Status: All Done!

TP Monsters


“Change the channel,” she demanded.

“Why?” her best friend asked.

“Cause I’m never gonna meet him,” she replied.

“Baby, baby, baby, oh,” played from the TV speakers in her room.

“Jenny! Change the channel!” she yelled tackling her best friend.

“No! He’s hot! I’m not changing it!” Jenny fought.

They wrestled for awhile and the TV ended up being turned off.

“Sarah; what is up with you!?” Jenny asked, she was officially mad.

“I don’t wanna look at him ok?” Sarah replied.

“Well why not? I can’t take my eyes of him,” Jenny drooled.

Sarah scoffed, “Oh come on, there’s nothing good looking about his hot body, his soft hair, or his chocolaty brown eyes,” she was about to drool too but she snapped out of it.

Jenny rolled her eyes.

“You’re in love with him; deal with it,” she told her friend.

“I haven’t even met him, how would I know if I love him or not?” Sarah snapped.

“Again with the meeting him crap,” Jenny complained.

Sarah sat on her bed and hugged her knees into her chest, “So?”

“So, you have major problems,” Jenny laughed.

“Ya think I didn’t know that?” Sarah laughed too, “Oh and you don’t have major problems, Mrs. ‘oh Jayson I love you!’ ‘oh wait I hate you’ ‘oh no I can’t make up my mind!’”

“Shut up!” Jenny snapped a smile playing at her lips.

And the two best friends spent the rest of their sleepover talking and making fun.


*Two Weeks Later*

“Happy birthday, sister-from-another-mister!” Jenny said proudly handing her best friend her birthday gift.

She took a hold of the small blue envelope from her friend and wondered what was inside. On the front in Jenny’s perfect handwriting read ‘Happy Birthday Sarah, you deserve these.”

“These what?” Sarah asked her.

All of Sarah’s friends sitting around her watched intently.

“Just open it!” Jenny said crossing her arms.

Sarah ripped the envelope open and pulled out the card. It was hand created. Jenny was a superb artist.

On the front of the card was a well drawn sketch of her and Jenny with their arms around each other. It looked like a picture but it was drawn out and colored. And at the top it said ‘Happy Anniversary!’ in cool bubble letters. (Happy Anniversary was an inside joke.)

Sarah smiled and opened the colorful card.

Four slips of paper fell out and Sarah took one and examined it.

Once she saw the words ‘Justin Bieber’ and ‘concert’ on the slip she knew what they were.

They were tickets to the Justin Bieber concert this Saturday.

Sarah looked up at her best friend and smiled.

Becky one of the other people who was watching said, “Well what are they?”

“Justin Bieber tickets!” Sarah said excitedly.

All of the 8 girls who were there screamed. They all loved Justin Bieber.

Jenny laughed, “And not just any tickets. Front row tickets. With backstage passes where we get to meet the Justin Bieber himself!” she squealed.

Sarah’s eyes went wide and she froze. She was going to get to meet him!?

“Our moms are going with us,” Jenny added; but that didn’t faze Sarah she was still awestruck.

“Sarah?” Jenny waved a hand in front of her face.

Sarah then wrapped her arms around her best friend.

“I love you Jen-Jen!” Sarah said.

Jenny laughed and said, “Yay!” and hugged her friend back.


“Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod!” Jenny and Sarah kept saying repeatedly.

“Girls! Calm down! We aren’t even there yet!” Jenny’s mom said from the front seat.

“But we are actually going to meet the hottest guy on the face of the Earth!” Jenny squealed!

“Oh he is not the hottest guy on the face of the Earth. He’s not as great as they men in our day, huh, Catherine?” Sarah’s mom said, keeping her eyes on the road.

“Oh you know it,” Jenny’s mom replied.

“Moooom,” the girls whined at the same time.

“Okay, okay,” Sarah’s mom laughed.

The rest of the ride to the US Bank Arena was filled with squeals and laughs and tons of Justin Bieber singing. By the time they got there, their moms had learned all the lyrics too.

