Status: My WriMo, so expect frequent (and grammar-error filled) updates.

Our Love Is Broken Veins

Chapter One

I blinked my eyes open to the familiar beeping of my alarm clock, and almost as if to complete the routine, I let a soft groan fall from my lips. ‘Damned school’, I thought bitterly to myself. I reached over, and slapped the stop button on my hated wake-up alarm, before rolling out of bed and landing on the floor with a not-so-satisfying thunk.

Blearily rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I slowly got to my feet and hobbled sluggishly over to my closet. Throwing open its’ doors, I stared at my clothes collection with a somewhat critical yet still sleepy eye. I slipped into my thinking pose – tilting my head a little to the side, cocking my hip out to the left, and biting my nail – and began to ponder what I would wear for the day.

My wardrobe wasn’t very sophisticated, but it wasn’t a third graders clothes either. To some it up, it was pretty plain. It mostly consisted of different colored shirts, jeans and shorts, and the occasional dress. As for footware, that rarely varied from sneakers. Deciding that I wanted to wear a blue T today, I picked one, and a pair of blue jeans to match.

I turned to my mirror to get dressed, and stared at my reflection for a moment. It wasn’t anything knew to me, but I liked to assess myself – as vaine as it sounded – daily. Out of the mirror, stared a somewhat beautiful girl. She had almond-shaped eyes the color of alabaster, and silky smooth sapphire-colored hair – that she had died – which went down to her neck, curling gently inwards at the ends. She had a slender build, and stood not exactly at a tall height, but at about average. All in all, I was proud of how this girl looked; she was pretty enough, in my opinion.

“Abigail, hurry up! Breakfast is ready.” I snapped out of my trance when I heard my mother call to me from down the stairs, and quickly started to pull on my clothes which, I hadn’t been doing.

When I had finally run a brush through my silky hair, I began to make my way towards my room’s door; the prospect of pancakes and sausage making me smile, despite myself.

As I walked into the hallway, I glanced around – routine – and halted in surprise when my eyes took in the site in front of me. Many of the picture frames containing portraits that had hung on the walls were gone; the many candles my mother kept around the house were also nowhere in sight. The whole place seemed totally bare without the familiar family ornaments; if I hadn’t known any better, I would’ve assumed that we were moving out. That was such an absurd idea though, that I didn’t even consider it for a moment. Instead, I started jogging towards – then down – the stairs while calling out:

“Mom, what did you do with all the things that were in the hall? For that matter, where is everything we own?” As I had walked farther into the house, I noticed that it was totally bare; the normal tables and chairs that were impossible to miss, were seemingly taken away over night.

“Honey, please come into the kitchen, I’ll talk with you about it over breakfast. Do you want scrambled eggs?” I bit my lip thoughtfully, but shrugged and did as mother asked. I walked into the kitchen and glanced at her expectantly.

When mother and I were finally sitting down, I asked her what was up again.

“Well darling,” she started off “I don’t really know how to put this, but I got a new job!” I blinked in surprise at the news that mom had given; it was totally unexpected, and it didn’t really answer my question.

“That’s great mom… Why are you getting rid of our things though?” I asked her in confusion.

“Oh I’m not getting rid of them; they’re being packed up. My new job is in Colorado, so we have to move there, love.”

“what the—“ All I could do when I heard the news that we were leaving, was stare at my mom in horror. “Mom, we—“ I tried again, but it seemed to no avail.

I wouldn’t even be able to explain how I felt to her; she wouldn’t be able to understand my emotions. I couldn’t move though, that was all I knew. I wouldn’t be able to leave my life long friends behind; I wouldn’t be able to say goodbye to – my boyfriend of two and a half months – Kaleb. I just wouldn’t be able to do it.

The worst part of all of this was that mom – even if I were to tell her – obviously wouldn’t care. She wouldn’t be leaving anything behind, either. She wasn’t the one who would have to make a totally new group of friends; she wasn’t the one who would have to go to a totally foreign school and be judged by everyone there.

“So what do you think, Abby?” I glanced up from the untouched plate of food I had been staring at to meet my mother’s eyes. Eyes that were currently filled to the brim with excitement and hope. As much as I didn’t want to move, I knew if I crushed my mother’s spirits, I would not be able to forgive myself. I went with the only thing I could do now; I lied.

“I can’t wait,” I said with as much cheer as I could put into my voice without sounding overly false. I tried on a smile for her sake, and I think I almost managed it.

“That’s great!” Mom said with a genuine smile. “I’m so sorry that you’ll have to leave your friends and boyfriend behind, but I’m so glad that your not putting up a fuss, love. It’s honestly making things a lot easier for me, and if you think that I wouldn’t understand you not wanting to move away, please know that I understand perfectly. My mother made me move away when I was about your age, as well, and I’m just really sorry, Abagail.”

