Boarding School And An Arranged Marriage. Yeah, I Love My Life

Chapter 3 edited

"Yes?" I heard the voice ask.

"Wh.....But......You're not......What's going on here? Where are you?" I said trying to get up but just winced in pain and laid back down, so much for my note to self.

"It's ok calm down I'm here" dad said again.

"Wait where's Zander?" I asked opening my eyes trying to sit up ignoring the pain. I finally succeeded and saw Zander asleep in the chair next to me. I sighed relived that he was not also in a bed.

"He's ok when he heard all the yelling he came downstairs taking you to the hospital" the voice said again. When I looked around the room I saw no other person.

Then how am I hearing my father?!

"Ohhh honey I'm no there I was just making sure you were ok" he said with worry in his voice.

"Oh well I'm fine dad, you don't have to worry about me maybe Zander but not me." I said smiling to myself. Ever though he was gone he still cared about me and my brother.

"Well I'll talk to you later Win, Just don't make me do it because you're lying in a hospital bed" He said giving a little chuckle.

"ok dad Love you"

"Love you too honey, have fun." My dad said.

Then it was silent and me being me I couldn't stand silence

"Zander" I said shaking him lightly but enough to wake him up.

"Wha...What happened?" He said jolting up out of his chair looking at me, "Oh Winter are you OK? He said looking at me with worried and confused eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Now can we just get out of this hell hole?" I asked trying to get up.

It didn't hurt as bad as the other times but Zander still pushed me lightly back onto my bed before I could stand seeing if it would hurt any worse than it already did.

"I'll go ask the doctor, just stay in the BED Winter I mean it we don't need anymore head injuries" He said walking to the door, pointing at me before walking out.

And now it's quiet again Wonderful! Now I really hate Greg and Mom. She didn't even try to stop him! Like really Who does that? During my random babbling in my hear I started to couldn't the little dried paint drops on the ceiling.

I got to 112 before Zander and the Doctor walked in.

"Ahh Mrs. Love nice to finally see you awake" the man said, "I'm doctor Ryan. How are you feeling this afternoon?" Dr. Ryan asked looking down at his clipboard.

"Ummm fine am I aloud to leave yet?" I asked anxious.

"Yes, in ten minuets we need to make sure the medicine doesn't give you any side effects" Dr. Ryan said finally looking up at me instead of his clipboard.

"Ok" I said sighing. I really hated hospitals and with that the doctor left.


"It's ok, Winter. The time will pass by quickly," Zander said trying to reassure me.

"Do you, by any chance, have my iPod on you?" I asked very hopefully.
"Uh," He said, digging around his pockets. I never understood why guys had deeper pockets than girls. I mean, yeah sure we have purses but maybe we don't carry one and we need deep pockets!

"Yeah, here," He said pulling my poor iPod out of his pockets, handing it to me.

"Thanks" I said flashing him a smile.

"Yeah, Yeah" He mumbled looking deep in thought. I stuffed my headphones in my ears listing to everything Schizophernia buy BrokenCyde. It's of my favorite songs.

Zander was right, even though I hated to admit it. The ten minuets did go by fast.

As soon as the doctor told us we could leave, I jumped out of bed and grabbed the clothes that Zander handed me running into the bathroom. I changed in record time, and walked out the door within seconds, my brother right behind me. We shouted a 'thank you' to the doctor as we walked the hallway of the hospital.