Status: Done

Can You Take Me Back to the Person I Used to Be?

I Was Head Over Heels 'Til You Threw Away Us

"You gave him the ring back?" Amanda gasped as she stabbed her salad with a fork.

"Yep." I shrugged.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Actually, yeah. After the initial shock of it, I just stopped caring. He was such an ass, you know?" I said before taking a sip of my drink.

"But he loves you, and you love him." She countered.

"No I don't. Not anymore. I'm done with John for good." I stated firmly.

"How do you not miss him?" She asked.

"I do, a little bit. But when I feel like I miss him I just focus on all the bad stuff he did and then I don't miss him so much." I answered while picking at my plate of food.

"Be right back, I have to go to the bathroom. Do you have a pad?" She asked.

"No, I skip when I'm stressed." I told her.

"Damn. I hate those ones in the machine." She cursed before walking away.

I ate the rest of my buffalo chicken sandwich and took another drink of my soda.

Soon enough, she came back and we started talking.

"John calls me all the time asking about you." She informed me.

"He's been gone for a week! How many times does he call?"

"Once a day. I swear, he calls more than Kenny." She laughed.

"What do you tell him?" I asked.

"That you're doing really well. And you're fine." She answered.

"Oh. Okay." I nodded.

"He's not doing well..." She brought up.

"I don't care." I shrugged, even though I was curious.

"Okay." She sighed.

We payed for our meals and walked out of the restaurant. Before I started walking to my car Amanda called out for me.

"Hey, I was thinking about going to surprise Kennedy in a week. Wanna come?" She asked hopefully.

"I don't know..." I trailed off.

"Come on. You miss the guys and you know it." She grinned.

"Okay, fine. I'll go." I shrugged.

I got into my car and banged my head against the steering wheel a few times.

"What did I just get myself into?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Mostly just a boring filler:/
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