Boarding School And An Arranged Marriage. Yeah, I Love My Life

Chapeter 2 editied

"I remember that" Zander said laughing hard "Me and Jazzy thought you were going to kill her!" he said taking a deep breath.

"I wanted to so bad" I said getting serious. I wanted to rip her head off and shove it down her throat so bad!

"So I umm see that your done packing" Zander said looking around my room looking at everything thrown into random suit cases messily.

"Yeah, I think it's a new record" I said looking around as well. I didn't realize how much I packed until Zander said something. He' right I did pack everything!

"WELL, do you think you could come help your favorite brother? " He asked looking at me with the puppy dog face he knows I can't resist.

"Sure but only because your my only brother!" I said hitting his arm playfully.

"Owwwww. God. Winter you hit like a dude!" he said rubbing his arm as we walked out of my door across the hall to his as I laughed.

"OH. MY. GOD. ZANDER HOW CAN YOU WALK IN HERE?!" I asked surprised at the huge mess laying all over his floor. "I'm scared something is going to come out and eat me" I said walking completely in his room.

"It's ok Winter" Zander said walking in after me closing the door. "But if you feel something just let me know I lost Rodger last week" He said pointing at the empty Tarantula cage on his desk.

"Zander I will kill Rodger if i feel him" I said becoming paranoid looking everywhere I stepped.

"Oh well ok then just ignore it" He said scared for his pet.

"How could you sleep knowing that thing is lost?" I asked picking up a pile of laundry putting it on Zanders' bed to throw it in suitcases.

"Cause I'm not scared of spiders" he said turning to his closet grabbing suitcases.

About 30 minuets after we started all of Zanders things were successfully packed. I swear that boy has more clothes than me.

"Want anything to drink?" I asked Zander as I opened his door to go down stairs to get a drink.

"Nah i still have half a Dr. Pepper" he said pointing to his now empty dresser.

"Ok I'll be back" I said closing his door.
As I ran down the stairs I couldn't help but hear mom and Greg talking in the living room, and me being me I just had to listen.

"When are you going to tell her that shes going to be one of the few girls going to an all boys boarding school?" I heard Greg ask.

WHAT?!?!?!? Oh hell no!

"She'll find out when she gets there plus Zander will be there for her. He's always been protective over her since Josh di-"

"Will you just forget about him already it's not like he cared about you enough to stay anyway." Greg said cutting her off.

"Don't you ever say anything like that about my father again" I said walking to the door way with tears running down my face. "He's. The only reason your able to see my mother, although I don't know why she would marry such an asshole."

"One never talk to me like that again" he said back handing me and i fell onto the table. "And just so you know little girl I was seeing your mother way before your dip shit of a father left."

"You liar" I yelled getting back up before he hit me again and this time I feel on something sharp, and everything wet black after I hear Zander comedown stairs and yell at Greg and "Mom"

When I woke up I was in a room with white walls.

"Are you serious? a hospital. Oh. My. God. Kill. Me." i said talking to myself trying to sit up. Oww that hurt! Ok Note to self don't move!

I hate hospitals there just to Uhhhhhhhh!

"Winter are you ok? I heard someone ask. Who was that?
