Status: Active!

Long Time No See

Chapter Seven

The next morning when Leslie woke up, it took her a moment to remember where she was. And who had their arm around her? She sat up straight and whipped around to look at the person beside her. Oh, yeah. Now she remembered.

Jonathan smiled at her and ran his fingers up and down her arm. His gentle touch caused goosebumps to breakout all over her body. She stared at his hand before she smiled back, her heart pounding.

"Hi," she whispered.

"Hi," he laughed quietly.

"I'm sorry," she said, running her fingers through her messy hair.

"For what?" he asked curiously, still tracing his fingers up and down her arm.

"Falling asleep with you," she blushed and he smiled.

"You can fall asleep with me anytime you like."

Leslie's heart was racing and she stood up quickly. The fast movement combined with how Jon was making her feel nearly caused her to fall back down. Jon sat up and she placed her hand on his shoulder to steady herself.

"Um," Leslie said, trying to gather her thoughts. "How did you sleep?"

"Good. I see you borrowed some of my clothes."

Leslie blushed. "I didn't want to sleep in my dress."

He followed her out of his room and downstairs into the kitchen. He sat down at the table and watched her as she put four pieces of bread in the toaster.

"So you feel better?" she asked.

"Yeah, thanks to you. You didn't have to stay."

Leslie sat down across from him. "Would you have preferred me to leave?" she teased. She was a bit back to normal now at least. She could have sworn her heart was going to burst out of her chest a minute ago.

Jon laughed. "I told you I slept well," he stated.

Leslie smiled, and chewed her bottom lip. "So did I."

The toast popped up and Leslie got up to get it. She put a bit of butter on it and handed it to him. She instructed him to eat slowly so that he wouldn't upset his stomach again. After she ate her toast and made sure he was okay, she stood up to leave and then hesitated.

"What about your clothes?"

"Don't worry about it. I'll get it later," Jonathan smiled.

"Can you bring my dress when I see you in a couple days?" They had planned to watch some movies at Leslie's.


"You feel better, okay?" Leslie said, and Jon gave her a hug. Leslie waved goodbye and walked to her car.

Leslie woke up two days later and ran into the bathroom. After heaving most of her stomach into the toilet, she grabbed the garbage can and brought it with her back into her room. She threw up one more time before falling back asleep. Her phone rang a while later and she picked it up groggily.

"Jon?" Leslie croaked.

"What's wrong?" he asked instantly.

"I can't go space shuttling today," she laughed weakly.

He let out a light laugh, relieved that she still had a sense of humor."Why? What's up?"

"I ate this chicken thing my mom left for me, and apparently it was leftovers from your party. I have a feeling it might be what you ate..."

"Oh crap."

"Yeah. So maybe tomorrow or-" she paused, feeling a churning in her stomach. "Oh no."


"I think I'm about to-" she leaned over the bucket and threw up again. She lay back against the pillows and closed her eyes, taking deep breaths, before remembering that Jon was on the phone. "Jon?"

"You okay?" he asked. Leslie sighed with relief. He had waited for her to come back.

"Yeah. Sorry about that. Look, I'm sorry I screwed up our plans-"

"Stop saying sorry," he interrupted. "And don't worry, I'll be there in a few."

Leslie couldn't help but smile to herself before drifting off to sleep again.

The next time she woke up, she instantly turned towards the bucket. The only difference was that this time, someone lifted her hair away from her face and rubbed her back, calming her down. When she finished emptying her guts, she turned to look beside her and smiled weakly.

"You good now?" Jon asked, concerned. He tucked her hair behind her ears and helped her lay back down after she nodded. She quickly drifted off back to sleep.

A while later, Leslie woke up again, but her stomach wasn't feeling funny anymore. She noticed that there was an arm around her shoulder, and a warm body lying next to hers. She turned and came face to face with a sleeping Jonathan Toews. She reached up and put her hand in his hair, messing it up a little bit, and smiled. She looked at his lips, so close to hers... She quickly turned away and cuddled into his neck.

"You awake?" he whispered, startling her.

"Yeah," she whispered back. His brown eyes stared down at her.

"You feeling okay now?" he asked.

