Status: Working on it

Soul Meets Soul on Lover's Lips

Winter in watercolor, shades of Grey

Hotch gave Katie a few days off, much to her protest. She needed something to distract her, and since she wasn't going to get that from work, she would have to distract herself.

Katie lifelessly laid across her sofa, The Cure playing loudly in the background. She ignored the tears that fell as she stared blankly and emotionless at the ceiling above her.

She sighed as a fresh batch of tears came rapidly streaming down her face.

Their was a soft knock of her door, Katie knew she probably looked like a miserable mess, but she simply didn't care.

''Come in.'' Her voice cracked with tears and sadness, she didn't care who was at the door, she didn't care if it were a killer or robber, she was far too numb to move.

She was relieved to see Spencer walk through the door, a solemn look upon his pale face.

He was worried about her, and that worry turned into deep sadness because of her misery.

He didn't turn the music down, he walked straight to her, embracing her in a comforting hug.

She leaned into him, allowing the tears to fall ceaselessly from her closed eyes. She was happy he was there, he always have been.

The tears slowly ceased to fall from her raw big blue eyes, but she didn't pull away. A shaky breath escaped her pale pink lips, but it was muffled by his shirt.

I stare at the window, I stare at the window, waiting for the day to go

They simply sat there, not saying anything. Just the sound of her weary breaths and occasional cries.