Photographic Memories.

“Sort of like a photographic memory, right?”

The sound of the bass and thumping of the drums made me body shake as I stood to the far side of the concert stage. The shaking in my chest made it feel like I couldn’t breathe, even though I was breathing better then what I ever had, being the shallow breather that I am. The sound that was hitting my ears was just simply brilliant and I had no real words for what I could see.

From where I was standing, I didn’t have a complete view of the stage, but it was better than nothing or being caught squashed in the back of the small venue. Being one of the shy girls that I was, I didn’t bother pushing through people to get a better look of the whole stage. I was happy enough with what I got being here alone and all.

I know that going to a concert alone is not normally the best idea, at first I had two other people that were going to come with me, but they backed out. One was sick and the other...well she texted me when I was looking for her in the line saying that she wasn’t going to show for what-ever-reason, she didn’t even apologise.

I have been waiting to see All Time Low for so long now - even though I hate being alone and don’t like being near a lot of people, I swallowed my fear down and got in line to see what I could see now. Hearing, seeing and feeling this has so far made it worthwhile. Even the opening bands were awesomely mind blowing. I was defiantly fan of them now too.

The energy in this room – and probably the whole venue - was magical, to be strict and corny describing it. That was the only word for it. Not that I was great at describing things like that anyway.

Letting a warm smile light its way onto my lips, I looked up at the band with my eyes wide to try and take as much of everything I could in. The crowd was singing along to every word Alex was, screaming as loud as they could when Jack and Zack jumped up onto the speakers and cheering on Rian to continue to play as great as he has been so far.

It was crazy, but a good crazy. I loved it.

I lifted up my camera to try and capture everything that I saw and felt. I couldn’t really see what I taking very well, so mentally I had my fingers crossed that they all turned out for the best. I hope they do because it would be nice to have something else to remind me of this night...and remind me that for a fact this was not a dream – I was actually seeing my favourite band play live.

The song that they were playing came to an end as everyone started cheering. I would cheer more than what I was if I could actually hear myself yell, that’s how loud everyone was. Like I said: it was crazy in here.

“Well, I think everyone liked that song.” Alex laughed into the mic, making another lot of cheering start.
“That’s what she said.” Jack grinned.
“Dude, shut up!” Alex pouted placing his hands on his hips. “That was bad timing by the way and who the hell says that anymore?”
“I do, because I is awesome!”

I laughed watching the two bicker a little before biting my lip softly. It was actually pretty cool they acted like themselves on stage, even if you didn’t know the band you could tell it wasn’t fake. I guess that was another thing that seems so awesome about this band. I always like bands like this the most; the ones that acts like themselves no matter what and also had powerful songs you could relate to.

I could relate to a few of their songs and I’m sure nearly everyone else here looking up at the stage could as well.

Alex and Jack eventually stopped their funny bickering, laughing at each other. I noticed that Zack smiled shaking his head before moving towards his mic. He was actually the closest band member to me.

“This song is Weightless.” Jack said into the mic making everyone start cheering loudly again.

Once again the music started making another smile pull on my lips. Grinning I held up my camera before hitting the shutter button. No flash went off because I had it on a special setting but just before the photo was taken an orange light shone on the heads of the people in front of me.

One girl actually turned to look but I acted like I didn’t notice, she had no idea what it was from anyway and looked right past me.

Another five or so song went by and before I knew it they were playing their last song. Smiling brightly I danced in the small space that I could move in and took as many photos as I could of the stage.

As Alex started singing the first course line, Zack jumped up on the speakers holding his bass in the air as he played. I lifted my camera up quickly and turned it to the side before taking a photo of him. Suddenly he looked towards my way, probably to the people behind me and I quickly took another photo before he had a chance to look away.

I can’t wait until I get to sit down and really look at what I have taken.

Zack turned slowly, jumped off the amp and ran over to Rian where Jack already was. Then the two moved to the front of the stage and stood up on the amps. One of the band’s crew, that I couldn’t really see who it was, stepped on stage. Alex turned around and threw his guitar into the air. The guy caught it before placing it on himself and continuing where Alex left off.

Alex then joined Jack and Zack on the amps with his mic in hand. The crowd went completely nuts. The song came to an end but they kept playing the finely of the show. If I wasn’t shaking from the sound before I defiantly was now. My chest felt like it was going to explode with the last burst of music before everything but the crowd when quiet. Looking exhausted the band waved at everyone, threw drumsticks and guitar picks. I was too far on the side to even have a chance of catching anything, which was fine with me, because really I was lucky enough to even be here.

