Boarding School And An Arranged Marriage. Yeah, I Love My Life

Chapter 4

The car ride back to the house was quiet. Well, except for the radio, but it didn't help much. When we finally pulled up, I saw Greg's' car still there and immediately grew stiff.
"Just go to your room, get your stuff, put it in the car. Don't even bother listening to them," Zander said noticing how I reacted upon seeing car.

"Ok," I managed to get out before opening my door. I walked up the driveway and hesitated to open the door. The cold metal of the door felt foreign to my touch.

When I finally had the courage to open it, there he was, sitting with my mom in the living room. Following Zander's instructions, I walked up the stairs, to my room. I grabbed my stuff and came back down put it in the trunk of the car. I went back and checked to make sure I didn't leave anything. I didn't want mom to talk to me after this. She just let Greg slap me around like that. She didn't even bother stopping him.
When I came back down, Zander greeted me. I’m guessing he didn’t want to leave me in the house alone with Greg and my mom. It’s funny how the person who was supposed to protect you is the same person you want to avoid to save yourself.


"Flight going to West lake boarding school boarding gate 2, light going to West lake boarding school boarding gate 2" The lady over the intercom said.

"Come on" Zander said pulling me "The last thing we need to do is miss the flight"

After we gave the lady our tickets and she gave us the ends we got on the plane and found our seats. I was upset to find out that Zander wasn't going to sit beside me but in front of me. I know your saying "Wow what a big baby" and to that I say... yes, I know, but I'm absolutely terrified of planes.

"Zander what if the plane crashes?" I said sitting up so he could hear me.

"It won't calm down and breath Winter it'll be ok" he said turning abound in his seat to face me.

"You can't be sure of that" I said breathing deeply.

"Neither can you saying it will" Someone said and it wasn't Zander. In fact it wasn't even a guy it was a girl. I opened my eyes to see a girl with Blond hair and a pink streak with deep green eyes sit next to me.

"Hey, I'm Kailie Grace, I see you are now attending West lake boarding school along with thousands of boys and i believe 20 girls at the moment" she said holding her hand out for me to shake.

I saw Zander's eyes get big at the mention of only 20 girls and thousands of girls.

I shook Kailie's hand

"I'm Winter Love nice to know I wouldn't get stuck by some perv" I said giving her a small smile. "And this is my brother Zander" I said motioning to Zander who was now completely turned around in his seat the the mention on only 20 girls.

"Is he ok?" Kailie asked giggling.

"Zander, Helloo, ZAN" I said waving my hands in front of his face. "I'll lick you!" I said bringing my face closer to him sticking out my tongue.

"Not if you want to keep your tongue" he said and immediately I pulled back putting my tongue in my mouth not knowing if he was playing or not with the face he was making. He never looked this serious.

"Hey" Zander said with a little head nod thing,

"Hi" Kailie said blushing

AWWWWWWW Kailie likes my brother. Cute.

"We are now starting the 18 hour flight to West lake boarding school please fasten your seat belts...." the pilot said into the intercom before i completely blacked out. I didn't even know i was tired you think i wouldn't be able to sleep with me being in the hospital for forever.... well to me anyways.