Status: Just started...

Her Diamonds Falling Down

Roxanne, You Don't Have To Put On A Red Light

“You’re still awake!?” Hayley shouted once she saw Roberta had rejoined the party. She was now in the Jam Room cuddled into Danny's side.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” Roberta asked, confused. It was only two o’clock. She’s never been to a party, but she has stayed up late before.

“You drank so much! I thought you’d be out like a light or at least throwing up by now.” Hayley giggled.

“Nope, Bobby’s a natural.” Jack smiled, placing his arm around Roberta’s waist.

Hayley noticed Roberta didn’t flinch or look uncomfortable. She pried herself from Danny’s grasp and made her way over to Roberta.

“I need to talk to you.” Hayley grabbed Roberta and pulled her away from Jack and outside to the backyard. “Okay, spill girl. What happened in Jack’s room?”

“Nothing. We played 20 questions and I wanted to come back out to the party.” Roberta shrugged. She didn’t feel like explaining the whole no kiss/totally embarrassed part of the evening.

Hayley eyed her skeptically. “Really?”

“I swear. Nothing else happened.” Roberta crossed her heart like a little kid making a promise to a friend.

“Okay, I’ll let you slide this time.” Hayley gave Roberta one last look before heading back into the house. “Do you still want to drink or you done for the night?” Hayley asked once she was in front of all the liquor bottles in the kitchen.

“Are you done for the night?” Roberta questioned. She didn’t want to be the only one drinking.

“Hell no. I don’t stop until I drop.” Hayley laughed. “Let’s play a game.”

Roberta let out a whine. “Another game. Why do we have to play another game?”

“Because they’re fun!” Hayley scolded. “This one’s easy.” She made four drinks before poking her head out of the kitchen. “Hey Luke! Can you play Roxanne?” Luke simply nodded making his way over to the stereo. A few moments later “Roxanne” by The Police came blaring through the speakers. “Okay, it’s easy. Every time he says Roxanne you take a gulp of your drink.”

“Easy enough.” Roberta nodded. “Why do we need four drinks though?”

Hayley laughed. “Oh, you’ll see.”

Roberta heard the song before, but she never realized how many times Roxanne was actually said throughout the whole song. The pair finished both their drinks before the song even ended.

“Damn, I knew I should’ve made six.” Hayley slurred.

“If I wasn’t drunk before I am now.” Roberta giggled. She went to take a step, but almost completely fell over. If it weren’t for the couple she crashed into, she would’ve fell on her ass.

“Let’s dance!” Hayley grabbed Roberta and the two stumbled their way over to the living room. Soon enough more people joined in and the living room was now packed with sweaty, drunk people trying to grind on one another. Roberta felt a pair of hands grab her waist and move their body with hers. She looked up to see Jack smiling down at her.

“Look at you. Drunk as fuck and dancing in a group of people. I’ve never been more proud in my life.” Jack yelled in Roberta’s ear causing her to laugh.

“I know. I’m a normal teenager now!” Roberta threw her hands up fast almost causing her to topple over. This time Jack saved her before she could bump into anyone again. “Let’s go play that game again. In your room.” Roberta smiled and took off towards Jack’s room before he could even answer. She found Jack’s room and barged into it, making a b-line right for the bed.

“You’re something else when you’re wasted.” Jack chuckled at the drunk girl now laying on his bed.

“Is that a bad thing?” Roberta pouted.

“No, not at all.” Jack assured her and sat down next to her on the bed.

“I ask the question first this time.” Roberta slurred. “Do you want to kiss me?”

Jack was taken back at first. He was not expecting any of this. He didn’t even think Roberta would show up to the party let alone be lying on his bed asking him if he wanted to kiss her. Most drunk girls were annoying to him, but he couldn’t help but find Roberta incredibly cute at the moment.

“Of course I do.” Jack answered honestly.

“Drink!” Roberta shouted. She instantly sat up and pointed her finger at him. “You’re lying.” She hiccupped. “If you wanted to kiss me you would’ve by now.

“I’m not lying.” Jack laughed softly. “You’re drunk and I don’t want your first kiss to be when you’re drunk.”

“Whatever.” Roberta mumbled. She fell back down on the bed. Jack glanced over at her and could already see she was going to pass out.

“How about we get you home?” Jack suggested.

“I don’t want to go home. My mom will kill me.” Roberta’s words were so slurred. Jack could barely make out what she was saying. “I want to stay right here.”

Jack didn’t know what to do. Surely she wasn’t going to remember anything from tonight. He didn’t want her waking up and freaking out when she realizes she slept in his room and in his bed, but he just couldn’t say no to her.

“You can stay here.” Jack smiled. He got up and grabbed the comforter making sure Roberta was completely tucked in. He grabbed a pillow from his bed and a blanket from his closet and prepared a spot on the floor for him to sleep. He knew tomorrow Roberta was going to be completely different.
♠ ♠ ♠
I feel like I might have rushed this chapter. Sorry if I did. Anywho, I'm not making Jack a jerk. I just refuse to do it.

Has anyone played that drinking game to Roxanne? Or AC/DC 'Thunder'? I almost died when I did.

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