Their Violence, Your Silence.


I woke up bright and early the next morning, finally having slept a full night again without having to worry about anything. I hurried to the shower and then got dressed in record time.

Last night Caleb had somehow convinced my mother that I could miss another few days of school... I really didn't know how he did that but I was sure it had something to do with his roguish charm.

When I got downstairs I expected to see Caleb still fast asleep on the couch, the way I had left him last night. But the couch was empty, the blankets all perfectly folded.

Looking around I realized his overnight bag was gone and his shoes and coat were missing next to the door. He left? Without saying anything?

A little confused I wandered into the kitchen, I'll eat breakfast first I guess...

On the kitchen counter someone had already laid out a bowl of cereal, all I had to do was add the milk. Next to it was a folded note.


I hurried over, my footsteps echoing in the empty house. As I seated myself at the table, eating, I opened the note so I could read it.

Hey Wins,

Enjoy your breakfast.

Katie and Cassie are going to pick you up this afternoon straight after school.
I'm preparing a surprise for you, otherwise I would have kept you company.

Promise me to stay safe.
Love, Caleb

I smiled at the note, a surprise? So that's why he's gone. Itching with curiosity I smoothed my fingers across the paper a few times. His handwriting was straight and to the point, the lines sharp but somehow elegant and sophisticated.

A little impatience shone through it as well. I could almost imagine him sitting down to write this. In a rush because he wanted to be gone before I woke up.

Realizing I had nothing better to do all day then wait for Cas and Katie to show up so they could tell me about whatever it was he had planned, I trudged back upstairs. I finished my homework and then lost myself in one of my favorite books, curled up in my dads chair.


I nervously smoothed my hands over my dress, casting an anxious look over my shoulder at my two friends. 'Are you guys absolutely sure this is what he asked you to do?'

They had picked me up after school and then done my hair and make up and everything exactly the same as they had the day of the dance. After that Katie had shown up with my dress too. I realized that's what she'd gotten from my room when Cassie was rushing me into her car.

Even the mask was there, I assumed Caleb had given it to them because last I'd seen it it had been on his nightstand.

Neither girl wanted to tell me what was going and why they wanted me to dress up this way... Although seeing all their giggling and secretive smiles told me they were completely in on whatever plan Caleb had come up with.

'Winnie, trust us... We only followed instructions,' Cassie said.

'Trusting you guys... That's exactly what I'm afraid off!' I scoffed playfully. Although I knew I would never allow Cassie to convince me not to tell something to Caleb, like I had done with the surgery.

I was still a little upset that I never really got to enjoy the change yet and especially that my 'grand revelation' had been so thoroughly spoiled.

'Just ring the doorbell!' Katie said impatiently, the both of them were already getting back into Katie's car (even Katie refused to ride with Cassie). It was just before dinner and I knew they had to hurry home.

They had dropped me off on the doorstep of Caleb's house, the same place I had found myself at only yesterday. Except that this time I was dressed as if going to the dance again.

I waved at them and then turned around and rang the doorbell.

'Have fun! Use protection!' was the last thing I heard Cassie yell as the girls drove off. At exactly the moment Caleb opened the door.

Flushing crimson in embarrassment at her comment I twirled around to face Caleb, my boyfriend. The thought just a tad bit possessive.

'Hey Wins, you look absolutely amazing,' said Caleb as he took my hand in his, tugging softly to pull me inside the house. There was a very amused smile on his face as he looked at the departing car.

The heels I wore clicked softly on the marble floor as I stepped inside. It was the only sound heard as he lead me through the house to the dining room.

Caleb was wearing a tux just like he head at the dance, but he wasn't wearing that green mask I'd briefly seen that night. He looked absolutely scrumptious, his hair as always a little messy. I guessed even dressing up wouldn't change that.

The room he led me to had been completely transformed. Before there had been a large dark wooden table dominating it, surrounded by about a dozen chairs. Those were all gone, leaving a large empty space.