I just lived through one of the things I dreamt of doing, so I was happy. No ecstatic and heart wormed about it. The best night I’ve ever had so far in my seventeen years. I don’t think anything could ruin this night, that’s how good it was.

As the band left stage people cheered for them to come back on and how good the show was. Smiling happily I clutched my camera in my arms and started following the slow moving line of people that was heading towards the doors of the venue. I got shoved around a lot but I ignored it, that happens to me all the time at school so I was used to it by now. As long as I didn’t fall over or my camera get damaged then I guess that’s alright.

It took ages to finally be outside again, I quickly moved to the side so I wasn’t in the way of anyone and walked along the building wall. Once I was away from most of the people I sat down leaning against the wall. Smiling I let myself relax, letting my heart slow down to a normal pace leaning against the cool brick. It wasn’t until now that I realised how hot and stuffy I was. I chuckled quietly to myself and slipped my jacket off my shoulders. I tied it around my waist before getting back to my feet.

I checked my watch and frowned. It still would be another hour or so before my parents can come and pick me up. If my friends turned up I could have got ride home on the bus with them. There was no way I was going home alone on a bus at this time of night – that’s just asking for trouble really. I’ll be over lucky to get home on a bus that was attacked with flying rocks and chucks of concrete.

Sighing I decided to walk back inside to check out the merch table or something. I did have a look on the way in but there were just so many people, it wasn’t worth even trying to get anything at the time. Taking a deep breath of cool air, I started weaving my way through the now small crowd of people. Once again it took a while but I finally got inside and to the merch table.

There were a lot of people there, but it wasn’t too overly crowded. I stood out on the side and waited, watching everyone pretty much bounce in excitement still. It was amusing to see actually. Suddenly someone bumped me from behind that hard I almost lost my balance. Gasping I spun on my heel to see some over muscled dumbass from my school.

Actually the dumbass that likes to make my school days like hell when he did actually notice that I was there, unlike anyone else.

“Sorry.” I muttered loud enough for him to hear.

It wasn’t my right to say sorry, it was his because he bumped into me, but saying it might get him off my back. At least I hope so. I tried my best not to glare at him.

“What are you looking at?” He half hissed. “Bloody hell you’re that invisible no one can even notice you.” He grumbled.

Ok maybe it won’t get him off my back. Quickly I turned and tried to walk away into the crowd that was hovering over the merch table, but the idiot grabbed my arm harshly and ripped me back towards him, making me bump into him this time.

“Now why would a scaredy cat like you would be doing here?” He chuckled.
“That same reason you’re obviously here for.” I said simply amazed I managed to keep my voice so firm.

He glared at me and I glared back trying to break his grip on my arm. He only tightens his hand and glanced around us.

“Where’s that loud mouth friend of yous?” He asking meaning my friend that couldn’t come here because she was sick. “Are you alone?” He smirked looking dangerous.
“No.” I hissed tugging on my arm.

Why can he just leave me alone? It’s bad enough he yells stuff at me while at school, he’s never actually touched my before and his grip is really starting to hurt.

“Leave me alone!” I exclaimed.
“Hey! Leave that girl alone!” Someone yelled.

The idiot used his grip on me to shove me to the concert floor. I landed flat on my shoulder making my arm slam up into my rips. I groaned, but that turned into a gasp as I saw my camera hit the ground next to me and bounced once on the pavement. The bottom of the camera came open making the battery fall out.

Suddenly his foot was hovering over the device I kept at heart. I lifted myself up slightly to shove his foot away but suddenly it wasn’t there.

“I said leave that girl alone - Security!”

Without looking up I shoved myself up into a sitting position wincing holding back a groan. I cradle my now sore arm with my good one and trailed my eyes over to my camera. Before I could even think of picking up the device and battery, someone else did.

My eyes snapped up and anything I was going to say to the person didn’t even leave my lips. Instead I stared at him in shock. He was defiantly the last person I’d expect to see right now.

“Hey, are you alright?”

Zack Merrick looked at me worryingly, head tilted to the side while holding my camera gently in his hands. Shyly I nodded bitting down on my lip softly. He flashed me a smile before holding his hand out. Blushing I took his hand with my good one; he easily pulled me up back onto my feet. Once I had my balance, I let go of his hand and smiled softly.

“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He smiled. “That guy won’t bother you now, security took him away.”

