Blood Bath


“Dammit!” Cameron hissed, slamming his fist on the bar. “My stupid mother fucking twin!”

“What about your stupid mother fucking twin?” Cameron’s twin brother Zane asked.

“Nothing, absolutely fucking nothing you jackass.” Cameron murmured under his breath.

“Aw come on little brother don’t be like that.” Zane chuckled. “She’s just a stupid whore, not to mention she’s human at that.”

Cam couldn’t stand his twin brother. He always got what he wanted. He always got the girls that he wanted. And he knew very damn well that as soon as his twin had seen him hitting on and flirting with Alexandria he was going to go after her. He always did this to him which is why Cam hadn’t gone after a girl in a good ten years.

“You always do this to me.” Cam said. “Why can’t you just one fucking time in your damn immortal life leave the girl that I want alone?”

“Oh little brother don’t you get it?” Zane asked him. “I’m only doing this to protect your little heart from being broken all over again.”

“That’s a bunch of bullshit Zane!” Cam shook his head.

“Ha ha you can believe it all just a bunch of bull, but I know that deep down you know that I’m only trying to protect you.” Zane stated.

“Why the fuck would you be or even want to protect me?” Cam asked. “Better yet what makes you think I need mother fucking protection in the first place?”

“Little brother oh little brother, do you honestly think you’ve hidden the most important yet heartbreaking event that has ever happened from me?” Zane chuckled.

Cam froze, his body starting to tense up. How the fucking hell had Zane found out about his secret? The secret that he’d been trying so hard to forget about. The secret that had happened about ninety years ago.

“Excuse me could I possibly get some fucking service before I die?” A drunk human interrupted.

“You’ll get some fucking service when he’s done with this damn conversation. So why don’t you calm your drunk ass down.” Zane yelled.

“Are you trying to get me fucking fired?” Cam yelled at Zane. “I’m sorry sir what can I get you?”

“Another one of these.” He slurred and held up his glass.
Knowing pretty damn well that he shouldn’t be serving this human another glass of vodka because he might get it trouble, but he poured it anyways. It would keep the drunk busy and maybe he would hopefully pass out. Before turning around to finish his conversation, more like argument, with his twin he slid the drunk his glass across the bar so it would stop right in front of him.

“So what were we talking about before we were rudely interrupted?” Zane smarted off.

“How the fuck did you find out about her?” Cam asked with his teeth gritted together.

“How the fuck could you think that I wouldn’t find out, that I wouldn’t know?”

“Just answer the damn question Zane!”

“You’ve never been the best at hiding your business, even when you were it some how eventually got out.”

“Just fucking tell me already dammit!” Cam screamed and took a hold of Zane by the throat, shoving him up against the wall. “I swear to all of the vampire gods and goddesses that if you don’t tell me what the fuck it is that you know or how the hell you found out, I will fucking kill you!”

By now everyone in Blood Bath was staring at the two. Shock covered everyone’s faces. There had never been a fight in the night club before since it was so new and the fact that it was going down between the bartender and some worthless jackass made it even better.

“Did he just say vampire gods and goddesses?” Some random chick said aloud.

“What are they thinking hiring freaks like this at a night club?” Someone else chuckled.

“The damn club is called Blood Bath, why the hell would you be so surprised that someone that works here believes in the damn creatures.” A random dude hissed.

At first Cam thought he had screwed up as soon as those lovely words had escaped from his mouth but come to realize that people would just think of him as crazy. He didn’t care what people thought about him, well not all people anyways. He did care what Alexandria had thought of him though. How could he have been so stupid to just let her walk away from him? How could he have let her walk right out those doors knowing that there was a pretty good chance that he would never see her gorgeous face again? He was stupid that’s how he could let her just walk out. He hadn’t been thinking. He was so pissed off that she had allowed his twin to have his hands all over her.

Loosening his tight grip on Zane’s neck he released him.

“Trust me Cam you really don’t want to know how I found out.” Zane told him with a serious look on his face.
“Why Zane, why the hell do I not want to know?”

“Because then I’d have to tell you everything, the entire story.” He told cam softly. “And to tell you the truth it would kill you.”

“I’m stronger than you think.” Cam told Zane firmly. “So why don’t you fucking try me.”

“Sorry brother that’s something I just can’t do.” He laughed. “Maybe one of these days you’ll understand but until then you’ll just have to be kept in the dark.”

Pulling his arm back Cam punched Zane dead in the face, knocking him to the floor. “Get out from behind my bar then, right now!”

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Zane asked him, blood dripping down his face.

“You’re what’s wrong with me. Get the hell out from behind my bar.” Cam said while crossing his arms over his chest. “And while you’re at it get out of my life as well. You’re no longer welcome, I’ve put up with your shit for 110 years now and I’m finally done.”

“You can’t just get rid of me; I’m your brother for human sake!” His twin said angrily.

“A brother who has been ruining my life for the past ninety years; I’m done with shrugging it off my shoulder like its nothing.” Cam told him.

“You’ll regret this; I promise you that you will.” His twin told him before turning around and walking away.

While watching his twin walk away he finally felt freedom coursing through his veins, but little did he know that his twin had something up his sleeve and Zane wasn’t going to take this lightly.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know its short. Please forgive me?
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Special thanks to: WordsAren'tEnough
She took my comment virginity! Haha!