Status: Done

Can You Take Me Back to the Person I Used to Be?

Turns Out Freedom Ain't Nothing But Missing You

"Hey man, what are you doing here?" My brother asked as I walked into our living room.

"I don't want to talk about it." I snapped.

"God, sorry I asked..." Matt grumbled.

I rolled my eyes and sat on the couch. "Fuck!" I exclaimed.

"What?" He asked from the chair next to me.

"I forgot all my shit at Caty's." I sighed.

"Okay...go back and get it." He stated as if it was so obvious.

"I can't."

"Why- oh. Fight?" He asked.

"We're done." I told him.

"What? No! Go over there and apologize. She's perfect for you!" He exclaimed.

"No she's not." Was all I said before stomping up the stairs to my room.

I couldn't even deal with how frustrated I was at the fact she didn't trust me. What have I ever done? Besides the Daisy thing, and yelling at her, but other than that I've been pretty good.

I pulled out my phone and sent Jared a text.

To: Jared

Hey can you pick up my stuff from Caty's? She'll know where it is.

I sat on my bed and waited for his reply.

From: Jared

Ya. Why?

I sighed and texted him back.

To: Jared

Long story

He didn't reply and I stayed in my room trying to get some decent sleep before the start of tour.

I tossed and turned. I tried to get comfortable but I couldn't. It was the first night in two and a half months that I didn't have another body curled into me and resting her hand on my chest. I couldn't fall asleep to her steady breathing. I had nothing to look forward to when I woke up. I wasn't going to see those gorgeous eyes when I opened mine in the morning. I couldn't even look forward to Shaggy jumping on our bed and begging to be let outside.

I didn't sleep at all. I just watched the hours pass by on my outdated alarm clock.

Finally it was morning and I drove myself over to Pat's house where we were all meeting.

I walked into the house greeted by laughter and talking. The last thing I wanted to hear.

"Johno!" Kennedy greeted.

"Hey Kenny, what's happening?" I asked, putting on my best show.

"Not much. You look tired! Caty keep you up late?" He smirked.

I could have punched him, but instead I clenched my jaw and shook my head.

"Hey John I got your stuff." Jared said as he walked over to me. "What happened? Caty looked...devastated to say the least." He said lowly.

I just shook my head letting him know that I didn't want to talk about it right now.

"She told me to give you this." He said handing me an envelope.

I opened it and found a folded up piece of paper inside.

Dear John,
I loved you. Notice the past tense. I can't believe that you would walk out on me like that. I gave you my heart and you didn't even care. So what if I don't trust you? You should know by now that Iam was in love with you. So in love. You hurt me so badly. You obviously aren't the man I thought you were. I'm sorry we didn't work out, but I'm not taking the blame this time. This is it. Goodbye.Love

I stared at the letter and re-read it and re-read it before my eyes couldn't bare it anymore. I folded the letter back up and tried to stuff it in the envelope before I noticed there was something else in it.

The ring.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh my goodness. I just realized how many times I used the word "trust" in the last chapter! Soo annoying! Haha

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