I smiled at him and nodded. So he was the one yelling for that idiot to leave me alone. Zack’s smile quickly faded.

“Shit, you’re bleeding.” He muttered moving to get a better look at my arm.

I looked down at my arm and tried not to flinch. It wasn’t pretty looking at all, I must have skidded on the ground a little when I landed. I bit my lip again, but this time harder.

“Come ‘on, I’ll take you to the medical area.” He said softly.

I nodded as he placed his hand gently on my lower back to move me forward. I started walking and it wasn’t until then that I noticed the ring of people standing around us. I felt my face heat up in embarrassment and quickly looked down at my feet. I could feel too many eyes bore into me making me shift nervously as we walked threw them.

In the end I have no idea where we went but after about five minutes we entered one of the back stage rooms that had a couple of medical beds set up and a few chairs. There was already someone laying down, facing towards the wall with an icepack on his head. I wonder what happened to him...

Frowning I sat down on one of the chairs as Zack wondered off into another room. Not long after he came back with a lady. She smiled at me but worry shinned in her eyes.

“Hello.” She greeted before her eyes flicked towards my arm. “Oh, did you fall over?” She asked moving to my side and lifting my shirt sleeve up.
“Kinda, I got shoved over actually.” I said quietly.

She frowned but nodded. She moved to grab one of the first aid kits then sat down next to me. Zack sat down on my other side. As the lady started pulling out things to clean my arm with I turned and looked at him, because I know what she will do would sting like hell and I rather not watch.

“You’re camera doesn’t seem to be broken, just scratched.” He said placing the battery back into its place. “It’s a very expensive camera, are you into photography?”
“Yeah, I am.” I nodded smiling softly. “That camera normally goes everywhere with me.” I admitted.

Zack grinned as his eyes lit up. Gently he handed me my camera back.

“That’s cool; I’m a bit like that too.” He chuckled. “I’m the only one that really bothers within in the band, I like capturing everything we do and see.”
“Sort of like a photographic memory, right?” I grinned.
“Exactly!” He exclaimed. “Not many people get that, it’s nice to meet someone that does.”
“It is, normally I’d have to explain it to the person - ouch.”

I winced looking back at what the lady was doing. She gave me an apologetic smile and said a quick ‘sorry’ before going back to clean my arm.

“Are you here with friends?” Zack asked.
“Uh, no, alone actually, they couldn’t make it.”
“Oh ok.” He nodded.

Silence flooded the room and I stared down at the ground as I waited for the lady to be finished. In a way I was surprised by Zack still being in here, sitting with me. Hell I was shocked he got that guy off my back, but I’m very grateful, if he wasn’t there my camera could have been smashed and maybe that guy could have hurt me more. Who knows what could have happened. That guy almost ruined my best night ever.

“Thank you, again, for helping me.”
“You’re very much welcomed.” He smiled. “I noticed that everyone was just staring and I knew someone had to help you. I think it’s wrong with guys think they can pick on people that can’t fight back. I couldn’t stand there and do nothing.”
“There you go; all done.” The lady said grabbing my attention. “It’s not that badly cut, but I cleaned it up and bandaged it. If you keep it bandaged for the next few days it should heel up with no problem.”
“Thank you.”

The lady smiled as she packed up the kit and walked across the room to put it back into its place. I went to say something to Zack about what he just said but he cut me off.

“Does your camera still work?” Zack asked.

I picked up my camera and pressed the power button. It turned on fine, looked to be working alright. I check that the screen and lens wasn’t cracked, amazingly they weren’t. There black covering just got scratched up a lot on the side, but that’s alright because it still works.

“It does.” I grinned happily.
“Great! Excuse me, but can you do us a favour?” Zack called.

The lady walked back over to us and I looked at Zack confused as he just smiled. He gently took the camera from my hand and handed it to her.

“Can you take a photo of us for her?”
“Sure thing.”

I looked at Zack surprised, but I couldn’t help smile as well. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, careful of my sore arm and softly moved me into his side. I looked up at the lady, showing a nice smile.

The little orange light showed then I heard the click. She then took another one right after. She chuckled and handed my camera back. I pulled away from Zack slightly and hit the play back button. I couldn’t help but grin at the photo.

“Now you have another photographic memory of tonight.” Zack chuckled.
♠ ♠ ♠
That turned out WAY longer than what I planned and all it started on was a random idea.
I think it turned out alright...I guess.
I hope that you all liked it though! :D