Status: Working on.....


Chapter 6

He finally called! I got to hear his voice for the first time in about two months. Hearing him talk made me so happy that I nearly cried. We couldn’t talk for long because he had a time limit of 5 minutes, but that’s all we needed. All we need is enough time to say, “Hello, I miss you and love you so much. You mean everything to me.” Well that’s what I said. Trace said something more like “Hey baby, I love you so much, you are my world. I miss you so much baby. I don’t have long to talk but I love you, I'm not injured and I'm safe. I have to go. Remember, I’ll always love you.” At the end of his words I could barely speak so all I could reply was “I love you too baby, I can’t wait to be in your arms again.”

Even though my friends, ok well more like ‘friends’, vehemently hate Trace and think that this relationship is all wrong for me. And even though mother dearest has given me the cold shoulder since I started dating Trace. Trace is worth it. He is my world. I know, I believe, that we will last till the end.
♠ ♠ ♠
Let me know what you think :)
Also, I did check this for grammar and such but let me know if you find a mistake :)