Boarding School And An Arranged Marriage. Yeah, I Love My Life

Chapter 1 edited

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!" I screamed at my mom and step dad Greg.

"Honey I know you're upset but it's what your father wanted" Mom said looking at me with pleading eyes. I'm guessing not to yell at her again.

"What's up with all the yelling?" My older bother Zander asked walking down the stairs with a confused look on his face, walking to the fridge to get a Dr. Pepper.

"Go ahead mom tell him" I said looking at her with fire in my eyes.

Zander has been very protective of me ever since our dad disappeared.

"Nothing you need to worry about honey" she said looking at him with a smile.

I just want to take a table and smash that smile right off of her little face. How could she do this to me? I'm not a bad kid. I make Good grades. Sure i might get a little sarcastic at times but really?!?! What did i do to deserve this? oh yeah that's right NOTHING!!!!

"She's making me get married to a complete stranger" I said turning to Zander who had just taken a drink of his soda just for it to be spit out all over the kitchen floor.

"Yeah and I have no choice because its what dad wanted" I said glaring at mom.

"But the good news is Zander gets to go with you" my mother said in a low voice making it hard to hear her.

"Go where?" we said at the same time.

"To the boarding school you will both be going to" she mumbled under her breath.

"That's enough you two now go to your rooms and pack your stuff you leave in two days" Greg said pulling my mother into a hug.

I know he sounds nice now but believe me he's the furthest thing from it!

"This Fucking sucks" I said stomping up the stairs to my room slamming my door. I know it sounds childish but you'd do the same thing!

I went over to my dresser and played my I-pod as loud as it would go. Why is everything suddenly changing? Mom married Greg a month after dad disappeared. All of my friends stopped talking to me because I became depressed. Well wouldn't you be if your father disappeared but you know whatever it doesn't even matter anymore. In two days I'll be outta this stupid town away from mom and Greg hopefully for a long time. I just don't like were I'm going to get away from ever thing.

"Ugh" I sighed as I started packing all of my things and throwing them into random suitcases. After about 5 minuets I had successfully packed all of my things sitting down on my bed.

"Well at least things can't get any worse" I said to myself as I grabbed my phone walking to my dresser turning down my I-pod. Checking for messages. What's the use....It's not like anyone would talk to me. With a sigh I threw my phone on my bed beside me.

"Hey ummm Winter can I come in?" I heard Zander say from outside my door.

"Yeah sure" I said walking back to my bed sitting down as he opened the door.

"You ok" he asked with concern in his voice.

"What do you think Zander I've just been told by my own mother that i basically won't be able to fine love on my own therefore I have an arranged marriage. And i have to go to some stupid boarding school. Cause that makes a person alright" I said looking at him with a bored expression on my face.

"Yeah i guess your right, but I've never heard you yell like that. Well except at Mrs. Lynn" he said smirking a little at the memory.


"See if Maggie's father would have raised her right then maybe she wouldn't be so hard to handle" Mrs. Lynn said in front of her entire 7th period art class.

"Ummm excuse me bitch what the fuck did you just say about Maggie?" I said standing up in my seat.

"Winter go to the principles office I will not have you speak to me like that" She said walking to the door opening it trying to get me out of her room"

"Ummm Mrs. Lynn I do believe Winter has a right to say what she just said to you considering 1. You are a bitch and two that is our best friend your talking about" My friend Jazzy stood up with me.

"Both of you principle now" She said going to the phone.

"Oh yes cause going to the phone scares the shit out of me, please Mrs. Garcon wont do anything she never does" I said walking around my desk going to the front of the room.

Mrs. Lynn walked out of the class room only to go next door and get Zander.

"Zander control your sister, I guess being uncontrollable runs in your circle of friends Ms. Love. Maybe your father should have taken better care of you" She said walking behind her desk.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?!?!" I said barging up to her desk. So this bitch thinks she can talk about my dad. Oh hell no!

"Winter calm down" Jazzy and Zander tried to tell me.

"Calm down calm down, that's funny guys" I said walking out of the room.

No I didn't go to the office. I went to my locker and then walked home. Fuck that bitch.

-----End of flashback-----