Once they waited in the long lines to get in they handed their tickets to the lady behind the window at the gates.

“Oh, wait a second,” she said looking at the tickets.

“What? What is it?!” Sarah snapped, the adrenaline was pumping through her veins and she thought something bad was about to happen.

“These are VIP tickets. Hold on a second and I’ll call Kenny to come escort you backstage,” the lady said.

Jenny and Sarah squealed and moved to the side to wait for Kenny to come and get them.

Soon enough a big and burly African American man showed up.

“Are you the four young ladies I need escort backstage?” he asked.

“I don’t know who you’re calling young but yes,” Sarah’s mom joked as she and Jenny’s mother shook Kenny’s hand and everyone introduced themselves.

He laughed, “Well, it’s very nice to meet you all. Now if you would just follow me.”

So they did just that. They followed him in through a weird side door on the other side of the building and soon they were walking down long hallways and Sarah and Jenny were lost.

“Is it just me or do you not know where we are anymore either?” Jenny whispered to her friend.

Their moms were walking in front of them chatting happily with Kenny.

“Trust me; as soon as we walked in the door back there, I was totally lost!” Sarah replied.

Her and Jenny laughed and continued to follow Kenny.

Soon enough though they came to the last door they needed to go through.

“Now ladies this is Justin’s dressing room. You have to promise me that you will not under any circumstances return here without permission!” Kenny told them sternly.

“We promise!” Jenny and Sarah said raising their hands in the air like they were taking an oath.

“Ok good,” Kenny said and he turned and opened the door, walking in first.

“Yo, JB,” he said and Sarah and Jenny looked over to see Justin sitting on a couch with his Mac book on his lap, covered in his stickers.

“What’s up Kenny?” Justin said looking up at him. Then his eyes looked over to see the girls and he smiled that million dollar smile.

The girls looked at each other and squealed as quietly as they could.

“Justin, this is Jenny, Sarah, and their moms, Catherine, and Michelle,” Kenny said motioning to everyone.

“Well it’s nice to meet you,” he said politely shaking the mom’s hands first.

He came to Jenny and kissed the top of her hand making her smile even wider.

Then he came to Sarah and did the same to her except he never took his brown eyes off her green ones.

She blushed and looked at the ground.

“Oh Sarah, stop being so shy!” Jenny said.

“Shut up,” Sarah said elbowing her best friend.

Justin chuckled then a short lady with dark hair came inside the room.

“Why hello!” she said cheerfully.

“Everyone this is my mother Pattie,” Justin introduced her.

“Hi! I’m Jenny,” she said cheerfully.

“I’m Sarah,” she said quietly.

“I’m Catherine, Jenny’s mother.”

“And I’m Michelle, Sarah’s mom.”

“It’s nice to meet you all, would the moms like to come with me for some hot tea in the lounge?” Pattie asked them.

“That would be lovely!” Catherine replied.

“Great!” she said moving to open the door again, “Justin be good,” and she gave her son a look.

“I will mom,” he said rolling his eyes.

“Good,” she said and she took the moms and Kenny followed behind them out the door.

“Well now that their gone!” Justin said.

“HI!” Jenny said bouncing.

Sarah looked at her like ‘you retard’.

“What?” Jenny said looking at her.

Justin chuckled again, “You two must be best friends.”

“We are, since diapers,” Sarah said watching Jenny.

Jenny cheerfully went over and sat next to Justin who had relocated to the couch.

He smiled at her and looked back up at Sarah who was looking around and wondering if she should sit too.

“Come on, I don’t bite,” Justin said motioning to the other seat next to him.

Sarah shyly came over and sat on the other side of Justin, but not as close to him as Jenny was.

“Sarah’s a little shy,” Jenny whispered loudly.

Sarah glared at her friend.

Justin just laughed, “It’s ok, it’s nice to not have someone screaming and tackling me for once.”

On the inside Sarah was screaming.

