‹ Prequel: Hearts & Spades
Status: Finished, done, over, ended. No more! Trilogy is COMPLETE. :D

Into Your Arms

Don't come back for me.

San Diego, California.
The Sportsman’s Bar.

The small teenager easily slips between the people in the crowded bar, his slender fingers picking out a wallet here, a watch there, a ring there. Everyone in the room is too focused on the football game playing on the TVs scattered around the room to notice the sudden disappearance of personal belongings. They credit the cold feeling behind them to a door being opened.
I, however, notice everything. And as I wait for Bryony, Beccy, and Miles to arrive, I sit at the far end of the U-shaped bar, watching the teenager steal about $2000 worth of items.
He glances up and looks around suddenly, and I notice the glow of red eyes under shaggy blonde hair. He wears a dark blue hoodie with the Hollister symbol across the front, and his skinny jeans are long enough to be slightly tucked into the tops of white Vans. It’s enough of a California outfit so he’ll seem normal if he’s noticed, but it’s highly unlikely he’ll be noticed at all.
Ah, newbies. I love when they think they’re smart.
I slip off the stool, leaving a crisp $20 bill on the bar for the overworked bartender, and slide through the crowd, standing by the front door. I stare at the teenager, hoping he’ll get the feeling of being watched and look over at me.
Sure enough, he does, and we lock eyes. His widen slightly with fear and I nod towards the doors. The next second, he’s standing next to me.
“You’re-“ he starts, but I shush him.
“Not here. Too many people,” I mutter in the lowest possible tone. “Outside.”
I push open the door and step out into the warm spring air, with him close behind. Before the door even closes, I have my hand around his throat, pushing him against the wall in the alley next door.
“Name?” I ask. Harsh, I know, but otherwise they run away or cause a scene.
“L-Leo,” he stutters, his eyes wide and innocent. “Who’re you?”
“Ivory,” I answer after a pause. “I’m 16. How old are you?”
“I think… 18?” he frowns. “Either 17 or 18. I-I don’t know exactly, I can’t remember.”
“I see… And, Leo, do you know what you are?”
He nods rapidly. “The guy who turned me, he explained it all then he disappeared.”
“Right,” I nod after a moment. “Hey guys. Nice to see you.”
Bryony stands to my left, while Beccy and Miles stand slightly behind me.
“Who’s this?” Bryony asks curiously, tying her hair out of her face, leaving a thick fringe of hair to slightly shadow her eyes.
“Leo, 18; I caught him pickpocketing,” I reply. “I will admit, you’re actually pretty good.”
A small smile curves across Leo’s face and he nods in gratitude.
“Anyway, why’d you randomly call us?” Beccy asks, her hands in her back pockets as her toe randomly taps the ground.
“I left the Cullens,” I say, without looking back at her.
“You’re... going back, aren’t you?” Bryony asks.
I nod and release my grip on Leo’s neck. I hesitate for a second. “I think I’m going back. I’m not sure. All I know is that I left and whatever happens, happens.”
“You sound like someone after a one-night stand,” Miles snickers.
“Thanks.” I roll my eyes and turn to face them, giving a quick hug to each. “Now then. I’m thirsty. Leo, would you like to join us?”
Leo grins and nods eagerly.
“Good,” I smile and stride away; Beccy and Miles begin chatting with Leo a few paces behind while Bryony rushes to catch up to me.
“You have no clue what the hell you’re doing,” she states, wrapping her fingers around my wrist for a few seconds. “And I see you kissed him again.”
“That’s not important.”
“To him it is. It’s like you’re leading him along.”
“I am not a tease,” I say sharply, “if that’s what you’re suggesting.”
“Not at all,” she corrects quickly. “But you are confusing.”
I stop and look at her.
“You’re practically bipolar,” Bryony points out. “You left the Robertsons for the Volturi, left the Volturi to be by yourself, abandoned isolation to be with us, left us to be a ‘family’ with the Cullens, and now you’ve left the Cullens… for what?”
“I don’t know.” I shake my head slowly. “I… don’t know. I just needed to leave.”
“To be with him.”
I nod. “Maybe.”
“You really need to make up your mind,” she sighs. “I mean… you’re going to get yourself in a mess if you don’t figure things out.”
“Like I don’t know that,” I scoff quietly. “I’ll figure out what I’m doing. Eventually.”
She looks at me with genuine concern in her eyes, and then nods. “Alright.”
“Besides,” I giggle, “Leo and Miles are definitely getting along.”
We glance back at the two, who are chatting rapidly, while Beccy has an abandoned-third-wheel expression on her face. “Help,” she mouths, and Bryony laughs, her face unusually cheerful when compared to the pitch black of her eyes.
I notice and frown. “When’s the last time you fed?”
“Oh um… I don’t know,” she shrugs. “No big deal.”
I wrap my fingers around her upper arm, bringing her to a halt and staring into her eyes; considering she’s a solid 4 inches taller, it probably looks amusing.
“You’re worried about something,” I state simply. “You’ve been running from something. Tell me.”
She shakes her head. “It’s nothing. We can take care of ourselves.”
“No,” I snap, tightening my grip as she attempts to pull away. “Tell me. Now.
The other three have slowly stopped walking behind us, watching the scene with interest.
“These vampires in black cloaks have been following us,” Miles says quietly.
I numbly release my hand from Bryony’s arm and turn to face him. “How many?”
“Two. A man and a woman, as far as I can tell. She has green streaks in her hair and the man has hair like Leo’s, but brighter.”
Everything inside of me seems to freeze. “Green streaks?” I ask, my voice distant.
Miles nods, and a watching sensation suddenly grows in the back of my mind.
“We’re being followed now,” I say quietly.
Beccy shakes her head slowly. “I don’t think we’re being followed…” she trails off. “More like watched from a distance.”
“Observed,” Miles offers.
I close my eyes, and the probing sensation in my mind disappears instantly.
“What’s going on?” Leo asks, a tone of panic in his voice.
My eyes slowly open and I think about it for a moment.

