Status: Completed

The Greatest Love Chemistry

The First Chemical Reaction

Some periods of times before, nearby existed a mighty empire recognized as the "Laboratory Kingdom" wherein King Atomic Number Hydrochloric Acid and Queen Atomic Mass Sodium Hydroxide lived. They loved each other so much that the intensity of their love had produced 2 twins named Princess Lynette Sodium Chloride and Princess Perine Water.

HCl + NaOH → NaCl + H2O

The children grew up behind closed doors. Every Sunday, the “Formula Cathedral” must be closed as ordered by the king so that only the royal family could enter the church. Secretly, Shugarl Silver Nitrate, a helper of the priest, and Princess Lynette NaCl fell inlove with each other. Without the awareness of their parents, they would secretly meet up inside the “Funnel Tunnel” which both of them had discovered. As years passed by, Shugarl AgNO3 made his mind up to be a priest so as to see Princess Lynette NaCl everyday. He in unison became the personal priest of the royal family.

One day, Princess Perine H2O met Prince Legato Oxygen while she was wandering in the “Biological Garden”. They tumble upon love and their parents knew about their affair and they were very supportive about it for their children.

One night inside the “Laboratory Kingdom”, the king gazed at the “watch glass” which notifies the time and he thenceforth announced it was dinner time. They were sitting around the “periodic table” and a servant served a soup placed in a “crucible”. While using the “microspoon”, they slowly finished the appetizer. The servants then shortly served the main course placed in the “evaporating dish”. While having dinner, Princess Perine H2O told her parents about her decision to get married. Her parents were so delighted for her. The queen then asked Princess Lynette NaCl if she already found a man that she loves. The moment the queen had finished her sentence, Prince Lynette NaCl choked. The servants hurriedly picked up the “beaker pitcher” and placed wine inside the “test tube goblet” for Princess Lynette NaCl to drink. As soon as the dinner was over, the royal family went back to their own rooms. The king on the other hand was piping his “pippete” (a small pipe) at the balcony whereas he told his wife that he is worried for Princess Lynette NaCl for not finding a man of her dreams.
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Well I would just like to say that this is just a concise story so it's just short. :-)
I'm not really writing long stories actually.
This is just a short story regarding Chemistry so I hope you chemistry lovers would read and comment my story! Thank you very much!

The first chemical reaction here is Double Displacement.

King Atomic Number Hydrochloric Acid + Queen Atomic Mass Sodium Hydroxide → Princess Lynette Sodium Chloride + Princess Perine Water

HCl + NaOH → NaCl + H2O

In here, Hydrochloric Acid reacted with Sodium Hydroxide forming the compounds Sodium Chloride and Dihydrogen Monoxide (Water) involving the chemical reaction, double displacement.