Status: Ongoing

Ain't Love Grand?

That Crush

Whenever Alex went out on tour with his band – who had changed their name to "Atreyu" after a character in Never Ending Story – I missed him like hell. It hurt to be away from him for long periods of time and with the band becoming more and more successful as time went on, it was becoming more of a frequent thing. Sometimes it got so bad that I'd find myself crying myself to sleep on an almost nightly basis when he wasn't around. We spoke now and then on the phone, but it was never for long and it was mainly him talking excitedly about the latest show while I just listened. We rarely got to have a proper conversation and hearing his voice often made being away from him even harder. I finally had to admit what I had been denying to myself for so long... Alex wasn't just my friend. I had a crush on him. A HUGE crush on him.

Deep down I'd always known it, I just pushed it aside and tried to ignore it. He was good looking, kind-hearted, confident and chasing a dream. He was talented, optimistic and... those eyes. My God, those eyes. I got lost in them every time. What wasn't there to like? To me, he was the perfect man. Just thinking over it made me realise just how into him I really was. It explained the jealousy I'd felt with Rhiannon, and even Brandon. I wanted him for myself. I wanted to be more than friends.

Apparently it was common knowledge to everybody else. It was obvious, as my friend – Sam – was eager to point out one night as we sat in my bedroom after finishing watching a movie. I made a slight mention of how he'd be on stage at that exact moment in time.

"Alex, Alex, Alex," she teased, rolling her eyes, "just marry him already."

I shoved her in the arm. "Shut up," I grumbled, "we're just friends."

"Oh, whatever," she scoffed. "The way you look at him? It's like your eyes are begging him. "TAKE ME NOW, EKTOR! RIGHT NOOOOOOW!" She rolled back on the bed, laughing.

I couldn't help but laugh with her. "Shut up!" I told her again. "And he'd kill you if he heard you call him that."

She sat up again, shrugging her shoulders. "Yeah, well, he didn't hear it, did he?" A small smirk spread across her lips. "Or are you gonna tell on me to your little lover boy?"

I could feel my cheeks burning, so I quickly looked away to hide it. "Alex and I are just friends, Sam," I reiterated, but as we spoke, I could see him in my head and it made me smile.

"Only because neither one of you is brave enough to make the first move," she commented, rolling her eyes again. "Seriously."

I shook my head, inspecting my fingernails as a distraction. "Even IF I wanted more than a friendship, which I DON'T," I lied, "he wouldn't be interested anyway." Would he?