Status: Active!

Long Time No See

Chapter Five

The phone rang three times and Leslie closed her eyes, willing him to pick up the phone. Please, please, ple-


"Hi, Jonny," she said his nickname softly.

There was silence, and then he sighed. "Hi, Leslie." She could tell he was still disappointed and confused from yesterday.

"Are you busy tonight?" she asked quickly. She squeezed her eyes shut and hoped he would say no.


"Please, Jonny..." she pleaded.

"What time?" he asked after a moment. She breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'll pick you up around 9:00."


Leslie pulled up to Jon's house and watched as he walked towards the car. She smiled as she saw that he seemed at least a bit happier than yesterday. He opened the door and got in, and she smiled over at him.

"Hi," she whispered.


She turned on the car and they drove in silence down the gravel path that led to Toews Lake.

"Seriously?" Jon looked over at her as they got out of the car. "It's almost dark."

"That's the fun of it," she grinned mischievously and he followed her down to the water.

They sat down on the sand next to each other and listened to the sound of the waves crashing up on the beach. Leslie took a deep breath and was about to talk when he spoke first.

"I'm sorry if that was uncalled for, yesterday," he said quietly. "I guess I just thought you wanted me to, I guess I just-"

Leslie felt her heart strings being pulled on. Without thinking, she grabbed his hand and squeezed it tight.

"No, Jon. I did want you too..." she shook her head and tried to explain. "I wanted you to, really badly..."

"But?" Jonathan raised his eyebrow.

"But you're leaving at the end of the summer," she blurted out after a slight pause. She let go of his hand and looked in the opposite direction. She was surprised as she felt tears brimming behind her eyes.

Jon let out a sigh and touched her arm, but she refused to look at him. He pulled her unwillingly into his arms and she finally gave in, resting her chin on his shoulder and allowing one tear to fall.



"We're still best friends."
♠ ♠ ♠
don't hurt me

it's REALLY short, but I needed to fill in the small space of them figuring stuff out after the non-kiss and I haven't had time to edit the next really big part. Hopefully I'll have time this weekend.