Leslie nodded. "It's weird that we both ate the same thing," she laughed, then her face grew serious again. "I ruined our day."

Jon shook his head and stroked her hair. "Stop it. I still got to spend time with you, didn't I?" Leslie's stomach filled with butterflies again as he looked her up and down, before his lips turned up into a little smile. "I like your shirt."

Leslie looked down and realized she was still in his shirt. She had slept in it the past few nights.

Oh, great.

"Oh, I, uh, it..." she stuttered. "It's comfy, and... I don't know..."

He laughed and pulled her closer, so that they were in a somewhat hug. Leslie was so glad that he couldn't see her red cheeks. The truth was, the shirt WAS comfy...

It also smelled like him...

"You can keep it. It looks good on you," he said into her hair. She hugged him tightly again before sitting up. "Hey," he protested. "I was comfy."

"I'm just going to wash my face and brush my teeth," she explained. "I feel gross."

Jon nodded in understanding and Leslie went into the bathroom. She came back with her hair in a ponytail and gave Jon a frustrated look.

"What?" he asked, amused.

"I look disgusting."


"Easy for you to say, you're handsome all the time," Leslie said without thinking. She blushed and Jon smirked.

"You think so?"

"Nope." She refused to give him the satisfaction. She lay down next to him and buried her face in the pillow.

"That's not what you said a minute ago. Don't lie," he teased, tickling her so that she would roll over towards him.

"Jon! No! Stop it-ah!" she giggled and he grinned. She tried to pull away but he reached over and grabbed her by the waist, pulling her towards him.

"You wanna know what I think?" Jon asked, looking her straight in the eyes. His expression was soft, and slightly serious. Leslie had to remind herself to keep breathing as he pulled himself up so that he was slightly on top of her, his arm still around her waist.

"Yeah," she whispered, trying to read his eyes.

"I think you're beautiful."

Leslie's breath caught in her throat and she stared at him with wide eyes. He smiled slightly, and leaned towards her. Leslie closed her eyes and felt their noses touch. Jon's lips brushed against hers gently, before he kissed her softly. Leslie's heart was racing a million miles per minute. He kissed her again, and she noticed that he wasn't rough at all. He was gentle and slow, and Leslie felt herself relax as he kissed her a few more times before pulling away. He gave her a slight smile and lay back down beside her.

Leslie stared at the ceiling, trying to calm her body down.

"I thought we were staying friends," she whispered.

Jon laughed quietly. "Yeah, that's not going to work for me."

Leslie smiled at the ceiling, chewing on the inside of her cheek, then caught him by surprise as she rolled over on top of him. She put her hands on either side of his shoulders and he put his arms around her back.

"Me either," she admitted. He started to pull her towards him, when his phone started to ring, causing their faces to spring apart. Leslie was going to get off of him so that he could answer it, but he shook his head, motioning for her to stay put as he reached down into his pocket, pulling his phone out.

"Hello?" he said, smiling at Leslie. He reached up and played with her hair as he listened to the person on the other line. "Oh, crap. Yeah, I'm coming. No, I didn't forget." He made a face at Leslie and she looked at him curiously. "See you." He hung up the phone and sighed.


"I had lunch plans with my mom and dad," he informed her. Leslie rolled off him and he sat up, swinging his legs over the bed.

"When are we getting together next?" Leslie asked, disappointed. She crossed her legs and looked at the back of his head.

Jonathan turned towards her and smiled. Leslie's heart fluttered as he looked at her. "I'll call you later."

Leslie smiled back. She leaned against the wall as he put his shoes on and turned back to her.

"I'll see you later," Jon said, then pulled her in for a hug.

"Bye," Leslie said into his shirt. He kissed her forehead, then jogged to his car. Leslie watched as he opened the driver's side door, pausing and waving to her before he got in. She waved back and closed the door, leaning against the wood.

She closed her eyes and pictured Jon's lips on hers. She instantly felt giddy and let out a squeal of excitement, laughing at herself afterward.
♠ ♠ ♠
hahahaha, WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO finally!

thank you for all the comments! :D <3

ps - sue me, but i think its adorable when guys are there while a girl is sick :)