She smiled shyly and pushed some hair behind her ear.

“Well, what are we gonna do?” Jenny asked. Leave it to her to act completely happy.

“I don’t know, I’ve got like another two hours until my part of the show starts,” Justin said.

“Let’s run around like chickens with our heads cut off!” Jenny said bouncing in her seat.

“How do you do that?” Justin asked.

Jenny gasped and stood, “Child, you have been deprived,” she said using a southern accent that always seemed to pop up in random sentences.

Sarah laughed behind Justin and he turned to look at her.

“She speaks!” he said jokingly.

“Technically that wasn’t speaking, silly,” she said back to him.

“Well that was!” he pointed out.

She laughed again.

“So we gonna act like idiots or not?” Jenny asked.

“Yes but we’ve got to do it with style,” Justin said standing up.

“And what do you mean by that?” Sarah asked standing up also.

Justin smirked.


Justin had taken them outside where his two friends Chaz and Ryan were playing basketball.

“Yo guys!” he shouted over to them as he lead Jenny and Sarah over to the court.

“Hey,” they said walking towards the three.

“Ryan, Chaz, this is Jenny and Sarah,” he said motioning to them.

“Girls this is-,” but he was cut off.

“Ryan and Chaz, we know,” Jenny said cheerfully.

“Hello ladies,” Chaz said smoothly making his way over to Jenny.

“Hey,” she flirted.

Sarah rolled her eyes.

“Is she naturally that flirty?” Justin whispered to her.

“Oh yes,” Sarah said simply.

Justin chuckled and their fingers touched from him standing close to her.

She felt it and flinched and nervously put her hands in her pockets. She was so shy.

Justin glanced down at her and internally sighed. He thought she was really cute and wanted to get to know her.

“Well, enough flirting you two,” Justin said, “Let’s get to work.”

“So what are we doing?” Ryan asked.

“Being stupid!” Jenny said bouncing.

Chaz looked at her like she was crazy and she giggled.

“We are gonna run around and be toilet paper monsters!” Justin said excitedly.

“Oh yay!” Jenny bounced more.

“I’m in,” Chaz said noticing Jenny’s enthusiasm.

“Sure why not?” Sarah said.

“I’ll pass,” Ryan said simply.

Sarah already could figure out it was because he didn’t have a girl to hang out with. Just then a brown haired girl walked out of the building and over to them.

“Hey guys! Oh hello girls,” she said cheerfully, “I’m Becca.”

“Hey, Becks!” Justin and Chaz said to her.

Ryan looked at her and Sarah noticed the small sparkle in his eye.

“We were just about to be toilet paper monsters!” he said.

“But you said you didn’t want to,” Justin said. Ryan punched his shoulder.

“Oh sweet!” Becca said.

“I’m Jenny by the way,” she told Becca.

“And I’m Sarah,” she added.

“Awesome,” Becca said, “Well are we gonna be monsters or what?”

“Yes!” Jenny said and she grabbed Chaz’s hand and rand towards the doors him being dragged behind her.

“Do you even know where you’re going?!” Sarah shouted.

“Oh wait,” Jenny stopped abruptly, causing Chaz to ram right into her, knocking them both on the ground.

Jenny laughed and so did Chaz they ended up having a moment. Ya know those split seconds where you lock eyes with someone and like feel something?

Justin, Sarah, Becca, and Ryan just laughed at them and walked over to the doors.

They all filed inside and Justin went into the bathroom in his dressing room and got a bunch of toilet paper.

He handed everyone a roll and they began to cover themselves.

He looked over at Sarah, “Want me to help you?”

“Uh, sure,” she said, so he began wrapping and draping the toilet paper all over her.

She did the same to him and laughed.

They all looked really funny.

Toilet paper wrapped around them on all their limbs and draped over them. They looked like mummies.

“We, look,” Jenny began and paused, “Amazing!”

Everyone laughed.

“Now let’s go!” Chaz shouted and ran out the door.

