A Life in the Day of...

To put it simply, it's basically the story about the life of a girl named Natalie and her friends, Adam (the pirate), Jade, Davey, Hunter and Jenna. This is an AFI fanfiction story, if you havn't already noticed. I only have an idea for the first and second chapters, so, I don't know where I'm going to go from there. I wrote the first chapter on a spur of the moment, so I guess I'll need to do the same for the others. I suppose I'll update this once I get a better summary of the story together.

August 19th, 2007 ;; 12:21 AM, EST
I need to get going with this story.

I have a few ideas down, just, need to find the time to work them out in my head and put them into my computer in the form of a pretty, interesting, flowing, story.

Plus, I plan on changing the title. I don't know what it will be to, but it will be something more clever then the current one. I don't know what the fuck I was thinking when I picked 'a life in the day of', because, it really doesn't fit well.
  1. A radical new superman invention.
    Introduces the characters of Natalie Branson and Adam Carson.
  2. I'm told there was beauty in our silence.
    Introduces Jade and talks more about Natalie obviously, since, she's my main character.