I Know.


To: Lucas Dodger (lcdodger@altpress.com)
From: Jonathan Lewie (jonlewie@elle.com)
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: no subject

On June 10, at 8:02 AM, Jonathan Lewie wrote:
Dear Mr. Lucas Dodger,
Thank you! Yes, Wednesday will be fine.
Jonathan Lewie
300 West 57th Street
New York, NY 10019
(212) 903-5000

On June 9, at 7:21 PM, Lucas Dodger wrote:
Dear Jonathan Lewie,
Can I try a week (?) of fashion photography, before I give a final answer? I think we are both interpreting the situation differently. I can fly out on Wednesday, if that is all right with you.
Lucas Dodger

On June 7, at 4:13 PM, Jonathan Lewie wrote:
Dear Mr. Lucas Dodger,
I understand how fashion photography is portrayed, but I think you would do a marvelous job. We are looking for a photographer to work in our studio. I feel like you would be perfect. Please reconsider.
Jonathan Lewie
300 West 57th Street
New York, NY 10019
(212) 903-5000

On June 6, at 6:30 AM, Lucas Dodger wrote:
Dear Jonathan Lewie,
Thank you for your email. I am not interested in fashion photography. I hope you find a new addition soon.
Lucas Dodger

On June 5, at 5:17 PM, Jonathan Lewie wrote:
Dear Mr. Lucas Dodger,
Alternative Press has given me your information. I, personally, took it upon myself to look though your portfolio. I notice that you carry your own style and passion for the business, and it would honor ELLE if you would join our team of photographers. If you need further information, feel free to contact me.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Jonathan Lewie
300 West 57th Street
New York, NY 10019
(212) 903-5000