Sarah followed Jenny and Chaz and Justin followed her.

“Let’s go torment my dancers,” Justin said stopping at a door.

“Ok!” they agreed.

He opened the door and skipped inside, Sarah followed them all in.

“Gerr!” Justin said running over and lightly shoving one of his dancers who was trying to practice a routine.

Usher just happened to be the in the room too.

“Sarah!” Jenny scooted over to her best friend’s side, “Its USHER!” she whispered happily.

Sarah giggled, “I know!” she replied.

They looked back over at him and Justin was already over there talking to him. They watched intently and suddenly Justin pointed to them. The two smiled and looked at each other and Justin motioned for them to go over there. Ryan and Chaz simply followed.

“Usher, this is Jenny,” Justin motioned to Jenny.

“Nice to you meet you Jenny,” he said smoothly, his velvety voice matching the smile on his face.

He was wearing aviators.

She squealed, “Hiya Usher!” she said gleefully.

“And this is Sarah,” Justin mentioned.

Only Usher noticed the special sparkle in Justin’s eye when he said her name.

“Hello Sarah,” he said after he chuckled.

“Hi, nice to meet you,” she said sweetly and more calmly than Jenny.

“Well, we are gonna go run around and do stuff,” Justin said.

“See ya round, JB, nice to meet you lovely ladies,” Usher smiled, “Oh! Justin, don’t do anything too reckless ok?”

“What makes you say that?” Justin said acting clueless.

They all skipped out of the room and out into the hallway.

Jenny then proceeded to squeal (yet again).

“Oh my god, this is the best night of my life!” she said hopping in a circle.

Everyone giggled at her.

“I’m serious!” she said smiling at them all.

“I know what you mean,” Sarah said, it was the best night of her life too.

“I mean, I met Justin Bieber, and this guy right here,” she grabbed Chaz’s hand and his face turned red, “He’s amazing!” she hugged him, “And now I’ve just met Usher! How much better can this night get?!”

Chaz was standing next to her dumb-foundedly holding Jenny’s hand. Sarah also noticed that Becca and Ryan had completely disappeared. She smiled to herself; they would make such a cute couple.

Sarah smiled at them and was so happy for Jenny.

She then imagined what it would feel like to be holding Justin’s hand.

Then, as if he had read her mind, she felt her hand warm from his touch.

He had grabbed her hand to lead her down the hallway.

She looked up at him and he smiled at her.

“Come on,” he said, nodding his head towards the door.

She smiled and let him tug her out of the room. Chaz and Jenny stayed behind and chatted with Usher and would eventually go off on their own.

“So we are going off on our own now?” she asked him as she stayed by his side and held his hand.

He glanced at her, “Yup. Is that okay?”

She laughed, “Its fine.”

Soon they had stopped by the dressing room and took off all that toilet paper that had been on them this entire time and then Justin led her back out into the hallways and yet again took her on a trip that got her lost and confused with all the twists and turns.

It had gotten quiet for a moment and it seemed awkward, so Sarah spoke up.

“So, when’s the concert start anyways?” she asked.

Justin simply kept leading her down hallways and around curves and he answered, “I don’t know.”

Plain and simple.

“No offense but why are you so quiet all of a sudden? I thought I was the quiet one,” she said.

He chuckled, “I don’t know that either.”

Soon they came to a door and Justin mumbled, “Here it is.”

“Here what is?” Sarah asked.

“You’ll see,” he said and he reached into his pocket pulling out a single key.

He let go of Sarah’s hand and unlocked the door and opened it.

It was completely dark in the room and Justin motioned her to go in first. She was kinda hesitant but walked in anyways and Justin followed.

“Ok,” she started, “I can’t see a thin-,” but she stopped when the lights flicked on row by row out into the arena.

No one was here yet but now they were standing on the stage all alone.

The arena was huge! And it amazed Sarah to see it from this angle, from on the stage. And it seemed even larger without it being filled to gills by millions of people.

“Whoa,” she simply; walking forward to get a better look out over the seats.

