Status: Working on it

Soul Meets Soul on Lover's Lips

Driving in your car, I never never want to go home

Suddenly a loud moment ruining ring sounded from the dashboard, gaining an annoyed sigh from Spencer. ''We're ready to give the profile.'' Hotch informed from the other end of the line.

Spencer leaned over, kissing her anyway.

Katie smiled into the short sweet kiss, hopping out of the car when their lips did depart.

''We found traces of alcohol and heroin in all the victims systems, including our surviving victim, this could be the cause for memory loss.'' Prentiss spoke.

Morgan added: ''This indicates our unsub is weak and doesn't have the confidence, charm or strength to keep his victims there. He's very unsure of himself, which is great, he could slip up any moment.''

''Madeline Yeates, our only living victim remembers clouded flashes of what happened. She remembers hay, lots of it, which could mean we're looking for a barn.''

''What about a field?'' A local policemen inquired from his seat in front of them.

''Like we said, he isn't confidence with himself enough to have her unbound or uncaged.'' Morgan answered, gaining a nod from the policeman who had asked.

''What we're looking for is a man in his late 20's to early 30's, thin, Caucasian,  psychically immature.''


''Katie, Morgan! Talk to Madeline Yeates, she may have remembered more from that night.'' Hotch instructed, hoping for a new lead.

''Nothing better than visiting the hospital.'' Morgan sarcastically stated, grabbing his shades from the collar of his blue v neck t-shirt.

''Well there's certainly nothing better than going with me!'' Katie teased, smiling toothily as she hopped up from the desk she sat on.

He shook his head, his shades unable to hide the smile in his eyes.

Katie waved enthusiastically in the direction of Dr. Reid, who smiled and waved back, just as enthusiastically, if not more.

''You two are soo cute!'' Morgan playfully spoke, pinching her already blushing cheeks, before laughing out loud, folding the door open for her as she glared teasingly.

''Fine! Since you're being a meanie, I'm driving.'' She snatched the keys, sprinting toward the large shiny black SUV.

Morgan laughed, shaking his head as she ran, her mass of dark curls following lazily behind.

Katie jumped in, starting the car and teasingly beginning to drive, before Morgan even got in himself.

She laughed as he threw his arms into the air questioningly.

Katie opened his door from the driver's side, but when he got within a foot of the open door, she drove slowly again.

''Why you gonna be like that?'' Morgan asked, smiling as he dare not attempt to catch up.

She sighed, momentarily satisfied. Katie stopped the car, smiling cheekily as he cautiously approached.

Once he was convinced she wasn't going to speed off again, he confidently stepped closer.

''Oh, hurry up! I can hardly with stand this torture! Any second I could drive again, I can't be helped!'' She sighed, not trusting her random spazzisims.

He laughed, hopping in and shutting the door.

[bi]Johnny's wife is floundering, Johnny's wife is scared. Run, Jackie run[/bi]

Morgan moaned shamelessly as she laughed evilly.

''Texas is an outrage when your husband is dead, Texas is an outrage when they pick up his head, Texas is the reason that the president's dead'' She sung along, winking before smirking mock evilly and turning the radio up even louder.

Katie carelessly drove through the parking lot, getting into a spot before the next person.


''Madeline Yeates.'' Morgan told the receptionist, awaiting to hear her room number.

''354'' The fair haired receptionist spoke, glancing up at the two and not forgetting to wink in the direction of the bronzed well built man before her.

Katie held in the intense urge to pretend to be the jealous girlfriend, biting her lip as a smile mercilessly tugged on her full lips.

''Come on then, you sexy beast!'' Katie teased, winking playfully as she loped her thin arm with his muscular bicep, leading him to the silver elevator.

Morgan's laugh bouncing off the four walls of shiny steel.