Status: :DDDD

You are my home.


Happiness. Over joyed. Ecstatic. Jubilant.

Those were just some of the word to descirbe the feeling I felt as I hung up the phone from the most important phone call of my life. So Far. Not only did I nail a job; it was for a Hollywood movie. Me; Holly Maria Belle actually working on a movie set. I couldn't even believe it myself.

I've always had really bad luck ever since I could remember. My family has always gotten the crap end of everything It always seemed that nothing was ever going to take a turn for the best. My Mother always told me that our time would come and I guess my time is coming now.

As I looked at my skinny frame in the mirror I contemplated changing my outfit again for the twelfth time; now I know I shouldn't be so picky over what I wear since I'm just the make-up person but I felt intimidated with all these famous people being around. Back to the future was a hit movie and now I was doing make-up for the second one. That's huge!

"You look great stop worrying so much you are just going to be covered in sweat and make-up by the time the day is over." My older sister Hilary sighed bouncing her two year old son Nicky on her hips. "You don't have to impress anyone you already got the job but you are going to late if you don't just pick something already."

"Yeah, Yeah I got it hurry up and get my butt out the door." Grabbing my purse and my make-up sets I gave Nicky a quick kiss and my made my way out the door.

"Good luck and don't worry just relax." Hilary shouted at my as I ran out the door. "Love you."

I drove the fastest I could on the busy streets for it only being 5:47 in the morning the streets were wicked busy I thought to myself. As I pulled into the set parking area I gripped my steering wheel as tightly as I could and breathed in deeply. "I can do this. I am a strong willed person who can do anything she sets here mind to." I told myself over and over again.
Grabbing my bag and make-up I finally got the courage to take myself out of my car. I felt a burst on confidence till i realized I had no idea where I was or what I were I was suppose to be. I've never felt so overwhelmed in my entire life. I wondered around bumping into people and hitting things that I had no idea what they were. "Oh god what have I gotten myself into?" I sighed to myself.

"Excuse me. Do you need help. I bet I can help you." A loud voice boomed in my ear.

"Yes!" I exclaimed. My name is Holly Belle I'm the new make-up girl and I have no idea where I am suppose to be or whose make-up I'm suppose to be doing. I am so lost!" I cried confusing myself even more.

"Oh so you're mike's new make-up girl follow me; I'll show you the way you lucky girl you."

"I'm lucky? How so? I've never been lucky."

"You are Micheal J. Fox's new Make-up artist! Aren't you excited he is such a hottie."

Wow this girl was crazy I thought to myself.

"Umm I guess?"

After what seemed like forever the crazy girl dragged me into a small white trailer.

"So this is the make-up trailer just set your stuff up and Mike should be here soon."

"Thanks." I smiled."If it wasn't for you I'd be a lost mess right now."

"No problem the name is Lenka if you need anything just give me a shout see ya." She
waved jumping out of the trailer.

"Alright" I said to myself . "Time to set up shop."

I spend about an hour on my area making sure everything was in perfect order. I wanted to make a good first impression.

"Hey are you my new make-up person?" An odd voice interrupted my thoughts.

I turned to face the source of the voice and there he stood. He was so much more handsome in person. "Um...Ah. Yeah I'm Holly Belle. I'll be doing your make-up for the shooting of the movie, nice to meet you." Good job Holly was to make yourself look like a dork in front of
Micheal Hottie Fox.

"Sweet well let's get started shall we?"

"Of course." I blushed smiling. "Take a seat."
♠ ♠ ♠
So I know there aren't many people who are going to read this but I hope the ones who do read this enjoy it.


Cmmt & sub

Holly's outfit