Sequel: Dead Wrong
Status: Complete

Dead Silence

Chapter Four

I'd hurt him I knew I did. He may have said that nothing was wrong but deep down I knew that he felt different. Jack I'm so sorry, but this maybe my only chance to regain some normalcy in my messed up life. Please don't hate me. I managed to get through gym. Jack stayed away from me.

"Are you ok Jezebel you look a little pale and kinda tired"
"Yeah, I guess I am a little tired" he said with a slight chuckle. I didn't want to be rude but he looked terrible. I mean his eyes had dark circles around them, his face the color of a corpse you could see the blue veins clearly through his skin. But then again who am I to judge someone.
"Lilly does it bother you that Jack is upset with us"
"Do you regret your decision"
"NO! I mean I should be able to do what I want he doesn't control me! He's being an asshole" Whoa where did that come from. It was almost as if those weren't my words, like someone was forcing them out of my lips.
"Yeah you're right" Jezebel said with a twisted smile. The bell sounded the end of gym and everyone raced back into the locker rooms to get changed. I never dressed out, I didn't see the point I didn't do anything anyways. Jezebel seemed to never change either.
"Well I'll be seeing you around Lilly" he said. He leaned down and brushed his soft lips against mine, the magic shot through me again and I felt paralyzed.
"Y-yeah see you" I managed to finally say.

"Lilly wait up" Jack's voice called after me.
"Lilly I'm sorry for earlier I'm just worried about you that's all"
"That's not what you said last night, when you called me crying, Lilly you are my best friend and I love you and I don't want anything to happen to you"
"I know, but I'm fine really I know when I'm in trouble and I can always count on you to be there and help me" Jack bit on his snakebites before answering.
"Yeah you can"
"I love you Jack" I said. I knew that he hated to hear those words come out of my mouth so easily. He always told me don't say that unless you really mean it, if you throw it around then it means nothing.
"Don't s-"
"I know but I mean it you're like my brother my own personal guardian angel"
"Well then in that case I love you to angel" We let out pinkeys pull away as we walked to our next class.

When I got to English the teacher was just sitting there with a question on the board.

She always asked stuff like that. Trying to tape into our senses and make us realize who we are. I wrote down what I felt, she never reads them anyways.

"Ok now you all are going to read yours aloud" WHAT? I can't.
"Lilly we'll start with you" Shit.
"I really don't want to"
"Come on" I knew there was going to be no argue with her. I stood up and started to read what I had written.

"I don't know why I'm here. Maybe I was a mistake or maybe I was a test. But personally I believe that I was put here to be tortured day in and day out. I feel that everyday is someone's idea of a cruel game, how far can we push him till he breaks. I don't think I'm here to save anyone and I know that no one is here to save me. I'm not here to change anything or to invent the cure for cancer or to make a difference in the world. In the end all I'll be is another head stone with the words RIP sketched next to my name. Other then that there will be no sign that I even was here, no sign that I cared or that anyone gave a damn about me. I'm not going to be a doctor or a nurse, I'm not going to be a rescuer I'm not going to be anyone's anybody. That's why I can't answer the question because I don't have a purpose, I'm just a body walking around" I sat down and hid behind my hair. A couple of the girls had tears in their eyes.

Ms. Maxi had a shocked look on her face.
"Well Lilly I think that you are a wonderful person and I think that none of that is true I think each and everyone of you will come to something great and change the world in your own special way, sure it may not be the cure for cancer or AIDS but somewhere along the line you will do or say something to someone that changes their lives for the better"

The sleeves of my shirt were wet from the tears that I'd held back during the whole reading. I bit my lip to keep from sobbing. All these emotions in the room right now was killing me. I had to get out. I couldn't be here anymore. I got up and ran out the door.
"LILLY!" Ms. Maxi called running after me.
"Lilly, please wait"
"Why not"
"Why should I huh? I don't care I really don't no one in there likes me they all think I'm so freak I just wanna be left alone"
"I can't just let you wonder around the school, so you can go sit down in the consolers office if you want until you calm down"
"It's goanna be ok sweetie alright" she said patting me on the shoulder. As I walked down the silent hallways I started to feel numb. My heart started racing. Fear, extreme fear someone was running for their lives. And they were close too, close. Screams filled my head. I felt like I was going to faint. Before finally darkness.

"Lilly, Lilly honey wake up" When I opened my eyes I was in the nurses office. There were ten teachers around me. Jack was holding my hand tightly.
"W-what happened?"
"You passed out Jack found you"
"M-my head hurts'
"you probably hit it when you fainted'
"CALL 911 CALL 911 THERE HAS BEEN ANOTHER BEAR ATTACK" a teacher said running in.
"I was going to get something from my car when I heard some one scream from the woods" he was covered in blood and carrying a dead body that had been ripped apart from the stomach. His guts were exposed and some of the teachers looked away trying not to get sick.
"Mr. Wilson there is nothing you can do he's dead"
"Call the police then, they need to do something about this thing"
"Lilly let's get out of here now" Jack said. I got up and ran out with Jack in the panic no one noticed me leaving. They were now laying the body down on the gurney that the ambulance crew was bringing in. All the kids were coming out of their class rooms. The teacher were despite trying to get the kids back inside.
"What the fuck is happening?" I asked Jack.
"I don't know but, whatever it is they need to catch it or kill it" The police were swarming the building now.
"We want all students to the multipurpose room, there is going to be a speech about safety while we go out looking for this team with the animal control" one of them said.

"All students report to the multipurpose room please" One of the teachers announced over the loud speaker. The doors swung open to all the class rooms and the halls filled with noise and running foot steps. Jack and I got there before anyone else so we were able to catch a seat way up top. Once the room filled with all the students a police officer came up to the stand.
"Ah hem ladies and gentlemen as you may already know we believe there is a bear on the lose and we just wanted to warn you all about not going out near the woods and never to go out alone, there will be a search of the woods today with animal control"
"God this thing really has gotten out of hand" Jack could tell this place was killing me. The amount of fear in this room was more then I'd ever handled before.
"Lilly you ok?"
"I-I've got to get out of here"
"Lilly wait" I said as he ran out of the room. I've got to get away from this. I closed my eyes running away from there. I didn't notice were I was going before I ran into someone. I opened my eyes to see Jezebel.
"Lilly, you should be more careful haven't you heard about the bear on the lose" he said in his cool voice. He didn't look so tired anymore. His skin had returned to soft peach color.
"You look a lot better"
"Yeah I slept a little in the last class" he said smiling.
"LILLY" Jack said running towards me, before stopping to glare at Jezebel.
"They're releasing us early so they can start the search"