At the end of the room there was a round table, just big enough for two. The table was set like you'd expect in a fancy restaurant with a small vase of roses to the side. That end of the room looked out over the garden through big glass panels. The garden had been lit up with all kinds of lanterns in lots of different colors. It looked a bit like a fairy tale.

I smiled at him, 'You did all this?' Maybe it was silly but I felt all fuzzy and warm inside.

He rubbed the back off his neck with his free hand, obviously a little embarrassed. His eyes looking everywhere but me. 'Yeah... I uh... I wanted to do things over... See I even made space so we can dance, if you want... I don't really dance but yeah...'

I just had to laugh, he was so adorable, the way he was stuttering now. Especially because normally he was so self assured that it seemed like nothing would embarrass him.

'It looks amazing Caleb...' I told him honestly. At that his face lit up and his hand found its way to the small of my back.

'Here sit down, I'll go get the food,' he told me as he guided me to a chair. He pulled it out for me like a gentleman and then poured water into the tall wine glass next to my plate.

He smiled softly, confident again, 'I know you don't drink, so I have water and orange juice.' He gently kissed my cheek, 'I think you look even better then you did at the dance. Is that even possible?'

Flushing crimson again I stared after his retreating form.


I folded the napkin carefully in my lap so that I had an excuse to rub my stomach for a moment. I had never eaten so much in my life... I felt a little embarrassed about that but Caleb had looked so delighted when I'd asked for seconds.

It had been an amazing night so far, I hadn't expected just sharing a meal like this could be so much fun. Of course being with Caleb was always amazing really.

'Want to go outside for a moment?' he asked, his voice warm and happy. He stretched out one of his hands to envelope mine, his grip tight yet soft. Telling me he never wanted to let go.

At my nod he pulled me to my feet and towards one of the glass panels. It was a sliding door that let us out into the cool night air, right into that beautiful garden filled with colorful lights.

We wandered around a little aimlessly while I drank in the beauty of it all. I wondered who had made the garden, it was absolutely stunning. With small winding paths that opened up to beautifully arranged flowers and plants.

Some parts over grown with roses across trellis or wisteria with long drooping branches. Only a few of the rose bushes still had flowers, it was after all autumn. But everywhere there were lanterns as if to make up for the lack of flowers.

We were quiet, but it was very comfortable, both of us lost in thought. Caleb had his arm wrapped around me tightly, to protect me from the cold.

I wondered if Caleb had seen his father since last night and ventured to ask.

'He helped with the lanterns actually,' Caleb smiled. 'In fact, when he saw I was cooking for you he came down with a box full of them himself.' Caleb sounded a little surprised by that but obviously very pleased.

'I think it's his way of saying thank you Wins, he'll never utter a word about last night. He's always been closed. He looked... serene now.'

I smiled, 'I'm glad. Caleb?'

'Yes Wins?'

'I love you...' my cheeks heated up as I uttered the words but it felt really good to be saying them out loud.

Caleb smiled warmly, his green eyes sparkling in the multicolored lantern light. 'I love you too Winter. So are you enjoying yourself?'

I nodded vigorously which made him laugh, 'You're cute. Enjoying yourself enough to erase the bad memories of the dance?'

My eyes clouded over as I frowned, thinking back about that. Then I realized that until he'd mentioned it I really had forgotten, it didn't hang over me like a dark shadow like before.

'It really has... Thank you Caleb,' I told him honestly then and a little surprised.

He pulled me closer to him so he could brush his lips against mine, 'Good because that was the plan.' Then he winked mischievously at me, pulling me back towards the dinning room. 'Lets go make fools of ourselves as we try to dance!'

I laughed as I followed him back inside, I seriously doubted Caleb could make a fool of himself that way.
♠ ♠ ♠
I so hate my internet provider... I've wanted to update for like two weeks now but i've been without internet the whole time! :S

So here is chapter 49 at long last... I'm sorry for the long wait!

It's a bit of a filler but I wanted to show you how they're all happy together again before the final plot comes into action ;)