Status: Active!

Long Time No See

Chapter Fifteen

Leslie leaned against the bathroom counter as tears fell gently from her eyes. She heard the front door open and smiled at her reflection. She heard Jon call her name and softly replied, "I'm in the bathroom."

Jon appeared at the doorway with a smile on his face. His smile quickly faded as he saw her crying and instantly wrapped his arms around her. She pulled away and smiled up at him through watery eyes.

He pushed her bangs out of her eyes and looked down at her, confused. She turned back to face the mirror and he kept his arms wrapped around her waist. She took one of his hands in hers and placed it lower so that it was resting on her stomach.

"Hi baby," she whispered. "Say hi to Daddy."

Leslie watched Jonathan's eyes widen in shock. He turned her to face him.

"Daddy?" he repeated slowly. Leslie nodded, biting her lip. A smile spread across Jonathan's face and Leslie giggled as more tears fell. She reached up and placed her hands on his face.

"We're gonna have a baby," she whispered. Jonathan leaned down and kissed her lovingly. They pulled apart and Jon rested his forehead against hers.

"We're gonna have a baby," he repeated. Leslie nodded and Jon picked her up, spinning her around before kissing her again.

"Ella! Get back here-James!" Leslie sighed as she attempted to chase after her 4 year old daughter and 2 year old son. She heard the front door open and heaved a sigh of relief. "Hey guys! Look who's home!"

She shook her head as she watched the kids run through the kitchen on their way to the front hall. A smile grew on her face as she leaned against the counter, trying to catch her breath before following where her children had gone.

"Hey, Ella-bear! Jamie, I have two arms. You don't need to be in the same one Ella's in."

Leslie rounded the corner and grinned at Ella and James, who were both scooped up effortlessly in either of Jonathan's arms.

"Hi, Daddy," she smiled. Jonathan grinned and placed a kiss on both of his childrens' foreheads before putting them down gently. They scurried off and Jonathan came towards her, placing his hand on her growing belly and giving Leslie a quick kiss.

"How's baby today?"

"Me or this one?" Leslie pointed to her belly and giggled.

Jonathan laughed. "You're my girl, but he or she," he rubbed her stomach, "is my baby."

Leslie smiled and rested her head on her husband's chest. "I feel fat."

Jonathan burst into laughter and gripped her close to his body. She kissed his chest and he ran his hands loosely through her hair. He gazed at her before kissing her again and whispering, "I love you."

"I love you too, Jonathan Toews. Probably so much that it's not healthy, but you know." She shrugged and Jonathan rolled his eyes before wrapping his arm around her and leading her into the kitchen.
♠ ♠ ♠
The end :) I hope you guys liked this as much as I did!

Thank you for commenting and reading! You guys are the best <3

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