Status: Active!

Long Time No See

Chapter Three

"You've never seen A Walk to Remember?!" Leslie exclaimed. She and Jon had been at lunch for an hour. They had gotten their food a half hour ago, and it had taken them a while to eat because they were talking so much. Leslie enjoyed talking to Jon, and he seemed to enjoy her company too.

She pulled out her cell and opened a new memo, writing down the name of the movie.

"Are you making a list of things to do?" Jon laughed.

"Shut up! I like keeping my thoughts organized. And this way I won't forget." She finished writing and looked up at him smirking at her. "I'll slap you," she warned.

Jon raised an eyebrow, almost challenging her. She narrowed her eyes and he let out a laugh. "So what's the plan?"

"Can you come over tomorrow?" she asked slowly. Butterflies suddenly filled her stomach and she instantly started to panic. "Well, I mean -"

"I'll be there. Is 6:00 okay?" he interrupted. Leslie smiled and nodded. They continued to eat. The butterflies calmed down, and Leslie realized they had been there since she first saw him this morning. What was up with that?


The next day, Jon arrived right on time and they sat on Leslie's couch. After the movie ended, Jon sighed, laughing.

"Wow." When Leslie didn't answer, he turned to look at her. Leslie tried to hide her face from him but he had already seen.

"Are you crying?" Jon teased.
Leslie giggled and looked at him. "No," she lied, then covered her face with her hands and laughed uncontrollably. When she finished her laughing fit, she looked at him again and giggled one last time. "Oh man, I'm such a girl."

Jonathan shook his head, smiling, and looked at her carefully for a minute before reaching behind him and grabbing a few tissues. He handed her one with a look of amusement on his face, and when she finished wiping her eyes, he casually leaned over and wiped under her eyes with a new tissue. Leslie looked at him questioningly, raising an eyebrow.

"Your makeup was running," he explained. Leslie blushed, embarrassed.


"I should go, moms gonna be worried," Jonathan sighed. He got up and threw the tissue into the garbage before walking towards the door.

"You sure you're twenty two?" she teased. He narrowed his eyes at her and she laughed. "My mom is the same way, don't worry. Plus, your mom barely sees you. You're still her baby boy." Jon nodded.

"So what do you want to do tomorrow?" he asked. Leslie shrugged.

"I really have no idea," she replied.

"How about I call you tomorrow morning?" he suggested. Leslie nodded and watched him walk to his car. She waved goodbye and shut the door. As soon as she closed it, she opened it again and called after him. He paused right before stepping in his car, and looked at her expectantly. "I know what we're doing tomorrow."

Jon raised an eyebrow. "Okay?" he said. "You gonna tell me?"

Leslie shook her head. "I'm driving and I'll pick you up around 1:00. That's all I'm saying."


Leslie pulled into a secluded gravel road and parked. The sign read, 'Toews Lake'. Jonathan stared at her incredulously.

"I hate you," he said, following her down the path and onto the beach reluctantly.

"You don't hate me. Now come in."

Leslie took off her shirt and shorts, leaving her in her bathing suit, and then waded into the water. She turned to Jonathan. He was staring at her, and she tried to shake the butterflies that emerged in her stomach again. She motioned for him to join her. "Come on!" she called.

He shook his head, smiling, then pulled off his shirt and dropped it on the ground. Leslie tried not to stare as he jogged down to the water and came towards her. Wow... That was a nice sight.

"Toews Lake is kinda nice," Leslie teased, splashing a bit of water at him. Jonathan rolled his eyes and Leslie could swear he blushed a little bit. He really didn't like attention. He gave her a devious look and then picked her up in his arms, pulling her out into deeper water.

"Jon, not too deep," she pleaded. He laughed and pulled her in even deeper. Leslie felt her heart race and she started to panic. The water was up to the middle of Jonathan's chest, which means it would be over her head. She held on to him tight, burying her face in his chest.

"Whoa, are you okay?" he looked at her, concerned. She didn't look up at him, trying to steady her breathing.

"Please take me closer to shore," she finally managed, her words muffled, but he seemed to understand. He brought her into shallow water, and set her down where her feet could touch. The water was only up to her waist. Leslie let out a deep breath and pulled herself away from him. He kept his arms on the small of her back, and looked at her with concern.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't know you couldn't swim," he apologized. Leslie let out a little laugh and shook her head.

"I can swim." she said. He was confused now. "I have this fear of infinite things, places that seem to have no end," she explained. "This lake, for example. When I go out too far, I can't see or feel the bottom, and I don't know what's out there."

Jonathan let her go and they stood beside each other in the water. "So you wouldn't go to space? Cause it has no end?" he questioned.

Leslie nodded. "Exactly."

"Man. I was thinking our next date should be in a space shuttle." He grinned.

Leslie raised an eyebrow. "Date?" she smiled at him, and Jon scratched the back of his neck, avoiding her gaze.

"You know what I meant." He cleared his throat and looked away. Leslie smiled.

"You weren't serious about the space shuttle, right?" She changed the subject and stared at him with wide eyes.

He laughed. "You're just as gullible as ever."


"So, when's our next date?"

Jon glared at Leslie before putting his eyes back on the road. He had wanted to drive home.

"Don't worry, Jon. I know you didn't mean date, date. You meant date as in hangout."

"Yeah," he replied after a moment.

"So when are we hanging out next?" Leslie asked. "Unless I'm boring and you don't want to hang out with me anymore." Leslie winked. Jon shook his head at her and laughed.

"Of course I wanna hang out."

"Sally's again? Tomorrow morning?"

Jonathan nodded, and Leslie got out of the car, meeting Jon at the front. She stepped by him, waving as he walked to the front door.
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