“It’s huge in here without all the people,” she said looking around.

Then she noticed the piano in the middle of the stage.

She walked over to it and ran her hand over its shiny, glossed wood.

Justin watched her intently.

“You gonna use this during the show?” she asked looking back at him.

“Maybe,” he said, “I haven’t decided yet.”

She laughed, “You get to decide what you do right before you do it?”

“Well no,” he smiled walking over to her, “Just if I wanna use the piano or not.”

He sat down on the bench and opened it up, revealing the sparkling keys.

She watched and he scooted over motioning for her to sit next to him.

She did, and he smiled.

“So, why were you so shy earlier?” he asked.

She looked down at her fingers and sighed, “I don’t know actually. I get nervous around anybody, it’s just a habit of mine. And I mean you’re like my idol and I think you’re one of the most amazing people I’ve met and I barely even know you. I don’t like getting off on the wrong foot ya know? So I just stay quiet and listen before I speak so I don’t screw something up. That’s my biggest fear; embarrassment; well that and unlived life.”

“Unlived life?” he asked.

“Yeah, there’s this quote I know that goes, ‘Don’t fear death, but fear unlived life.’ And I had always thought I feared death but when I found that quote I realized that’s really what I feared. Not being able to do the things I wanna do because death stopped me,” she explained.

He stared at her like she was genius and she giggled.

“I know I probably sound crazy,” she said looking back down at her fingers in her lap.

“No, no, no!” he said, “It actually makes perfect sense and that’s kinda what I’m freaked out about too.”

She smiled and looked up at him, “Well I’m glad someone knows how I feel!”

They laughed together and when it died down it got really quiet.

Sarah’s eyes were wandering all over the place. She was astounded at the fact that she was on the stage of the biggest arena in their city with Justin Bieber. How could she get so lucky?

Then the piano broke her out of her thoughts.

Justin had begun to play. What song? U Smile of course.

“Ooh,” he hummed, “Yeaah, mmm.”

“I’ll wait on you forever, and a day,” he sang, “Hand and foot, your world is my world. Yeah. Ain’t no way you ever gon’ get any less than you should, cause baby, when you smile, I smile. Oh, cause whenever you smile, I smile. Hey, hey, hey.

“Your lips my biggest weakness, shouldn’t have let you know! I’m always gonna do what they say, if ya need me I’ll come running from a thousand miles away,” his voice echoed from the stage.

Sarah watched his fingers dance over the keys and she watched him close his eyes when he played. He was so into the music and it amazed her. He was so passionate about his music. She also had the urge to touch his face right then and there to check and make sure he was real and not a figment of her imagination.

But she didn’t want to disturb the beautiful masterpiece unfolding right in front of her eyes.

“Baby, take my open heart and all it offers, cause this is as unconditional as it’ll ever get, you ain’t seen nothing yet! I, won’t ever, hesitate to give you more, cause baby, when you smile, I smile, oh whoa oh, oh, oh,” she was intently listening to the live sound of his voice.
It was amazing how great a live performance without an interference from technology is.

“You smile, I smile, I smile, I smile, I smile, you smile, I smile, oh. Make me smile baby!
Baby, you, won’t, ever, want for nothing. You are my and’s and my me’s now. With you there’s no in between. I’m all in. Cause my cards are on the table, and I’m willing, and I’m able, but I fold, to your wish cause it’s my command. Hey, hey, hey!

“You smile, I smile, whoa, oh, wha, ah, ah, ah,” Sarah loved that part when he changed the notes like that. It was her favorite part to sing.

“You smile, I smile, hey, hey, hey! You smile, I smile. I smile, I smile, I smile. You smile, I smile oh. You smile, I smile. You smile, I, smi-i-i-le,” he finished.

Sarah thought it was really sexy how he got really low at the end.

She smiled as he glided his fingers up the keys for the last few notes and finally he was finished.

He looked over at her, “You like?”

