Status: Complete.

Unexpected Loves


“He used me Nick,” I sobbed in his chest, “He fucking used me!”


“On Monday we will continue notes on photosynthesis.” My biology teacher Mr. West said. It was finally Friday! I couldn’t be more excited!

I walked out of his classroom to see Blake standing outside, I had to admit I had a crush on him for a while, but I got over it. You know I realized that he was a major jerk and a douche, so that’s pretty much how I got over it.

I stopped to talk to him because I was really stupid and I just wanted to let him know that I hated him.

“Blake. I hate you. I really, really hate you.”

“I hate you too Alyssa.” He smiled.

“I seriously hate you.” I told him rolling my eyes.

“Well if you hate me so much, then why are you standing here telling me that you hate me?” He grabbed my waste pulling me closer.

“I-- Uh---” I didn’t know what to say to that.

“See, you know that you secretly like me.” he winked.

“Yeah… no I really don’t”

“Sure” he whispered. Then he kissed me.

Why is this douche kissing me?! I thought. While he was kissing me, there was a guy peering around the corner that was watching our every move, supervising that Blake had does his job. And Nick had come out of Mr. West’s classroom because I guess he was talking to him.

I pushed him away. “Why did you just kiss me” I asked shocked. “Well you just helped me win a bet, Alyssa” he replied.

What the fuck?! I can not believe this douche! Using me to win a stupid bet. I slapped him on both cheeks as hard as I could, then I kneed him in the balls.

He was kneeling over in pain as my eyes started to fill with tears. I can not believe this guy. I ran down one flight of stairs to see Nick, I held my head down so he wouldn’t see my tears.

“Hey, why are you so quick to leave that guy?” He asked joking a little bit “You two seemed fine making out up there.”

I tried to keep walking but he stopped me by grabbing my arm. “What’s wrong Alyssa? Did that douche hurt you?”

I looked up. He was shocked by the sight of seeing me cry. So I wrapped my arms around his neck for comfort. “He used me Nick, he fucking used me! To win some stupid ass bet” I sobbed in to his chest.

“Alyssa, I am going to go up there and kick his ass, okay?”

“Don’t leave me, Nick. Please don’t.” I begged.

“Alright, I’ll stay here with you, but know this, if I ever see that douche by you ever again, I am going to kick his sorry ass.”

“Thank you Nick, you’re a great person” I smiled a little bit.

“I just want you to know this Alyssa, I would never treat you that way.”

“I know Nick. Maybe that’s why I like you so much.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So it just ends like that. No more. I know I'm mean haha :]