Status: A working progress.

Guardian of Nature

Vingt et un.

From the moment my eyes met with Tierra, I knew there was something wrong. I don't know how I knew it, there just seemed to be a look in her eyes that told me that she wasn't acting how she usually does.

We met her in the clearing in which she lived. It bared many similarities towards the clearings in which Danny and I stayed, but it seemed almost older and more beautiful. There were brightly colored flowers draped artistically around the trees and the glow in the small clearing shone purple, like when I first arrived in the forest. Tierra had changed out of her simple brown dress into a dark green one, her thick brown hair shone in curls, yet her hazel eyes still seemed troubled, even though she showed a warm smile.

We were told to sit on a bench she created, in front of a table. She formed fruits and vegetables out of the ground and rinsed them in a tiny pond nearby. Tierra returned with a freshly chopped, fully vegetarian meal which sufficed, even though I craved a heartier meal.
As we ate, I found that the meal was more filling than expected and left me leaning on the tree behind me in contentment.

'I hope the food was to your liking?' she asked politely.
'Very much so!' I said
'I agree, thank you very much,' Danny said, speaking up for the first time in a while.

'Do not be shy if you would like more, there is plenty in the forest for many servings!' she beamed, showing a truly happy smile, which unfortunately faded away quickly into a polite one.

'Actually,' Rhett spoke up, 'we've got to get going. Aiden's expecting us soon. It was great, though! Ace job with the food, Tierra. We'll see you tonight then, right?' he flashed her a winning smile. I noticed that Tierra's smile faded a little when Aiden's name was mentioned, her eyebrows twitching a little, as though she wanted to pull a face yet couldn't.

Both Danny and I thanked her personally for the meal and hugged her before leaving. Seeing as though Danny and I were lagging a bit behind Rhett, I decided to ask him what he thought about Tierra.

'Did you notice anything about the way she acted?' I asked him quietly.

'Well, now that you mention it, she did seem a little bit down before we came.'

'Yeah... And when we left,' I continued.

'Mmm... the aura around her seemed to flash a little when that Aiden guy's name was mentioned.'

'Uh, Danny? What do you mean by aura?'

He paused to look at me for a second, staring into my now wide eyes. 'Couldn't you see the glow around her? The yellowish glow? That tinged red when Rhett mentioned Aiden. And you have a golden glow. And Rhet has a silvery glow. And Nerina has a bl-' I cut him off by slamming my palm on his chest softly, as he seemed as though he wouldn't stop talking.

I noticed that Rhett had stopped walking, too and seemed to be half facing us, his head turned slightly.
'Danny, glowing auras? I have no idea what you're talking about.'