“And where are the others you were traveling with?” he asks.
I shrug. “I don’t know. Still traveling. I haven’t spoken with them in a while.”
Aro nods, releasing my hand and muttering to Cauis and Marcus; I hear both Bryony and Miles’ names, and guilt begins to gnaw at my core. Now I know they’ll be tracked and cornered, with an offer to join. Not that they’ll truly be forced, more like intimidated.

“They’re following you guys because of me,” I say slowly. “I wish I had told you guys before…”
“Told us what?” Beccy asks curiously.
“Before I met you guys, I was part of… the vampire royalty, I guess you could say. But I ran away because of personal differences. The leader can read every single thought you’ve ever had, and when I saw them again, he noticed Bryony and Miles,” I glance at them before continuing. “He’s almost like a… collector of vampires like us, vampires who have abilities. And this sounds cliché, but now he wants to add you to his collection.”
“Can he-“
“Force you? No,” I shake my head. “But he can scare you.”
“You know the ones who are following us,” Bryony says quietly.
“I don’t think that matters.”
“Yes it does,” Miles agrees.
I sigh in frustration. “The woman was my best friend. She can put thoughts into your head, essentially an indirect form of mind control. The man… I’ve only met once, and I don’t know him that well. But I’m guessing he’s able to watch us, somehow.”
“And they’re following us,” Beccy confirms.
I nod. “Following you guys.”
We all glance around, out of reflex, checking that no one is there. “We should leave,” Bryony says quietly. “Find somewhere else to feed.”

So much for trust.


As the quintet makes their way into the heart of downtown San Diego, the man and woman in question are observing them quietly.
“Damn, she’s smart,” Melody mutters, tying back her hair. “I thought we had them fooled.”
Isaiah shrugs, his focus on the group. “I think the one with black and brown hair could tell I was in her mind.”
“Bryony,” Melody offers, “her name’s Bryony.”
He nods. “She can tell.”
“We don’t have to keep jumping into their heads,” she says.
“No,” he shakes his head. “It’s the only way we can follow them without our scent being picked up.”
“Damnit, now you’re too smart.”
Isaiah smiles, wrapping his arm around her shoulders, and for a moment they appear to be two normal young adults, deeply in love, enjoying the nighttime skyline.
The picture-perfect image is only shattered by their glowing red eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Um... It's been a while. I apologize. I was stuck :P That, and I'm kinda postponing things until Eclipse comes out. HOWEVER it comes out this Saturday. But... I have finals in two weeks. Oh my gods, I have finals in two weeks. That's terrifying. Anyway... This'll probably end in January/late December, depending on if I get internet when I visit my family over winter break. So be patient with me, yes?
And this is going to be the shortest story of the whole series. It might be... five chapters?
Totally makes fun of us, but I love it anyway.