As I listened to my mother, I couldn’t help but let my thoughts wander away from what exactly she was saying. At least, I didn’t fully take in her words; I was still too busy sulking. She could say that she understood what I was going through, but in my opinion, she didn’t have a clue. I just smiled and nodded though, because I guess I was too nice for my own good.

I quickly rushed through my food – stabbing three pancake slices at once and plopping them into my mouth – and quickly excused myself from the table. After running up to my room to gather my school things together, I ran back downstairs, called a goodbye to my mother, and rushed outside.

When I opened the door, a pleasant breeze of air wafted over my face, making me forget my annoyances for a moment. For just a second, it was just me and the calming air that surrounded me. There were no nagging thoughts about moving lurking in my head; no nervous thoughts about how my friends would react when I told them I was leaving. This didn’t last for long though. Eventually, I snapped out of my dazed thoughts, and I began to head towards the garage.

As I walked around our house – which I had to do to get to the garage – I glanced around to take in my surroundings; I wouldn’t be doing that for much longer. For the first time in a while, I actually payed attention to the garden that was planted to the right of our driveway, and I actually noticed how pretty it was. Tulips, roses, gardenias, and many other flowers names I didn’t know were lined up in perfect rows, creating a lovely sight. It was so calming, I thought dreamily to myself. How I would miss all of this when we moved away.

When I finally arrived at the garage, I quickly got into my blue mustang, and began to pull out of the house’s drive way. I turned right, took another right, and was soon speeding down Greenday BV. With a grin, I began to speed up in the car; the buildings on both sides of the street seemed to go by faster and faster as the car gained in velocity. I loved driving like this; it made me feel so in control of where I was headed, and the whole thing was just so utterly freeing.

With out a care in the world, I slid down the windows a little, and let my hair loose from the ponytail it had been in. It began to whip around my head like a crazy haylow of blue color, making my grin spread even wider.

“Oh shit,” I muttered in worry as I saw one of the speed signs. It read ’60 MPH’, but me being the carefree driver I was, I was at least 15 miles over. I quickly began to slow down to the allowed speed, and sighed when I managed it without being caught by the police. Well there would be one good thing about Colarado, I realized. If we went to live in the country, I would be able to drive at whatever speed I pleased.

After a few more minutes of driving, I finally reached ‘Berbanks Highschool’. I parked my car in the student lot, and instead of rushing out to meet my friends, I stayed inside it and just glanced out through the windows.

I normally wasn’t the type who would get all sentimental, but god, how I would miss the life I knew now. I was so used to my old house, my old highschool, that when it was finally being taken away from me, I wasn’t yet ready to let it go. I was now going to spend all my time memorizing this, I told myself resolutely. I couldn’t do anything about moving, but I could make the best of the time I had left before I had to go. With that small pep talk, I opened my car door, and walked out into the sunshine.

“Abby!” I glanced up, and saw two pixie-like figures barreling towards me. I barely had time to throw out my arms before they flung themselves into them, giving me huge hugs in return.

“What’s got y’all so hyped up?” I asked with a grin. “I know y’all love me, but today is Monday, and no one has a right to be happy then.” Bonnie and Beth let small peels of laughter fall from there lips, and just grinned back at me.

“Oh, it’s not that we love you Abby,” Bonnie started, “It’s just that we’re naturally this charismatic.”

“Yeah right,” I said, mock sarcasm dripping into my tone. “Your just so peppy that it’s a wonder your not a cheerleader.” Bonnie raised a hand as if to slap me, but I just raised mine and gave her a hi-five. She grinned before quickly changing moods; her face expression grew somber.

“Is something wrong Abby? You don’t seem as happy as you normally are. Not that you look depressed or anything, but…”

“I’m moving.” I said in a flat tone. I quickly flicked my eyes from one twin to the other – trying to catch there expressions – and saw sadness and anger on both faces; exactly how I was feeling now.

“Did you just find out today? Why the hell are you moving, anyway?” Beth asked, her voice almost cracking with the emotions she was trying to hide from us.

“Yeah, mom decided to tell me just this morning. Damn it guys, she was already packing up things, and I didn’t know until now! How the hell does she expect me to leave y’all? We’ve been friends since first grade!”

“I’ll miss you Abbs.” Bonnie reached over to pull me into a hug, and I greatfully let her. I melted into her embrace with a soft sniffle, and blindly reached over to pull Beth into the hug, as well.

That’s how we stayed for the longest time; all of us holding each other tightly – clinging even – since we knew it wouldn’t be like this anymore. Soon enough, one of us would be leaving, and who knew how much time would pass before she would be back.
♠ ♠ ♠
A/N: Yikes, anyone wanna fix this grammar-disaster?
Well maybe not, but you can help by commenting. :D
I don't know how that will help, but it will. :)
