's getting married!"

Leslie felt a tear roll down her cheek as she nodded and hugged her mom again. "I'm so happy, Mommy."

Her mom smiled and brushed the tears off her face before turning her back to Jonathan, who reached for her hand again, beaming.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" The chant started and Leslie's cheeks turned bright red. She started to protest when Jon placed his arms around her waist, dipping her down and kissing her. When he pulled her back up, she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his chest. He rested his chin on her head and whispered, "I love you."

"Oh, honey..." Leslie's mom covered her mouth with her hands as she let out a sob. "You look so beautiful..."

Leslie felt tears start to well up behind her eyes as she hugged her mom. "Stop it, I can't cry! My makeup will run!" |Leslie let out a nervous laugh and wiped her eyes carefully. She took one last glance in the mirror and felt overwhelmed. She had never felt more beautiful than in the long, sparkling lace gown.

Her mom gripped her hand and her best friend, Allie, gripped her other. They made their way out of the back room of the church in downtown Winnipeg and down the hall to the entrance of the church.

Leslie felt her stomach bubble over with nerves as she got ready to head through the doors and into the rest of her life. She smiled through her tears as her father walked over and linked arms with her as the doors opened.

Leslie bit her lip and wiped her eyes as the wedding song started to play and the crowd stood. She felt as if her heart was going to explode when she saw Jonathan waiting for her at the end of the aisle. She took a deep breath and took her first step.

Leslie and Jonathan danced to their slow wedding song, sharing a kiss every now and then, but mainly just holding onto one another with as much strength as they could.

"Did I tell you that you look beautiful?" Jon's eyes stared into hers and she smiled, leaning up to kiss him quickly.

"Only about fifty times."

Jon smirked. "Well you do." He kissed her again as the song ended, and Leslie laughed as "Club Can't Even Handle Me Right Now" started to play through the speakers. She looked over at Adam Burish and Patrick Sharp, who they had agreed to designate as the DJ's, and shook her head. They both blew her a kiss and she 'caught' both kisses with both hands, pretending to slap them onto her cheeks.

Jonathan had gone to dance with his mother, and Leslie laughed at Andree dancing to the upbeat song. Jonathan was laughing and he didn't look one bit like Captain Serious. Leslie smiled at the sight and was surprised as she was spun around and landed in the arms of Brent Seabrook.

"Hello there!" He grinned his goofy smile at her and she laughed. They started to dance and Leslie grinned as Allie and Patrick Kane - who had hit it off, seeing as they had to be together a lot because they were the maid of honor and best man - joined them and they started to dance in a circle. The song turned to Forever by Chris Brown and Leslie felt her face starting to hurt from all the grinning as Sharp left the DJ station, coming over and grabbing her, spinning her around before placing a kiss on her cheek and going to find Abby. It seemed as though the whole team, along with Leslie and Allie, were now crowded in a circle, doing stupid dance moves and laughing.

Jonathan pulled Leslie away again as another slow song started, and she smiled up at him.

"I feel as though I've married the entire Blackhawks team."

"As long as I'm the only one who gets to kiss you," Jon warned. Leslie grinned and kissed him for re-assurance.

Leslie sat down in her plane seat by the window and watched with a smile as Jon put their bags in the overhead compartment before helping an old woman by taking her bags as well. He slouched down as he came towards his seat since he was so tall, and smiled at Leslie before sitting down beside her. He grabbed her hand and she leaned on his shoulder, holding up their hands to look at the shiny new ring on her left hand. She bit her lip and glanced up at her new husband, who was already gazing down at her.

"I love you," he whispered before kissing her softly.

Leslie smiled and leaned into him before looking out the window. It was the night of their wedding, and they were headed to Puerto Rico for their honeymoon.
♠ ♠ ♠
<3 Jonnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

PS - 73 subscribers? Um, hello, I love you all.

Just a few comments can make me happy today <3

Only one more chapter....

and i posted the first little bit of my Oshie sequel. If you love him, subscribe! :)

I also have an Eberle story coming out after this and Sid, if you want to subscribe.

check this out - Hockey Is For Girls Too

oh and (sorry!) Tyler Bozak one shot coming soon, sub!