Status: One Shot for KatieInStereo

Who runs from Warped Tour? (John Gomez One Shot)

Who Runs from Warped Tour?

I wiped my tear stricken face with the back of my arm. It felt like the closet was getting smaller being cramped in this tight space with John Gomez from The Summer Set. Trying to make myself look good in this position was currently impossible and totally immoral. John spoke barely above a whisper, "Why us?". I took that as a rhetorical question and reflected on the past events that occurred in the last few hours.


I got ready in my tiny black shorts and All Time Low shirt, oh I am so ready for Warped this year. I texted my friends Katrina and Coryn to be ready, because I was about to pick them up. When we were all together we let out a scream, which caused the drawn attention of other drivers. This simply was going to be the best summer ever. We planned to meet all our favorite bands tonight, such as; All Time Low, The Summer Set, NeverShoutNever and The Maine. Finally being 18 and allowed the freedom that we wanted had never felt so incredible. With my perplex driving skills and the radio we got there in no time.

Soon we were walking from merch table to merch table and my eyes went wild at all the things I could buy. The one thing that caught my attention in the back of the NeverShoutNever merch table was a little sign that said 'Meet and Greets at 5pm'. I took a mental note of it and decided to tell the girls later as to not expose what I had found to the other fan girls. We began to hear music play and ran into the crowd only to get lost into the songs owned by All Time Low.

As 5pm approached I told Coryn and Katrina about the NeverShoutNever meet and greets. "That's so cool, but I think you and Coryn should go, I really wanna stay here for Boys Like Girls' last song." Katrina said. "Seriously, it's their last? Shit, I'm sorry Katie I wanna stay too." Coryn added. I replied hesitantly," um.. sure I'll be fine by myself, I have my cell phone.". I made my way out of the crowd and toward the merch table. I began to notice all the drunk teenagers and most of them making the wrong decisions to smoke. I shuddered not even being able to imagine what would make someone wanna smoke. As I got up to the merch table I noticed it completely deserted. "Hello?" I called. No answer. I walked around to the back of the tent. There stood a dark figure of a man dressed all in black, it sent shivers up my spine. Quickly, I turned away and swiftly walked down to another tent. I asked them, "Hello? um.. when is Chrisofer Drew having his Meet and Greet?" "Sorry miss, there's no meet and greets tonight." "But, I saw the sign." I corrected her. The creepy man appeared behind that tent now and spoke up, "I'm sure Christofer will make an exception. Come with me." He lead me to the back of the stage toward this dark area that I couldn't quite make out without my glasses. I began to have that feeling, ya know when everything doesn't feel right. "Maybe I shouldn't bother him." I said regretting every step I took. The man sharply turned in his tracks. He slowly took each step toward me. My attention was on the emotion in his eyes, and I was in pure terror. No one had ever looked at me like that before, the only feeling he had in his eyes was hunger. I started to back up farther and remembered my cell phone. I took out my cell and started to call 911 but the man forcefully grabbed my cell phone and threw it partially under the stage. My head turned demoniacally from side to side and decided to make a quick run for it to the nearest tour bus. Thank God it was open, I quickly jumped on it and locked it, only to find out this was The Summer Set's tour bus.


That is how I ended up in this current situation. Once I walked in John said "Woah Woah what are you doing here?!" thinking I was a fan girl. He realized the situatuion once he saw the mascara running down my face. He took me by the arm into the back of the bus and sat us down. I still had the feeling of being watched down under my skin. I explained the situation to John and said, "I have no idea who he is....I'm so scared." "Well, he doesn't sound like any of the men that work here, don't worry I'll protect you." We started to hear banging on the door. "SHIT!" I screamed. John smothered my mouth telling me to be quiet. We quickly ran into the closet and had been sitting in there since. We heard ruffling around on the bus and suspected it to be the man. I tried not to let a quiver come from my lips but I couldn't help it. I let out a cry. We heard swift steps run toward the closet and swing it open. Thank god... it was just Brian. John said, " Dude, call 911 right now I don't have my cell on me." "Why whats going on?!" Brian asked alarm filling his voice. "There's a man outside who I believe is trying to rape Katie here." I watched Brian pace again. "I saw him..." Brian said, "Shit, I can't believe it didn't register, I didn't know who it was." Brian picked up the phone to call and on the first ring the signal died. I started to get hysterical. Of course this had to happen, my first year of freedom and a great night with my friends, turned into a predator stalking me onto a bus with hot guys. I mean I didn't mind the hot guys but I sure would have preferred being on their bus for a different reason ;). Brian was determined to find help and ventured out to find security. John and I found our place back into the closet and took a seat. I rested my head against his chest and he took his thumb smoothing out the bumps in my hair. "Don't worry, I could never let that beast touch such a beautiful girl like you." I looked up at him and smiled as he wiped away my still wet tears. "I'm lucky to have you protecting me." He leaned down and I could see him staring at my lips. I knew he was going to kiss me and truly I wanted him to but not here and especially not now. "Not yet." I whispered. He looked away embarrassed but I was the one that felt stupid for telling him no. My friends had to know something was wrong, I had been gone for hours. Or, maybe they came up with one of there stupid explanations like, 'Katie probably ran off with Christofer Drew ya know, into a magical land where no rapists tried to kill her!' Yeah.. that would be a nice fantasy. After about 30 min of a very awkward silence in the closet we heard a hard knock on the bus door and a lot of men run in. We knew it was security. They swung the door open and we both ran out. "Thank God!!" I screamed. We all walked off the bus and I saw that man in the cop car next to the bus. The look in his eyes still gave me chills, even if he did have handcuffs on. I felt John's presence next to me, "Thank you so much for helping me, I'm really glad I decided to run onto your bus." I blushed as did he. "Not much of a first date. Huh?" He said. "First date?" I questioned. "Oh my god, I'd love to!" He said in a girly voice. I laughed totally confused at what just happened. "Here's my number." He stated slipping it into my pocket while quickly kissing me on the cheek. I stood there in shock as my skin burst with electricity, that I didn't realize John start to run toward the stage with the rest of the band. I walked back to the spot I lost my phone and collected what was mine. I called Coryn and told her to meet me to the left of the stage. "Where the hell were you this whole time?!" Katrina asked. "Yeah seriously we called you 7 times!" Coryn exclaimed. The whole crowd began to cheer as The Summer Set came on. "Hey guys wanna get out of here?" I asked. "Like you seriously wanna run away from warped tour? Come on, The Summer Set just came on." I bit my lip. "Don't worry, I think you'll be seeing them a lot more in the future." I smirked feeling the small piece of paper in my pocket.
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One Shot for Katie! This is the first short story I've wrote, so feedback would help. Please don't steal my story line, thanks.