She just sat here, smiling like an idiot, “It was amazing. So much better live than off the computer or something.”

“Thank you,” he stated, and he closed the piano.

“Ya wanna know what my favorite part of that song is?” she asked.

He smiled, “Sure.”

“It’s the part where you go, oh, whoa, wha, ah, ah, ah,” she sang.

He looked at her different all of a sudden.

“What?” she asked, slightly panicking, “Do I have something in my teeth?”

He chuckled, “No of course not, it’s just that was really good.”

She blushed and looked down again, “Thanks.”

He put his finger under her chin and brought her face up to look at him.

“You’re really cute when you blush,” he whispered.

She giggled and blushed more, “Am I?”

“Yup,” his eyes were sparkling now.

A split second before his lips met hers she realized what was happing. They were going to kiss.

“Wait,” she whispered before it happened.

“What is it?” he asked worried.

“I-,” she stuttered, “I’ve never kissed anyone before,” she said meekly.

Justin smiled, “That’s ok, you’ll know what to do as soon as it happens.”

“Is it gonna happen now?” she asked, looking up into his eyes.

“Only if you want it to,” he whispered moving his hand up to her cheek.

She closed her eyes, “I kinda want it to.”

“Then let it happen,” he whispered and he placed his lips on hers.

He was right; she did know what to do as soon as his soft lips pressed against hers.

He tasted like mint, because he had been chewing gum earlier.

She shyly wrapped her arms around his neck and he put one hand on her hip pulling her into him. It was the most amazing thing she had ever experienced in her life.

This was definitely the best moment of her life.

Once they pulled away to breathe, Sarah smiled and giggled.

“Wow,” she whispered.

Justin just smiled at her.

Sarah hugged him and kept laughing. Her mood had improved so much. There was no possible way she could be any happier.

He wrapped his arms around her too.

“Are we interrupting something?” they heard, it was Jenny and Chaz.

Sarah laughed and looked at them and back at Justin, “Eh, not much,” she smiled at him. He smiled back.

Then Sarah noticed that Jenny and Chaz were holding hands.

“Are you…?” she asked them.

“I don’t know are we?” Chaz asked.

Jenny leaned in and kissed him.

Sarah and Justin looked at each other and back at them.

“Get some!” Justin whispered loudly at Chaz.

Sarah elbowed him.

“Ouch,” he said, she laughed.

They pulled away from each other and Sarah answered, “I’ll take that as a yes?”

Jenny laughed and Chaz smiled.

“So where is Ryan and Becca?” Justin asked.

“I don’t know,” Chaz said.

“We walked in on them making out in one of the dressing rooms,” Jenny laughed.

Sarah laughed too, “Well that’s great for them!”

They all laughed; Justin checked his watch, “Um guys its bout 45 minutes till the show starts, I think we should go back stage now. They may start letting in the crowds.”

“Ok let’s go,” Jenny took Chaz’s hand and took him back behind the stage.

Sarah got up and started following them and Justin followed her, but before they could get back into the hallways back stage he grabbed her hand and made her face him.

“Whats wrong Justin?” she asked seeming worried.

“Can I ask you something?” he asked, pulling her closer.

“Um, sure,” she said, letting him put his hands on her hips.

“Are you willing to be a pop star’s girlfriend?” he asked hopefully.

Her heart skipped a beat.

“Are you willing to put up with me?” she asked looking up at him.

“I don’t think I’ve got enough courage to be without you,” he whispered caressing her cheek.

She smiled, “Then yes I’d love to be your girlfriend.”

He smiled and kissed her once more, pulling her close to him.

They pulled away and Justin asked, “Piggy back?”

She giggled, “Sure!”

So she hopped on Justin’s back and wrapped her arms around his neck and laid her chin on his shoulder. He held onto her legs to make sure she wouldn’t fall off.

“Let’s go!” she said happily.

He laughed and they headed backstage again to get ready for the concert and look for Ryan and Becca, and continue their perfect night.
♠ ♠ ♠