Status: A zombie! It's coming back from the dead!

Maybe She's Breaking?


Halloween. I’ve always hated the holiday, and even though people like Ellie and Mike love it and have important plans for the day every year, I never do. Well, I guess I kind of do this year. Donny and I hole ourselves up in my living room and watch three Freddy Krueger movies in a row. We both ended up falling asleep during the last one though, and when we talked about it the next day at school, we both thought that was hilarious.

I kind of wish Freddy was real. If he got me, I wouldn’t have to deal with watching everyone’s drama anymore, but at the same time, I’d lose Donny. I didn’t want to do that. We’re both outcasts, and I seriously think we’re starting to need each other to get through to week at school.
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Changed the last word of the title too. I think I like it better as 'breaking' rather than 'broken'.