I Know, You Know

Chapter 2

Shawn’s POV:

I have to admit, Autumn surprised me. I hadn’t expected to see her. But, well, I’m a good actor, obviously. That’s how I’ve managed to convince the entire Santa Barbara police department I’m psychic. And kept it up for more than four years now.

Gus and I sat in her small apartment kitchen. She’d invited us over for lunch. Or, well, we’d sort of invited ourselves over when she said something about food…

Which, nevertheless, led to the same result. Us sitting in her kitchen.

Once inside I could see I was right about the unpacking thing. Sort of. She had obviously unpacked enough to cook, but hadn’t unpacked anything else. There were stacks of boxes all over the house. I had simply gone with the reasonable assumption that she hadn’t unpacked yet.

I had known somebody knew was joining the department, thanks to McNab letting the fact slip, and that she was due to arrive in town yesterday and that her introduction to the department would be today.

Plus, her clothes were wrinkled, like they had been pulled from a box that morning rather than her closet.

“Sorry about the mess.” She said as she moved around the kitchen. “I went grocery shopping last night, but I’ve only unpacked a few of my dishes and whatnot. Though I guess you know that.” She shot a tight smile at me, and I shrugged.

“No, I get visions randomly. I don’t know everything about a person.” I replied.

She smiled. “That’s a relief.” She handed me the pineapple I’d given her earlier. “Why don’t you slice this up?”

I’d known about her not having a partner yet thanks to McNab too. The person she’d been hired to replace wasn’t retiring until Friday. So they planned to stick her with Lassy—since he was the head detective—until they figured out how to rearrange things.

As for the vegan thing, that had been a lucky guess. I’d needed something to convince her, something that wasn’t something she would assume I could observe. She was working with the police, so I had to convince her I was psychic. We’d been friends for only four years, and I had to be sure she wouldn’t turn me in as a fake.

Only Gus and my dad knew the truth.

But she’d been a vegetarian as long as I’d known her, and I remember her telling me once that she planned to become a vegan someday. It seemed reasonable to assume she had by now.

And if she hadn’t I could have brushed it off as something else. A vision of the future, perhaps, or something. As long as she was convinced of my ‘gift’ it was fine.

But I’d been right…which was obvious by what she had stocked in the refrigerator. Vegan mayonnaise, vegan butter, soymilk…absolutely no meat, dairy or eggs. I had no idea how she did it.

Whatever she was doing, though, it was working for her. The girl looked great. She was fit, slim everywhere but, of course, her chest, which had always been my favorite part of her anyway. Okay, sure, I had teased her endlessly about it when we were in high school, but that didn’t mean anything. But I couldn’t tell her I found her attractive, especially when we were kids. She’d been my best friend. Which was weird, because she’d hated me in middle school. Apparently I was annoying. Or something.

But after that summer before high school…well, she’d ended up becoming one of my best friends. Until, apparently, graduation, when we’d sort of just…stopped talking. I guess because she’d moved. And then I’d had all sorts of different jobs and I’d been busy with that…

And now she was back. It would be weird, getting used to seeing her around the police station and whatnot. It was weird to me that she was a detective now. But I’d get used to it. I’d just have to watch myself until she was completely convinced I was psychic.