Status: Active!

Long Time No See

Chapter Six

"Hey, Leslie. You busy tomorrow night?" Jon said into the phone. It was a few weeks after they had decided to stay friends, and, despite the one awkward moment that had passed between them, they had spent as much time as they could together since then.

"Uh, nope. Most of my summer has been spent with you, though. I was debating calling you and saying I didn't want to see you anymore, but you got me first." There was silence, and then Leslie burst into laughter. Jon laughed with her and Leslie could picture him shaking his head at her.

"Well, if you really feel that way..." Jon taunted.

"No, no. Seriously, I have no life. What are we doing?"

"Well, the Rec Centre-"

"The Jonathan Toews Community Centre." Leslie corrected.

He ignored her. "The Rec Centre," he repeated, "is having this party for the mayor or something, with like this potluck dinner. Everybody's supposed to bring something."

"Oh yeah, Mom told me about that this morning," Leslie said. I was hoping you'd ask me, she thought to herself.

"So do you want to go with me? I might need you to keep me sane."

Leslie smiled. "I'd love to, Jonny. Of course I'll go with you."

"Good." He sounded relieved. "I'll pick you up at 7:30."

"So I'll see you then?" she asked, not wanting to hang up the phone.

"Yeah. See you then," he replied.

It was silent for a moment, before Leslie laughed nervously and said quietly, "Bye, Jonny."

"Do you need a ride to the banquet, sweetie?" Leslie's mom called from the bottom of the stairs.

"No," Leslie replied. "Jon's picking me up. I'll see you there."

"Okay. Be careful. Love you!" Leslie heard the door close and she finished putting her earrings on, then looked at herself in the mirror. She was wearing a dark blue dress, and her hair was half up and curly. She looked at the clock. 7:35.

The doorbell rang, and Leslie did one last check in the mirror before running down the stairs. She took a deep breath and willed her stomach to stop with the butterflies. She took a deep breath and opened the door.

Jon was standing there, looking adorable in a white dress shirt and dress pants. He was holding something in his hand. He looked her up and down, and she smiled nervously.

"Is it bad?" she asked quietly.

"What?" His eyes widened, and he shook his head vigorously. "No," he said sincerely. "You look beautiful. No lie."

Leslie smiled, feeling heat rise to her cheeks, and reached down to pull on her shoes. Jon gave her his arm to steady herself, and he laughed at her as she struggled with the second shoe.

"Got it," she laughed, and stood up straight. "Thanks."

"I got you something," Jon said sheepishly, handing her a small box.

"Jon!" Leslie exclaimed. "You didn't have too."

"I saw it a while ago, and I was going to give it to you for your birthday, but I thought you might want it tonight." he explained.

Leslie opened the box curiously and looked up at Jonathan excitedly. "I love it! Oh my gosh," she laughed. Inside the box was a necklace with her name on it, written in the Disney font.

"It's Disney," he laughed. "And I figured it wasn't obvious that it was Disney, so I can still be seen with you in public," he teased.

Leslie hit him on the arm and handed him the necklace, then turned around so that he could put it on her. She held her hair up and he did the necklace up. Leslie turned back to face him.

"Is it good?" she asked. He nodded, smiling, and Leslie gave him a hug. She shut the door and he walked her to the car, then opened the door for her. They started to drive, and Leslie fiddled with the necklace, glancing at Jon every so often. He noticed and smiled, keeping his eyes on the road.


"Did I tell you you're the best?"

"No," he replied, shaking his head. "Did I tell you that I'm really glad you're coming with me?" Leslie shook her head, smiling. "Well I am," he continued. "Don't know what I'd do without you."

Leslie reached over and grabbed his hand, squeezing it tight in response to his statement. They smiled at each other, and Leslie let go of his hand.

"Have you seen Jonathan?" Leslie asked her friend Max anxiously, looking around the banquet hall. Jon had disappeared a while ago, and she had been searching for him frantically.

"Last time I saw him, he was walking towards the front doors." Max informed her. Leslie nodded. She should have checked there before.

She stepped outside, and sure enough, she found Jon sitting on the steps. His head was in his hands.

"Jon?" Leslie called softly. He didn't respond and Leslie sat beside him, placing her hand on his arm. "What's up?" she asked, worriedly. He turned to face her slightly.

"I think I'm gonna puke." he whispered.

"Want me to take you home?" Leslie offered. He nodded and she helped him onto his feet and into the passenger side of his car.

Leslie sat beside Jon on his bed as he threw up.

"I'm so sorry," he said after taking a deep breath to see if he was ok enough to talk. "I ate something bad."

"Don't worry about it. I'm kind of turned on, actually." Leslie laughed. He turned to her and smiled before throwing up again. Without thinking, Leslie reached over and grabbed his hand.

"You'll be ok," Leslie whispered. He nodded and they sat there for a few minutes, Jonathan leaning over the garbage can and Leslie holding his hand tightly. "You alright?" she asked. He nodded uncertainly, clutching his stomach. "I'm going to get you a cold cloth and some water."

She went downstairs and grabbed the items, before heading back up to his room. She made him drink a bit of water and then felt his forehead. She had to lean closer to do this, and she saw him glancing back and forth from her eyes to her lips.

"Hey, lie down. You're hot."

Jonathan smiled a bit at her comment, and Leslie blushed.

"Don't get excited," she said, smiling. She placed the cold cloth on his forehead and he closed his eyes. Before long, Leslie heard his breathing slow down and soft snoring. She wasn't sure if she should leave, but she decided against it because his parents wouldn't be home until tomorrow night and besides... She really wanted to stay with him.

No, Leslie. He's your friend, and he needs you. That's all.

She really didn't want to stay in her dress all night, so she pulled on a t-shirt from his drawer and a pair of gym pants, then went back and curled up next to him. She breathed in his scent and sighed. She watched him breathing and couldn't help smiling as she was reminded of how cute he was. But her smile quickly faded. He was Jonathan Toews, superstar hockey player. He could have anyone he wanted. This, whatever this was, would be over as soon as he went back to Chicago. Leslie fell asleep with tears in her eyes.
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