Status: Being Written

What It Is To Burn


"Lexshi," Noah shouted running to hugme. Dom pouted next to me as I picked Noah up holding him on my hip as I gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Hey sweety!" I smiled before flicking Dom on the nose.
"You're pouting."
"I can't believe he ran to you first," Dom stated as I put Noah in the backseat next to Ace.
"Hey kiddo," Ace smiled ruffling Noah's hair. I turned around putting my hand on my hip as I looked up at Dom.
"Don't be jealous that he loves me more than you." With that I poked him in the chest moving to the passenger seat.
"I am not."
It was clear as day that he was upset that his little brother didn't run to him or even acknowledge his presence. I sighed reaching over my seat to ruffle Dom's hair.
"Noah, don't you love your brother?" I asked turning to look back at Noah who was seated comfortably staring out the window.
"Yesh," he said smiling brightly as he looked up at his brother who was driving.
"I want to be just like him." Glancing at Dom I could see the hint of a smile playing on his lips which made me smile. Noah was an Angel.
"Well that means we have to eat," Ace stated. Dom rolled his eyes as he pulled into a burger joint.


"Dom, don't you dare!" I exclaimed running around the island in the kitchen. Dom has a smorl on his face as he studied me, trying to figure out which direction I was going to run.
Ace and Noah were asleep on the couches in the living room thanks to a movie we were watching and Dom was currently trying to get payback for me waking him up.
I faked a right before I faked a left then going right, running out back by the pool.
"Mistake number one," Dom chuckled as he grabbed me around the waist pulling me to his chest.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I said between my laughter as I struggled to get out of his grip.
"Really?" he asked loosening his grip slightly which made it east for me to slip through.
"Nope," I laughed running off again.
"You'll regret that!"
Within a matter of seconds he caught me again lifting me up he carried me to the edge of the pool.
"Dom, no, please!" I begged holding on to his white jersey.
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't," he stated as he stopped at the edge.
"Because you love me!"
He let out a throaty chuckle before throwing me in. In a last minute attempt I reached out and grabbed the front of his shirt pulling him in with me.
I resurfaced laughing at his shocked expression splashing water at him. With a playful glare he swam after me.
Letting out a shriek I started my futile attempt to get away from him. He took hold of my leg pulling me under water easily switching from my legs to holding my hands as he smiled at me.
I glared at him not boring to exert any energy. He pouted at me before releasing my hand. With a victorious smile I kissed his forehead in thanks before swimming to the surface.
"You're no fun," he pouted as he surfaced seconds after me, swimming to the edge of the pool before pushing himself out with ease. I laughed before I followed him to the edge letting my chin rest on my arms, which were folded against the edge of the pool, as I watched him remove his shirt revealing his muscles.
"Do you need me to pull you out?" he questioned looking down at me as he wrung his jersey, his jeans now hanging loosely on his hips. I snapped myself from staring by shaking my head pushing myself out the pool.
"Hello Hollywood!" I rolled my eyes wringing out my hair as Ace approached us with a grin.
"Ace don't you dare hit on her," Dom warned as he glared at him.
"I'm not the one wearing the lacy crimson bra."
"Perv!" I hissed snatching Dom's jersey holding it to my chest.
"By the way, do I even want to know what you two were doing in the pool?" Ace called after me as I walked into the house. I heard when Dom slapped him in the back of his head which made me smile as I headed towards my shower.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's a failure of a chapter I know. I've been having a huge case of writer's block. It's been over a month since I last updated and I'm sorry. I just need to get over this rough spot and hopefully it'll improve.
I know exactly what I want to happen but it's to make it happen without sounding boring or filler-ish.
Thanks to DayDreamerSince95 and

Also I did make reference to Hello Hollywood