Status: A zombie! It's coming back from the dead!

Maybe She's Breaking?


It’s Saturday night, and Ellie is hiding in her bedroom. This is weird, because she’s never really been home on any weekend night since school started this year. I wonder why she’s avoiding rhe obvious plans she’s already made with one friend or another.

I keep hearing Derrick’s ringtone going off on her cell, but she’s just trying to ignore it. I’m guessing their relationship is in the that final awkward stretch right before the actual breakup at this point. She must just be heart broken or something like that. Maybe I should actually be feeling kind of sorry for my sister for once, instead of it being the usual other way around?

At the same time, now I know for sure whatever’s been bothering her has something to do with Derrick. I guess I might be one of the stupidest people in the world, because I’ve been watching everything between them for awhile now and I am only just now realizing something is up.