Status: Writing as much as possible, hard story to write.

A Lover, Not a Fighter

What I Love About You

“Dude you’re going to have to learn that these things don’t feel. They kill and hurt people. They’re demons sent from hell, please remember that” Alexis spoke cutting another creature in half.
“Still I hate killing anything” Jake frowned nervously pointing his sword toward another creature.
The creature launched himself on to Jake and attempted to bite him.
“Alexis” Jake screamed.
“Your job is to kill these things, so you might want to start” she laughed cutting through the creature.
“Come on we’re done, let’s go” she added putting her sword into her backpack.
“Eww those things are so gross” Jake mumbled awkwardly walking over the corpse of the creatures.
“Jake this is your job, these things are attacking everyone. He sent them here and WE are here to kill them and protect everyone. Don’t forget that!” Alexis continues walking home.
“I won’t, not as long as you’re around” Jake laughs.

“Dude you love me okay? Regardless how annoying I can be, you’d miss me” she smiles.
“Well of course, I mean come on I’ve known you all my life” he laughs nervously.
“Okay.......race you home loser” Alexis taunts pushing Jake back before dashing ahead.
When they make it home and older looking woman is waiting outside the house for them.
“All taking care of I hope” She smiles widely.
“Of course Anna, I like to do you proud” Alexis smiles walking into the house.
“The local news is on Alexis, he’s on it again. He wants us to side with them, the people to side with the very army that ripped people from their homes and took over the towns. They’re going to send more out, it will only get worse” Anna rambled on.
“Anna calm down, you have people like us fighting for you why do you worry so? This....war will end okay? We will all be fine and they’ll knock it off eventually when they realise there is a resistance okay? Just relax” Alexis joins Jake at a table in the kitchen.

“Where is everyone?” Jake asks.
“Victor was called to Jonathan’s requesting help, next thing I know Victor has seven kids running out the door with him” Anna says picking up two plates at the counter and putting them before Alexis and Jake.
“Is it bad? Do we need to go in too?” Alexis asks, interrupting Jake’s eating.
He makes an irritated face and mouths for her to be quiet.
“Oh no dear, it’s fine just more of those.....creatures” Anna frowns sitting beside Jake who is still irritated.
“Do you think he used black magic to like......make them?” Jake asks shyly.
“Of course” Anna and Alexis reply in irritated unison.
“Then can’t we just use the same stuff and send them back or something?” Jake asks.
Alexis rubs her face in annoyance.
Anna stands up to pick up their now empty plates and pours herself a glass of water.
“Jake, we don’t want to use black magic okay. We just don’t, it’s bad. We have to do this the old fashioned way, destroy enough of those things and get to him, then this is all history” Alexis smiles.

“I’m sick of fighting though, it’s not who I am. I’m not a killer Aly, I’m just not” he rests his head on his hand.
“Well I don’t know Jake, it’s who we are. It’s what we have to be, else they kill us all or force us to be like them. Do you want that?” she asks.
“Of course not Al” he answers.
“Good, then don’t complain and we’ll get the job done quicker” she smiles.
They both stand up and begin walking out of the room.
Alexis gives Anna a quick nod and a smile.

“Right what shall we play?” Alexis asks a few minutes later in the games room.
“I don’t only a few of the games are here” Jake frowns sitting beside her.
“Okay Buffy The Vampire Slayer it is” Alexis laughs.
“You know, I can still remember when that programme was considered good. It’s one of those things you cringe at now” Jake smiles picking up the controller.
“Oh yeah totally but I wasn’t the one who had a huge crush on her” Alexis elbows him gently with a big grin.
“Hey that’s not fair, you fancied Angel” he elbows her back.
“Yeah, but I’d still do bad things to him. Would you still do bad things to her?” Alexis asks still smiling.
“To Buffy? No way man, she’s not really my type. I don’t tend to like blondes much” he laughs.
“Yeah, yeah that is true. She could kick your ass anyway” Alexis laughs.
“Hey uncalled for” he elbows her again.
“It doesn’t sound like your denying it” she laughs more.

“I don’t like fighting, I’m more.....peaceful than that” he says staring at the TV screen.
“I know Jake and that’s exactly what I love about you” she kiss him on the cheek distracting him from the game.
He turns to look at her and she aggressively pressed buttons on the controller.
“Ha defeated!” she announces.
“You cheated by distracting me, rematch!” he demands.
“I just know your weakness, me ha!” she laughs again.
“Yeah well I know yours” he smiles deviously.
He puts the controller down slowly and begins tickling her.
“Ahhh Jake please no, I’m sorry please ahhh stop” she laughs between giggles.
“You go around killing demons everyday and you squirm when someone tickles you, do you not think that’s a bit weird?” he smiles still tickling her.
“I am weird” she laughs as he stops.
She sits back up properly and fixes her now messed up hair.
“And it’s what I love about you” Jake smiles making kissy faces at her.
She pushes him lightly with a smile.
“You wish boy” she laughs picking her controller back up.
“Oh yeah, you know it” he laughs picking up his.

“Dude that’s like doing your sister, that is seriously dodgey!” she smiles staring at the screen.
“Eh no one said anything about sex but you, dirty bitch” he laughs staring at it.
She elbows him and he elbows her back.
They continue fighting in their game and elbowing each other when they get the chance.
“How do you kids fight your real life battles if this is what you’re like?” a tall muscler man smiles folding his arms at the door.
“Victor, when did you get back?” Alexis and Jake ask in unison.
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I don't think it's that good, just yet.
But for my main idea we need to get a little further into the story.
So tell me what you think so far & if I should carry on.