Status: Active!

Long Time No See

Chapter Two

Leslie jumped as her phone buzzed on the table beside her bed. She squinted as the light filtered through her blinds, reaching beside her to fumble for her phone.

"Hello?" She glanced at the clock. It was 10:00.

"Hey, Leslie?" A deep voice rang througuh her phone.

"Uh, yeah?"

"It's Jonathan."

Leslie sat up straight. "Hi!" She switched the phone to her other ear. "What's up?" she continued, trying to sound casual.

"I was just wondering if you're coming to dinner tonight with your parents?"

Leslie racked her brain and came up blank. "Dinner?"

"Yeah..." he said slowly. "Have you talked to your mom yet today?" She could swear she could hear him smirking at her.

"Yes..." she paused. "Okay, no. I just woke up. But I'm sure she would have told me eventually." Leslie kicked off her sheets and jumped out of bed. She looked in the mirror and was horrified at how she looked.

"Well, how about you go downstairs and talk to your mom, and I'll see you tonight?"

"So you'll be there?" Leslie asked. She regretted the question as soon as she said it. Obviously he was going to be there. He said he would 'see her tonight'. She made a face at herself in the mirror.

"Yes," he laughed into the phone.

"Okay," Leslie was blushing. She was so thankful he couldn't see her. "'See you then."

"Bye," he said, still laughing.

Leslie sighed, throwing her phone on her bed, and ran downstairs. Her mom was standing at the stove, flipping eggs and bacon.

"Hey mom, any plans for today?" Leslie asked, trying to be casual. Her mom raised an eyebrow at her and motioned for her to sit down for breakfast.

"Well, the Toews' family invited us over for dinner-"

"Okay, cool." Her mom placed a plate in front of her and Leslie shoved the food in her mouth, avoiding her mom's stare. "What time do I need to be ready?"

Her mom look at her curiously. "We'll be leaving at 6:00." She narrowed her eyes and smirked. "By the way... How did that talk go last night with Jonathan?"

"It was fine," Leslie mumbled, swallowing the last piece of bacon. She ran back upstairs before her mom could ask any more questions.


Leslie finished curling her hair and put the finishing touches on her makeup before looking at the clock. 5:55. Just enough time to throw on the outfit she had picked earlier. She threw on her pale yellow dress and black high heeled ankle boots before heading down the stairs, where her mom was waiting.

"You look nice, honey."

"Thanks, mom," Leslie smiled.

"Your dad's in the car already. Let's go."

They arrived at the Toews' house at 6:20. Leslie got out from the backseat and followed her parents up the front steps. It was funny to think that she hadn't seen this place for years until yesterday, and now she had been here two days in a row.

Bryan greeted them at the door and let them in. They followed him through the living room and into the kitchen, where Andree was making a salad.

"Need some help?" Leslie's mom asked Andree.

"Sure!" Andree replied cheerfully. Bryan and Leslie's dad sat down and turned on the TV. Leslie looked around casually. "Leslie, sweetie, Jonathan's in the backyard, cooking the steaks, pork chops and burgers." Leslie smiled, nodded and walked around the table to the back doors.

"Hey," she said as she stepped outside, closing the door behind her.

"Hey," Jonathan smiled. "You came."

"I told you I was coming," she laughed. "Wow, that smells really good. I'm hungry."

"Me too," he replied, flipping over a burger.

"Do you cook for yourself in Chicago?" Leslie asked, sitting down at the outdoor table.

"Yeah," he said, his back turned to her. "I'm a great cook." He turned to her and grinned.

"I bet," she laughed. "Do you miss it?"

"Not yet. I like being home."

"That's good," Leslie replied. She watched him flip another burger and yet again marvelled at how strong his muscles looked. He was wearing a grey t-shirt today, and khaki shorts. "So, how does this whole Stanley Cup thing work? I mean, there's only one, right? So how do you all share? Is there a schedule?"

