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What Could Go Wrong?

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

I was sitting on my bed looking out my window as I heard the front door open. My moms high heels made a light clacking on the new wooden floor of the living room. Another door was opened. I heard the sound of my mothers chain purse as it it the ground.

Her soft voice called out my name. I sighed. I looked out the window still as I threw my legs over the side of my bed. I tapped my feet continuously on the cold floor which was conradicting to the warmth of my feet.

My hands made their way up to my head as I took my mid back length hair into a loose bun atop my head. My bangs fell into my eyes so I used my fine toothed comb to fix them to the side, placing a clip to make them stay.

I made my way out of my room like a ninja to stray from the mess. Believe me it was a mess for a reason.

I closedmy bedroom door so my mom wouldn't have a panick attack seeing as she had Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. My room was the only messy room in our six bedroom house. Yes we had six bedrooms even though only two of us lived here.

I made my way through the living room stopping at the doorway of my mothers bedroom.

Her low voice called out an order.

I did as she asked and went to the kitchen. I tried to get a glass from the cabinet, I say tried because my first few attempts failed. Seeing as my short stature of five feet and one inch was not helping me in the least.

I stood on my tip toes and tried again, it still didnt work. So I put both my hands on the counter top pulling myself up. I rested on my knees and took a glass from the cabinet putting it next to me on the counter as I got down closing the cabinet.

I took out a towelette from the towel drawer and wiped down the counter just in case my knees had left even the slightest mark.

I went to the fridge reaching into the back I grapsed my hand around one of the cans of pepsi. I took it out setting it next to the glas on the counter. I took the glass and opened the freezer and put three ice cubes into the glass.

I rinsed the can after pouring the soda into the glass. I threw it into the garbage and turned off te light as I made my way back to my mothers room, careful not to spill her soda.

"Here you go." i handed her the glass.

She smiled, "You did it perfectly."

She tapped the space next to her, and I sat next to her laying my head in the crook of her neck as I leaned aginst her watching the movie. Halfway through I heard light snores escaping her lips. I got up turned off the television, along with the DVD player.

I turned off her bathroom light, and her ceiling fan. I closed her door softly as I made my way through the living room to my room.

I was far from tired even though i knew it was a school night. I folded all my clothes that were strewn across my room, and put them where they need be. I started on the trash after the clothes were done, and believe me when I say there was trash everywhere. I took the bags out to the dumpters.

I cleaned my pigs cage, him being the only animal we had since my mom was allergic to practically every other animal and she had a fear of dogs,

I organized every little item in my room, throwing away everything i thought might be useless. I dusted my bookshelf which was spilling over as i needed to buy another one. i had too many books.

After I was done cleaning i looked over to the clock that was hanging upon my wall. It read three twenty-one. I yawned and my arms raised above my head as I stretched.

My room was now clean to my mothers prospective.

I changed my clothes to a pair of blue basketball shorts and a t-shirt. I brushed my teeth and took out my hair from the bun, an brushed it out.

When I laid my head on my bed I passed out into a dreamless sleep.
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This is a new story. I really hope you like it, and if you do, would you please leave a comment. Comments make my day. This story has lots of fluff which i usually do not add. And since were on the topic, if you like this story, I have a few better stories, which need reading to, and comments. haha
