Boarding School And An Arranged Marriage. Yeah, I Love My Life

Chapter 5

"Dad what are you doing here?" I asked looking at my smiling father.

"I came to tell you something honey, something that is very important for you and Zander. You can't let your guard down with any of the teachers. You two have to stay strong and stay together. Only trust the people you know won't do anything to hurt you" he said his smile fading looking around in the room we were in.

"Dad what are you ta...." was all I could say before the door was broken open and a dark figure pulled my father away.

"DAD" I screamed stepping out in the hallway only to see the pictures that hung on the walls and a few lights.

When i jolted up out of my chair I saw that we were still on the plane.

"What the hell?" I heard someone beside me say when I turned and saw Kailie, "Are you ok Winter? Your bleeding" she said looking at me with worried eyes.

"Ummmm, yeah I'm fine" I said wiping my face. She was right I was bleeding.

"Here come with me" she said grabbing my arm pulling me up with her making me follow her.

We walked down multiple isles until we reached the bathroom. When Kailie pulled me to the mirror
I saw why she looked so freaked out when she saw my face. There was blood everywhere.

"Hey Kailie do me a favor?" I asked I asked grabbing paper towels getting them wet.

"Ummm yeah sure" she said walking to grab more paper towels.

"Can you go get Zander?" I asked thanking her for the paper towels also holding them under the water.

I just stood there looking at my face. How in the fuck could this happen? Like really I was just sleeping!

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO YOU?!?!?" Zander asked coming though the bathroom.

"I don't know Zander I woke up and Kailie said I was bleeding" I said looking at him with fire on my eyes. He knows damn well I hate to be yelled at.

"Ok, Sorry Sorry" He said holding his hands up but, steeped towards me and helped me get the blood off. After about 5 minutes we finally got off all of the remaining blood. When I looked in the mirror there where scratches everywhere. As Zander examined my face I told him about my dream.

"Well Win... I think its time I told you something about us and dad... See where no-" Zander said before he was cut off by the pilots voice over the intercom anoncing we were landing in 15 mintues.

"Ugh" I sighed throwing my hands up. "You've gotta be fuckin kidding me"

"It's ok" Zander said giving a chuckle "I'll just tell you later"

"But I dont wanna know later I wanna know now" I said whinging like a baby. What I hate when I dont know things, it really aggervates me to no end.

"I'll tell you when we get to school and get settled calm down winter It'll be ok for you to wait a little while" He said when I gave him a 'are-you-kidding-me-you-expect-me-to-wait-that-long look.

"Fine" I mumbled throwing away all the napkins we used to clean my face.

What was he going to say. This really did suprise me. Zander keeping a secret from me we've always been so close. Werid I know but its just what we do. Were always there for each other and tell each other everything, so why would he keep something from me? and from the sound of his voice when he started he really didnt want to tell me at all.

"Let's go" Zander said pulling me out of my thoughts dragging me out of the bathroom door.

On our way back to our seats that were on the other side of the plane I saw exactualy what Kalilie was saying it was full of guys, I wouldnt have even noticed if they wouldnt have started being pigs and disrespecful as I was walking by, with eihter slapping my ass or cat calling. Let me tell you though as soon as Zander turned and told everyone to knock it off and if they ever see anyones hands on or even thinking of doing so to his little sister they shut up real quick. I found it extreamly amusing. I think this will be an entertaining year.

The rest of the way back to our seats though was quiet except for the quiet conversations flowing though the seats. When we sat down Kailie was looking up at me with a worried expresion.

"You ok Winter?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I told her flashing her a smile. I really do hate when people worry about me. I'd really rather someone else have the attention.

"Good" she said letting out a sigh of relef.
This girl is so sweet. I think i see a beautiful freindship forming here.