He turned around and Leslie saw a smile on his lips. He was obviously amused at her attempt at hockey talk. "I guess you could call it a schedule. I have it until tomorrow. Then Kaner gets it."

"Kaner...?" She furrowed her brows, trying to figure out what that meant.

"Yeah, Patrick Kane. Number 88?" Leslie shook her head. "He's a good buddy. He's the one that scored for us."

"Nice!" Leslie replied, genuinely interested. "That's awesome. I'm glad you won, you deserve it." She smiled.

He smiled back. "Thanks. It means a lot."

The food was done within the next few minutes, and Leslie helped Jonathan bring it inside.

"Mm, that looks great," Leslie's mom said, eyeing the food. "Thanks, Jonathan."

"No problem," he replied. "Do you guys mind if me and Leslie eat outside?" He looked at Leslie questioningly and she shrugged.

"Fine by me." They picked up their food and drinks and brought them outside. Leslie sat at the head of the table, and Jonathan sat beside her. She took a bite of porkchop.

"Wow." Jonathan looked up from his food as she spoke. "This," she said, pointing at her plate with her fork, "is probably the best pork chop I have ever tasted."

"Yeah?" he asked, pleased.

"Yeah," she replied.

When they were finished eating, Jonathan took their plates inside. When he came back out, Leslie was sitting on the steps, looking at the sky. He sat down beside her.

"Look at all the stars. It's so clear tonight," Leslie observed.

"Yeah, it's nice. Don't see those too much in Chicago." Jonathan replied. They sat in comfortable silence for a while until Jonathan spoke up again. "So what are your plans when summer's over?"

"Well, I just finished my last year of university."

"Oh yeah? Where did you go to school? Here in Winnipeg, or what?" he asked, looking at her, interested.

"Yep. Well, sort of. U of Manitoba."

"Nice. What did you major in?"

"Photography and journalism."

"Nice." Leslie nodded. "You have a place in mind for a job here?"

"Nope. I'll go anywhere, to be honest. It would be cool to get a job in a completely new city. Cool, but scary," Leslie laughed nervously.

"Been there, done that," Jonathan smiled.

"That's true, how was it?"

"It wasn't bad. I had the guys."

They talked for the rest of the evening, filling each other in on everything; Jonathan hadn't had a girlfriend since the summer before he got drafted, his favorite food was still grilled cheese sandwiches, and, much to Leslie's amusement, his teammates called him Captain Serious.

"You're not THAT serious, are you?" Leslie giggled.

"I just get intense when it comes to hockey," he said, causing Leslie to raise an eyebrow at him. "Okay, I can be pretty serious but only when it comes to things I really care about." He smiled, and Leslie couldn't help but smile back.

"That was deep," she teased.

They continued to talk, and Leslie informed Jonathan that her last boyfriend had been two years ago, she still loved Disney Channel - he got a good laugh out of that - and that she actually found hockey very interesting.

"Maybe you can come see a game sometime," he offered and Leslie agreed.


He told her a bit about his teammates and the game of hockey. Leslie couldn't help but smile at how into the sport he seemed to get.

"So what are your plans for this summer?" he asked a while later.

"Absolutely nothing."

"Maybe we could hang," Jon said casually. Leslie felt nerves start to boil in her stomach and she nodded, chewing on her lip. "Lunch tomorrow?

"I would like that." Their eyes connected and Leslie noticed his eyes. They were a deep, dark brown, and the only time she could see emotion in them was when he smiled. It scared her and intrigued her at the same time.

"Leslie, time to go," her dad called from the screen door. She nodded, tearing her gaze away from Jonathan, and her father left, leaving the door open for her to follow.

"I'll see you tomorrow," Leslie said quietly to Jonathan. "2:00 at Sally's."

He nodded and they stood up. She was about to go through the door when Jonathan said from behind her, "Leslie?"


"I don't know if I told you but you look really nice tonight."

"Thanks." She smiled and blushed, turning inside quickly before he could see.
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i like this story :) ahaha

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