‹ Prequel: Hearts & Spades
Status: Finished, done, over, ended. No more! Trilogy is COMPLETE. :D

Into Your Arms

Just because you're right doesn't mean I'm wrong.

Forest clearing.
Forks, Washington.
June 2010

The Volturi quietly stride into the clearing, stopping just a few steps short of the bonfire and lifting their hoods up away from their faces in perfect synchronization. Alec and Ivory’s hands almost immediately intertwine with one another as the group examines the Cullens with expressionless faces.
“Impressive,” Jane starts, her voice showing no hint of emotion to support the statement. “I’ve never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact.”
“We were lucky,” Carlisle responds without any greeting.
“I doubt that.”
“It appears we missed an entertaining fight,” Alec says, a small smirk curving onto his face. Ivory visibly tightens her grip on his hand. Careful, she seems to say as they lock eyes for a brief moment.
“Yes,” Jane agrees. “It’s not often we’re rendered unnecessary.”
“If you had arrived a half hour ago, you would have fulfilled your purpose,” Edward replies, the slightest bit of sarcasm injected into his voice.
A tense silence fills the air. “Pity,” Jane says bitterly, before her attention shifts to the cowering teenager behind the Cullens. “You missed one.”
Jasper moves to stand beside Bree as Carlisle answers. “We offered her asylum in exchange for her surrender.”
“That wasn’t yours to offer.” Jane considers it for a moment before raising her voice. “Why did you come?”
A few short seconds pass before Bree suddenly screams in pain, collapsing to the forest floor.
“Who created you?” Jane continues, speaking over Bree’s screams.
“You don’t need to do that,” Esme cuts in. “She’ll tell you anything you want to know.”
“I know,” Jane smirks as Bree gasps for air.
“I-I don’t know!” she stammers. “Riley wouldn’t tell us! He said our thoughts weren’t safe!”
“Her name was Victoria. Perhaps you knew her.”
The attention shifts back to Edward as Carlisle responds quickly.
“Edward, if the Volturi had knowledge of Victoria, they would have stopped her.” He turns back to look at the Volturi. “Isn’t that right… Jane?” he questions, although the pause makes it obvious that the question was directed more towards Ivory.
Ivory continues to stand in silence, as Jane ignores the pause and smiles. “Of course.” She turns her head slightly to the side. “Felix.”
Felix smirks and steps forward.
“She didn’t know what she was doing!” Esme quickly says, and Jane holds out her arm, stopping Felix in his tracks.
“We’ll take responsibility for her,” Esme continues.
“Give her a chance,” Carlisle finishes.
“The Volturi don’t give second chances. Keep that in mind. Cauis will be interested to know that she’s still human.” Jane glares at Bella and Edward.
“The date is set,” Bella responds, refusing to meet Jane’s stare.
Jane nods. “Take care of that, Felix. I’d like to go home.”
“Jane, I feel as if this is unnecessary,” Ivory suddenly speaks up, loosening her grip on Alec’s hand. Her former English accent has returned, and her words sound polished, refined, and formal. “If they have offered to take responsibility, then there is no more mess for us to clean up.”
“This is not your time to interfere,” Jane responds, turning to look, her glare speaking silent words. Shut up.
“Why bother? She clearly isn’t dangerous,” Ivory shoots back. “Look at her. She’s terrified. And she willingly surrendered. I doubt she will be the cause of any more trouble.” She turns to look at Bree. “Did you attack any of the Cullens?”
Bree shakes her head rapidly. “N-No I didn’t.”
“Then what crime has she committed other than be a typical newborn, Jane?” Ivory continues as she turns back to face her.
Fury seems to radiate from Jane as Ivory suddenly stiffens and falls to her knees, her jaws clenched in an attempt to keep from crying out.
“Remember your place,” Jane says harshly. “Now, Felix,” she orders without turning to look at him.
Felix’s mouth curves into a sinister smirk as he strides forward.

Seattle, Washington.

“How stupid can you be?!” Jane almost yells angrily at Ivory. “Cutting in like that? Do realize how bad that looked?”
“How bad that looked? How bad that looked?!” Ivory questions in amazement. “You just killed someone for no reason! I couldn’t just stand there!”
“You’ve gotten soft,” Jane scoffs. “Turning badly injured people, taking pity on the ones who don’t know what they’re doing, and killing the people who deserve it.”
“And what is the problem with that?”
“You’ve forgotten how things work with us is the problem.” Jane glares. “I knew it was a bad idea for you to come.”
Smoke begins to rise from Ivory’s palms and Alec shoots Jane a warning glance. “Quiet. It’s over.”
“This is your problem too,” Jane responds sharply. “Why didn’t you stop her? She’s your whore!”
A stunned silence fills the air as she falters for a moment, seeming to regret her words but not taking them back in any way.

Two jets of fire shoot from Ivory’s hands, nearly enveloping Jane, but she manages to dodge them, mildly brushing the small flicker of fire out on her shoulder.
Ivory stiffens, her jaw clenching again but she continues to throw fireballs in Jane’s direction. Her eyes are lit up with fury as she manages to take a few steps in Jane’s direction before crying out in pain and collapsing to her knees.
Alec rushes over to her but Jane throws out her arm and stops him cold. “It’s not real and you know it.”
“You’ve gone too far this time,” Alec says angrily. “STOP.”
Ivory’s muffled cries of pain cease, and another wide arc of fire spits from her palms, missing Jane by a few inches. The two disappear into a blur of kicks, punches, and blocks, with occasional bursts of fire coming out of the mess. The three men have no other choice but to watch hopelessly.

Then, as if in slow motion, a jet of fire explodes from each of Ivory’s palms as Jane’s foot digs into her stomach, pushing her back 20 feet, over the dock, and into the water.
A single bone-chilling scream of pain bubbles up from the dark water then disappears.
♠ ♠ ♠
I um... I'm really bad at ending things. Sorry if this chapter is absolute crap :/
And don't get your knickers in a twist, this isn't the final chapter! (but this week the finale will be posted) I wouldn't leave you hanging like that!