Lipgloss Lies, Doing the Time

I've ***d Myself For Less Than This

Ian leaned over and kissed me. Taking me completely by surprise, his tongue rolled around the inside of my mouth, sending shivers down my spine. My entire body tingled with the sensation of me and Ian’s lips finally connecting.
It didn’t take long for the peace to be disturbed. We heard the room door open and pulled away from each other, looking at the rude awakener. Sean stood at the doorway looking around awkwardly, hands shoved in his pockets.
“Yes?” Ian said sharply
“Just letting you know that, um, the eh, mixing is done and the songs completed” stuttered Sean “If you two aren’t that um... busy you can come in and listen”
“We’ll be in there in a second” said Ian, waving his hand at Sean, dismissing him.
Sean nodded then practically ran down the hallway, we exchanged a laugh then kissed again.
“How often do you think that’ll be happening on the tour?” I asked jokingly
“Give it a few times a night” replied Ian, taking my hand and walking us into the mixing room. The entire day had been spent mixing a song that we’d recently recorded; it was called ‘It’s High Tide Baby!’ and not being full of myself but it sounded good.
“Ian, Gavin!” Rhys cheered when we sat down “Wait till you hear this. It’s brilliant”
Ian, myself and the rest of The Blackout sat nodding our heads in approval of the song. It did sound really good. When it was over everybody high fived and man-hugged.
“Well played you three! Vocals are amazing” said Mathew joyfully
“We know that!” laughed Sean “We don’t need to be told”
“Well said” I agreed, leaning on Ian’s shoulder squeezing his fingers tightly.

I looked at Sean guiltily, he looked straight back. He wasn’t really taking this relationship all that well, considering he had a huge crush on Ian, so did I and I was the lucky one who Ian returned the feelings for. It hurt me a little bit seeing the sad look in my best friend’s eyes but what could I do? I loved Ian and Ian loved me. At least I hope he did...


“Ian this doesn’t feel right” I protested, pulling away from his lips despite the fact they tasted so good “I can’t do this to Gavin”
“Sean who are you kidding?” Ian laughed, wrapping his arms around my waist “You want it and I want it”
“But you’re meant to be dating my best friend!” I said, my temper rising the slightest bit “Now please just stop it before I succumb to you’re... you’re...”
“See! You do want it!” he said, pushing me against the wall and slamming his lips into mine, our tongue’s twisted around one another, weaving through one another’s mouths. Nothing felt so good but felt so horrible at the same time. My worst fear was Gavin walking in on this heartbreaking scenario. Ian liked to cause a scene and make trouble, wouldn’t surprise me if he’d set this whole thing up so that Gavin would walk in on us.

We released from each other’s grip and he looked me up and down, licking his lips. I feared his next sentence, for all the right reasons.

“We taking this further or what?”
“That’s where I cross the line Ian! No, just no!” I snapped “Are you saying Gavin isn’t good enough for you or something?”
“No that’s not what I’m saying at all! I just... I get bored” he said biting his lip nervously
“You want to ruin what you have with Gavin and what I have with Gavin because you’re bored?
He glared down at his feet, shrugging. Ian Watkins had been left speechless.


We had been on tour around the UK for 3 weeks now. Which means it had been 3 weeks since Sean told Gavin I had cheated on him several times, Sean confessed his secret feelings for Gavin and now the two had hooked up together? It wasn’t that difficult to see the two of them all over each other. It just made me incredibly jealous, Sean and Gavin both lovely guys who I wouldn’t mind sharing a bed with and waking up to every morning. The trouble was I got greedy. Gavin tried to confront me, unfortunately I wasn’t a good person to be confrontational with.

“So you’ve been sleeping around behind my back?” asked Gavin sadly
“That’s generally where I am when me and you have sex, yes” I replied smartly
Gavin scowled at me, “Stop it Ian! Isn’t this difficult? Can’t you take anything seriously?”
“I can, yes”
“Well why isn’t this hard!?” he snapped at me
“That’s funny. Because I ask my dick the same thing whenever you give me a hand job”
“Oh grow the fuck up!” screamed Gavin, exiting my flat and slamming the door behind him.
“Bye bye Gavin.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I quite enjoyed writing this. It was fun to add a little humour into the story.
Thanks for reading :)