Status: I don't know what I'm doing. :]

Pushing Daisy

Let's just take tonight, tonight slow;

It had been at least two weeks since Kellan and I had the "fight." Christmas had passed and he hadn't come over to spend it with me. Instead, he went to North Dakota to see his family. I'm sure that made his mother, more than happy.

I hadn't meant to make Kellan feel like I didn't trust him, but I just felt so damn insecure about everything. Of course, I overreacted and in return, he retalliated in frustration. Although I hated when we fought, it was safe to say that I'd gotten used to it.

So, for Christmas I decided to invite my best friend over. Hopefully she would give me advice on ways to "improve my catastrophic relationship with Kellan." I had just finished wrapping up the last of Eden's gift when I heard the front door open.

Eden walked in with an armful of gifts and immediately sat them down on the leather couch, before shutting my front door and letting out a loud sigh of relief.

"Hey! Those aren't all for me, are they?" I asked happily.

"You'd beter be so glad that you're my best friend and I love you. Because, you and your movie star boyfriend are costing me a fortune," she replied wearily.

"You bought gifts for Kellan, too? Wow, you are a best friend."

"Damn straight," Eden agreed with a smile, before collapsing on a chair.

"So, about this boyfriend of mine," I started.

"Oh, gosh! Here we go."

Eden was right. The night was just getting started.
♠ ♠ ♠
okay, this is; no. just, no.