Status: Working on it

Soul Meets Soul on Lover's Lips

If you took the time to notice me

Katie took a seat in the black padded chair Morgan pulled out for her, across from their suspected killer. He acted extremely uncomfortable as he glanced at her.

''W-what am I doing here?'' His eyes flickered from her to the cold glass table he sat at.

''You know exactly what your here for!'' Morgan's authoritative voice made him flinch.

''I-I don't know what your talking about, I just got some donuts.'' He defended himself poorly.

''Who were you with on the night of April 14th?'' Katie spoke, her eyebrow arched as she analyzed every move he made.

He fidgeted under her accusing stare.

Reid watched from behind the glass, occasionally getting distracted by her long, wavy dark curls. He looked enchantingly at her fair face.

Katie finally cracked him. He confessed all 3 murders, sobbing and apologizing as he did so.

Katrina left Morgan with their killer, to join Spenc and get a few cups of coffee.

''You would think being an FBI agent, you'd get half way decent coffee.'' She spoke to Reid, sipping the poor coffee anyway.

He smiled and nodded.

She patted his back and walked toward Hotch, to tell him of the news.

With a documented confession, valid evidence and solid proof, there was no way this man would get out within 5 years. And that was the sound of justice, the sound of the BAU doing their jobs.

When they got back to Virginia, Garcia meet them with tears in her eyes. It was like home.

Katie stayed the night with Garcia, since Hotch left earlier than normal to put Jack to bed. She didn't want Garcia to be alone.

She took the unoccupied seat to the right of her, taking a lollipop from Garcia's candy jar.

''I'm glad your here.'' Katie smiled her red lipstick smile, glancing over at Garcia. ''Anytime lovely.''

Garcia smiled as Katie took a stack of papers.

They talked all from nail polish to cars, It was great to have some 'girl time'.

''You know? For a profiler, you're completely oblivious!'' Garcia laughed as Katrina talked on and on about Spenc.

''What do you mean?'' Katie asked, confused to no end.

''Nothing hun'' Garcia dropped, Reid wouldn't tell her anything ever again if she said anything. Katrina shrugged, no pushing the matter but curiosity bubbling up like a volcano.